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Everything posted by scottsdad

  1. It's simple. People sing in shops but not in churches. People stand/sit next to each other for extended periods in shops but not in churches.
  2. Nothing to do with her being photographed in a church maskless yesterday.
  3. Not surprised Prince Andrew was at yesterday's ceremony with his mother. It's not as if they could leave him at home with the kids.
  4. Wee story to give some of you The Fear. Years ago I was with Scottish Power. I had major billing issues with them, and as a result downloaded all my statements. I went to the ombudsman eventually, and decided enough was enough and left them. I was £300 in credit with them when I pulled the trigger. They sent me a bill saying I owed £900. How had they done this? Simple. They moved me to a higher tariff, then recalculated the previous two years' usage at the new tariff. Hey presto, a £1200 swing. Oh, and they deleted all my statements from the online system. Lucky I still had the statements, made another claim against them with the ombudsman etc. Got my money plus a goodwill gesture of £50. What I am trying to say is - download and keep all statements. I wouldn't trust any of these companies not to do this again and recalculate your past usage at the current rate.
  5. Aside from coming out, sounds like they have had a bad time of it recently.
  6. I did this stuff when doing computer studies at school, so I guess there are folk out there who use it for some reason or another. And as I said earlier, it came up in the Star Trek 25th Anniversary computer game. I remember doing factorising equations at school and one of my classmates doing his nut in asking why we were learning it as nobody would ever use it in real life. I have been using them for 20 years.
  7. I don't know if they have given an end date on this - wouldn't surprise me if they have said this. Then come August it will still be there.
  8. On hexadecimal the way to think of it is this. We use decimal (base 10). This means we have 10 characters to represent numbers (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9). When you reach a number past nine you then go in to two digits (tens and units). Then three digits (hundreds, tens and units). Binary is base 2. It has 2 characters to represent numbers (0,1). When you get a number higher than 1 you get two digits (twos and units). So the number two is represented as 10. Then three units (fours, twos and units). Hexadecimal is base 16. It has 16 characters to represent numbers (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,A,B,C,D,E,F). When you reach a number past fifteen (F) then you get two digits (sixteens and units). So the number sixteen is represented as 10. You can apply this to any number really, so long as you have enough characters to represent the individual numbers.
  9. My wife was pregnant, just 5 or 6 weeks along and she started bleeding and cramping. We went to the hospital and I still remember the look on the nurse's face as we told her what was going on. She was convinced we had lost the baby. And we were really worried sick also as we had been trying for a year before she fell pregnant. We got a reassurance scan also - and now 17 years on he is 6 foot 2 and left for school an hour ago.
  10. Me too. With infection rates being what they are, she will keep the masks.
  11. My previous neighbours were a bit strange. They had a beef with another neighbour about parking spaces and ended up phoning the police, accusing this guy of not having tax on his car (he did). Then they phoned again accusing him of videoing kids playing in the street. Phoned the council about him putting his bins in the wrong place. They went door to door in the street trying to get folk to phone the police about this specific guy, for anything we could think of, "to get him out". Deranged people. When they moved out I spent a happy evening drinking rusty nails. The other neighbour is still here.
  12. Last week, P&B was hitting me with ads for bras. This week: WTF??
  13. This issue of standing charges was in the news, and seems very unfair. It is localised and depends on how much network is needed to connect you. So if you live in central London, the standing charge is lower. If you live somewhere more rural it is higher. Liverpool, even though it is a city, has a higher charge than London. Scotland overall higher still. And the cap for these is regional, and set by Ofgen. Why not have a standard rate for the whole country?
  14. I did base numbers at school just as the Star Trek 25th anniversary computer game came out. It had a level where you had to translate numbers into base 3 and base 16 to get through a door. Easily the best Star Trek video game.
  15. One of the women in my wife's office has a baked potato with egg mayo and tuna for lunch.
  16. If Wee Dougie Ross has anything at all about him, he'll be using that picture now to show that the masks should be binned. But he is a bit slow on the uptake, so guessing not.
  17. Wild wild west is in my top 5 worst movies of all time. The song was better than the film.
  18. You were working as a waitress at a cocktail bar...
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