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Everything posted by scottsdad

  1. I watched a show with Scott about 18 months ago. I can't remember the title but it was something like "behind the scenes at KFC". It showed the gravy - a brown gelatinous hockey puck. They heated it up to liquefy it and then it was ready. It looked utterly horrendous.
  2. VAR would be improved by removing the impartiality of it. Just have it manned by 3 fans of the home team in each case.
  3. One of our recently-joined colleagues suggested that we apply for accreditation from an organisation based in Asia, suggesting that this might boost our student recruitment from there. Maybe bring in 10 students a year. So I enquired. They replied, stating that we'd have to apply and all the paperwork (lots and lots of it) required. Fair enough. At the end they just added in that they'd need a visit to us early next year, a fee of £10k for the visit, and we pay their flights, accommodation and meals for the duration of the visit. Not quite sure how best to tell them to get tae..
  4. Up above the streets and houses Rainbow flying high Geoffrey stuck his cock out the window Pished in Bungle's eye Bungle threw a daftie Ran on up the stairs Grabbed old Geoffrey by the cock And pulled out all the hairs Na-na-na-na-na-na-na
  5. I joined Platinum at new year and the benefits are multiple: No ads faster browsing The other "hidden" sections of the forum reading the Gold member's PM's Weekly nude updates from @BFTD Once a month we vote on a random Gold member to ban I could go on...
  6. Given you guys have just won the title, this thread is Weeks between posts!
  7. I really hoped the Breen would annihilate the fucking lot of them. "Fed HQ" can get in the sea. It's Federation Headquarters.
  8. Here you go (any excuse)
  9. A few months earlier and she could have been in Celebrity Big Brother
  10. Star Trek - the Gamesters of Triskelion Doctor Who - The Keys of Marinus Doctor Who - The Brain of Morbius Cain - Robocop 2 The Man with Two Brains
  11. I don't get why this is hitting the news now, 7 years after his win and after the government folk found out about it.
  12. Michael Stewart on the radio at the weekend (I know, I know) suggested that Montgomery wasn't the problem, but "behind the scenes" was. Does that opinion cut any ice with Hibs fans?
  13. Dreamt last night that my auntie died and left me a garage. It was delivered to my house and put in my back garden. From the outside it looked like an ordinary garage, but on the inside it was fitted out like a luxury hotel room.
  14. From the guy trolling around various "next manager" threads with the line "Gary Holt would be a good shout", this is quite something.
  15. Whoever you get, please get them helicoptered in ahead of their first game. Ideally landing on the centre circle just before kick-off
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