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Everything posted by IainMorton

  1. Horrible news and totally unexpected. RIP, Charlie.
  2. Not quite, but I do have framed autographs on my living room wall from the cast members I have met at conventions, sad or what?
  3. OBJ to Cleveland has to be a piss take, right?
  4. This sometimes works in your favour. Went to a gig in London 12 years ago and as I was skint, I had to book a room in student digs through late rooms. £70, had to pay a 10% deposit when booking and pay the rest when checking out. As my bus back to Glasgow was at 8am I checked out when only security was at reception and they couldn’t take my money, and I wasn’t chased up for it after. Two nights in London for £7 - result
  5. How awesome would it be if Daryl, Negan and Beta somehow teamed up? Perfect dream team for a zombie apocalypse.
  6. Depends what you are rubbing on the machine...
  7. My lesbian neighbours gave me a new Rolex for my birthday. I guess they misunderstood me when they asked what I wanted for a gift and i said “I wanna watch”.
  8. Derek Rae’s commentary, especially the “visionary passing” comment. Isn’t every pass visionary, you knob?
  9. Three episodes in a row with someone on their arse. Why do they suddenly think this is funny? Or have they ran out of ideas for “laughs”.
  10. Aye getting his own back on everyone.
  11. Get the falling over shite tae f**k.
  12. IainMorton

    Breaking Bad

    You could be right as there is a scene in BB which shows Gale opening all the equipment in the laundry lab, although I’m not sure if he actually cooked there as it looked pretty new when Walt showed up for the first time.
  13. We will never know unless we take the chance. No point saying “what if” and sticking with the same routine which is getting us nowhere.
  14. I’m glad he has scrapped the three year plan as it was never going to work, the same as Dougie’s five year plan. Time for new ownership and change of direction, I wouldn’t be unhappy with the Easdales coming in if it meant better things.
  15. Enjoyed the programme about Glasgow Central. Definitely turning into a boring old fart
  16. “Ladies and gentlemen, Shug.... and two polis” still my favourite line from the show.
  17. “You don’t put bachhhhon on a Big Machhhhhh” fck off.
  18. Twice now that it's happen this season, agreed it needs to get to f**k as it's not funny.
  19. Get Lone Wolf tae f**k, v decent apart from that though.
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