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Everything posted by IainMorton

  1. How long before we figure out how shite it is this week? I'll say 2mins 37 secs.
  2. 1998 - don’t get in a car with strangers 2008 - don’t meet strangers from the internet alone 2018 - Uber - order yourself a stranger online and get in their car, alone
  3. The f**k is this? https://twitter.com/celticf67021910/status/1101049922193948672?s=21
  4. Celtic fan on STV news there “ah thought he was dain quite well anaw”. No shit, he only won 7 trophies out of 7
  5. HANDS OFF HOPPY! He’s coming back to Cappielow where he belongs.
  6. Surely seeing them being pumped domestically is glorious too?
  7. The worrying thing for Celtic is that he might want to take their best players in the summer, which would be more painful IMO.
  8. 6/10 this week. Hopefully that’s the filler episodes out of the way.
  9. So basically they are going to repeat everything from the original MaM series and just say “talking shite... talking shite...” after it?
  10. What was so painful about the episode last night is that they tried to make it relevant, about how much random nonsense shows up on social media and people posting stuff just for “likes” and they failed miserably. Even the scene with Winston at the community hall was horrible to watch.
  11. If roles were reversed would you be happy for your new manager to walk out after three months to a club in the same league? Genuine question.
  12. Shite, and I imagine the game on Friday night will be shite too (for me anyway...)
  13. It was funny before as it was original, now they are just forcing it and it’s not working.
  14. FTFY. I’m actually cringing watching this.
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