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Everything posted by scottsdad

  1. Changing my assessment for next year. Exams are torture to write and stressful for the students. So moving to coursework. Exactly what that will be, I haven't decided yet. Not essays - sick to death of them. Might try something new - a poster, a video, something like that. Scott did a poster in his course and seemed to enjoy it. In have time to decide as I don't start teaching until September. Anyway, back to my exam papers. 189 of them to be marked by January 15th...
  2. Never thought of it this way. I'll video myself dancing in my scants and get it uploaded, pronto. Instant success should follow, right?
  3. At the end of last night's one, when he was sent to jail the wife said to me: "It's like Friends. The bummer becomes the bummee". I think she got that quote wrong somewhere!
  4. You all have filthy minds. There is not a woman with her bum out in this image.
  5. Watching The Bisexual just now. Brilliant. "You juicing, Larry?" I wish Rosie O'Donnell had been in it more.
  6. The word count thing...don't sweat it too much. Nobody likes reading an essay that has clearly been padded out. Hopefully you're not too far off the mark with the content
  7. Privatise the profits, socialise the losses. Always the case.
  8. Perfectly legal challenge on Ronaldo IMO.
  9. Fun fact - the people in that scene were not actors or extras. Koenig and Nichelle Nichols literally stood on a street corner asking passers by where the Nuclear Wessels were. The director thought that having folk genuinely looking like uncomfortable and trying to get away from the crazy people would improve the scene.
  10. Councillors highlight 'one of Britain's biggest potholes' - by fishing in it They named it the "Buckfast Chasm"
  11. One place I'd like to go is to see the ruins of Lochindorb Castle. It's a 13th century castle in the middle of a loch. Completely ruined. Not much to look at. What gets me about this is that the island it stands on was artificially created. Someone, in the 13th century, made an island in the middle of a loch and built a fucking castle on it. I mean, as achievements go I think that's pretty special. They didn't even have speedboats.
  12. There are many, many better castles in Scotland than Edinburgh. I'd take Stirling over it any day, to name one.
  13. There are loads of places between here and Glasgow I've never been to. Lennoxtown, Bishopbriggs, Stepps - been past them and around them, but never in them.
  14. Aside from Lost, these are all cracking TV shows. I managed about 3 episodes of Lost before giving up.
  15. This just enrages me. It's a legitimate research question - did ethnicity play a part in how susceptible people were to the plague? It isn't woke. Is saying that black people are more likely to develop type 2 diabetes woke biology now, too?
  16. Aldi do boxing day curry as well. They are dreadful though.
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