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Everything posted by scottsdad

  1. Sprinklers on the corners, reverse grids, loads of ways to rip it up.
  2. Came home at half time today to find the wife sitting watching this, having cracked open one of my beers. I let that pass and asked her for a summary. She told me nothing except that the Rangers player was sent off and it was utterly unfair. Blatant pro-Celtic bias. Barely touched the boy and, in fact, the Celtic player was playing for the foul. The end of the match came and eventually I saw a replay of said foul. What was she watching? A clear, stick-on red. No doubt about it at all.
  3. Not convinced he is old Oaky. Oaksoft could engage, make jokes. He also had a bit of empathy and understanding. He posted loads and loads on every subject under the sun. He called me "fucking arrogant". Of course, for balance, he was a bit cranially detached. On many subjects, not least gender and energy prices.
  4. I watched about 20 minutes. Knocking balls round the table, making breaks of 12, missing every safety shot...I don't get the appeal.
  5. Watched it with the wife last night. All contradictory. Morgan held back, sensing some fragility there.
  6. Not for me. Everyone can see that everything isn't working. Every public service is fucked. The NHS waiting list is miles long, potholes everywhere, council services beyond breaking point, rivers full of jobbies...everywhere you look is decay and decline under this mob.I And what is the Tories big idea? Paying folk to live rent free in Rwanda, folk who were going there anyway. Starmer doesn't give me any special tingles, but a new Labour government will surely be better. It literally cannot be worse.
  7. I told my boss I would only communicate using Tom Petty song titles. "That's unacceptable" he said. "I won't back down," I replied.
  8. Once again, the Scottish football conspiracy against Yogi continues. For shame, QOS....for shame...
  9. Gandalf came in my shop earlier and asked "Do I get any money off for having a big stick". I said, "sorry we don't offer staff discounts"
  10. Asda was originally Associated Dairies.
  11. Spock on Star Trek I am currently watching just said "kindness is a human emotion". My question: is it?
  12. Who are these 18%? I get "the 1%" going Tory as the Tories give them billions in public funds. But 18?
  13. 2 minutes 15 in, Jessica Gunning's real voice. Sounds strange after watching it.
  14. Terry Farrell (aka F.M.S.) Was in Quantum Leap
  15. Watching the episode Obsession, which is where this image came from.
  16. The Guardian did some vox pops from the weirdos in Dover. https://www.theguardian.com/politics/article/2024/may/09/i-understand-why-she-moved-dover-voters-on-natalie-elphicke-switching-parties The country has gone to the dogs (under the Tories) so don't vote Labour.
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