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Everything posted by IainMorton

  1. Just finished season 1 on Netflix as I’ve never actually watched all the episodes before, brilliant stuff to watch although there is only one real reason I am watching this...
  2. Just back from a really emotional wedding, even the cake was in tiers.
  3. Would be interesting to see the two Mercedes drivers going for the title, and if Bottas has the bottle* to stand up to Hamilton in a straight fight. *insert Kevin Keegan gif here.
  4. Got to laugh at Ferrari showing good pace and then fucking up when it really matters, although I do feel sorry for Leclerc.
  5. Looking at the table, if Thistle stay ahead tonight and we get a certain set of results at the weekend, we could have 6th-9th level on 41 points and 5th on 42 points going into the final round of games.
  6. The lad at the front in the white polo shirt has just caught his best mate shagging his burd...
  7. What is the last part of your body to stop working when you die? Your pupils, they dilate.
  8. We've had the upper hand all season, TBF
  9. He was too busy laughing at the shite defending.
  10. Just need Ainsley popping his head out one of the windows, spoon in hand.
  11. Superb, can’t wait to watch the highlights and listen to the stunning commentary
  12. All we need now is the seething/heads gone McKinnon gif for full effect.
  13. The fact that this Morton team can still finish 5th is amazing. Anyone that finishes below us deserve to be relegated even if they finish outside the bottom two.
  14. Classic heads gone from some Grangemouth fans here...
  15. Went to the Thistle game a few weeks ago...... Away games only then
  16. Our lucky mascot, you should go to more of our games
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