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Everything posted by scottsdad

  1. Aye, cyclists should just launch themselves into potholes and take the hit. What is the point of helmets otherwise?
  2. Who are you? What have you done with The Sarge?
  3. So now we have three "first" series? 1963, 2005 and, er, 2024
  4. Oh, and the woman who played Munday is the new companion.
  5. In what universe is this "Season 1" ?
  6. How much does it cost to get a tree cut down?
  7. A follow up! 'She's made our lives hell for 23 years': Couple at war with nightmare neighbour, 66, break their silence after police step in to break up row sparked by leaves blowing onto a driveway
  8. It was about 27 million, mostly at the hands of the Nazis.
  9. Tickets booked for Star Trek 3: The Search for Spock showing at Cineworld in about 4 weeks time.
  10. There is a whole part of my job I don't talk about much on here, on student wellbeing. I am happy to talk about petty annoyances elsewhere, but this is an increasing part of the job. I utterly echo what you say. In my 11 years in the job I have known 3 students in my School who took their own lives. I went to the funeral of one. Student wellbeing is utterly central to what we do.
  11. Often makes work, you end up remarking what they give. One guy I had gave out grades ranging from 5 to 25% only. Another never gave anyone less than 75%.
  12. I once took over a course...300 students all submitting 3000 word essays. That's almost a million words to read. And about 4 weeks to do it (as well as the rest of the job). The feedback was utterly generic. Some students grumbled, some wanted an essay back on their submissions.
  13. Attach the cables from the battery to your baws. All going well you'll feel a "message of hope" that the car is OK.
  14. I once cleaned out Phil Collins' chest freezer. When I was done I said "Take a look at it now. It's just an empty space."
  15. I like you Joe. But the Greens are loonballs. Always have been.
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