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Everything posted by IainMorton

  1. Fed up with people coming to my door asking for donations. Just had a woman from the sperm bank, I gave her a mouthful.
  2. I thought it was ok although it was difficult to keep up at times with the flashbacks. Not usually a fan of children in tv shows, but Judith is a brilliant character.
  3. I’m obviously living in the wrong place, then
  4. Yeah i think the draw at Cappielow was vital for us as it stopped you gaining points on us and dragging us into the battle. We should be ok but I wouldn’t be surprised if we go into the final couple of games needing a win to avoid the bottom two.
  5. IainMorton

    Sons of Anarchy

    Fair enough but I find it interesting that he chose to comment on the “prison rape bum sex” and found that weird, but not comment on the rape of a female earlier in the series which I found more disturbing, or the young girl being deliberately burned alive in front of her father. Each to their own, I suppose.
  6. Happening every time I open the site on chrome. Unusable now
  7. Unfortunately I deleted the screenshot with her Instagram username before i blurred it out.
  8. Neither club actually saying what the agreement is?
  9. I’ve also just noticed an exposed third nipple on her boob.
  10. Probably cos s/he is a wid not.
  11. I think she’s been through more than just filters
  12. Bottas cruising out in front, Ferrari half a minute off the pace. Didn’t expect that after winter testing.
  13. I was sure Danny Ric was going to slam into the side of someone in T1. Amazing he managed to slow it down enough.
  14. English football fans that stand and politely applaud when their team, who are down to ten men, score a last minute winner away from home.
  15. Not saying that they shouldn’t, but they have all day to go shopping and the shops will still be there at lunchtime. There was actually an argument a few months ago as someone had their trolley on an already packed bus and there was no space for anyone to get off unless they were auditioning for Krypton Factor.
  16. Annoys me in the morning, why do pensioners feel the need to do a massive shop at 8am?
  17. When you try and slowly tip the remainder of your packet of crisps into your mouth but they come out too quickly, which means you either choke on them or they go down the front of your shirt.
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