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Everything posted by scottsdad

  1. I voted to predict a Tory landslide, in protest at the lack of options above.
  2. Read in the Graunaid that there are about 150 constituencies where the Tories have not yet selected a candidate. Doesn't sound like the wee man had this all planned out.
  3. Balanced BBC coverage, interviewing 2 lifelong Tory voters.
  4. Morrissey blows goats and gargles their chunky spunk
  5. Sunak to pull off the biggest upset in history, 200 seat majority, PM for life. Labour to disband.
  6. Listened to 5 live a minute ago, they were having a phone in. Caller said she didn't know anything about the parties, the leaders, their policies. No clue who she was voting for. Admitted she was clueless. Why the f**k phone the radio, then?
  7. BBC reporting that the wee man will make a statement. They say outside Downing Street but I bet he's standing in Downing Street when he makes it. Sunak to make statement We are hearing that Rishi Sunak is to give a statement outside Downing Street and is expected to announce a summer general election date. Stay with us as we bring you all the details - and you can watch live by pressing the Play button at the top of the page.
  8. I was wondering if anyone would spot that!
  9. I'd laugh myself inside out if the election was called and the Tories announced a leadership campaign to happen at the same time.
  10. Guardian going with a "sources" news story now https://www.theguardian.com/politics/article/2024/may/22/rishi-sunak-will-call-general-election-for-july-in-surprise-move-sources
  11. General election speculation feels different this time The BBC saying it could be on, too
  12. David Cameron had to fly home early from this
  13. What seems to be causing this is cabinet ministers cancelling travel plans and TV appearances. Cameron home from albania early; Shapps delaying his trip; Hunt pulling out of Robert Peston, etc
  14. The rumours of an early election are still going on. from the Mail though
  15. I have never thought "I fancy rewatching Discovery". When this season is done, so am I. like Voyager, it will be in the past. I have been through SNW a couple of times.
  16. I am in a similar boat. My wife was off work for 3 months from new year, and my twice-daily walks at work just stopped. Well aware I have put on the beef. The wife is feeling it too as her medication is causing weight gain. Back on campus now, back walking. And, of course, reducing the midweek drinking helps.
  17. I would not be surprised to see him at ManYoo by Christmas.
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