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Everything posted by IainMorton

  1. The amount of additional charges when buying gig tickets. Just bought two tickets that were £30 each but for each ticket I had to pay a service charge, handling fee (what’s the difference?) and a facilities fee which meant the total was £71. Obviously don’t mind paying for postage, but the other fees are a joke.
  2. I would hate to work from home, purely for the fact I would get out of bed at 3pm and sit playing Fifa for the rest of the day.
  3. You still have to play us. That’s three points right away.
  4. Just started reading the comics. I know I’m doing it the wrong way round but no spoilers please
  5. I don’t agree with the sentence either, he needs a bullet in his sick brain.
  6. My local cafe now sells Oasis soup. It’s just like normal soup, but you got a roll with it.
  7. That was a let down after last week
  8. I always get slagged off in the office as I always decline some cake or a doughnut when someone brings it in, as I would then feel obliged to buy some for everyone else. One thing I can't stand is people that take every freebie that is going but won't put their hand in their pocket to treat other people.
  9. Everyone chips in a couple of quid and they boss sends flowers on behalf on the company, that's all.
  10. I would sign a leaving card for someone but never put money in. Only time I put money to a collection is when a colleague has had a relative pass away.
  11. I’m hoping Ferrari don’t tell him to move over for Vettel, but I think they will
  12. Hope no, I've spent a shit load of money to see them in September
  13. Poor episode but loved the ending, was expecting someone to die in their sleep in the tent. Sad to see it go.
  14. A girl that I work with always has to describe things as actual. “That was actual amazing”, or “it’s actual freezing out there”. So annoying.
  15. Same in my work, although as far as I know it has never happened to anyone. I know I don’t have the balls to try it as I would get caught out.
  16. The colleagues in my work have started naming the food items in our fridge. Today I had a sandwich called Linda.
  17. I think last night’s episode was the first time in TWD history when wee minor things that you didn’t really notice happened during the show then at the end had you thinking “ahhhh, now that makes sense”. Brilliant episode, the best one yet from the whole series?
  18. I was half expecting Daryl to meet his ending when Alpha took him up to the cliff edge looking down on that massive herd.
  19. Out of that list, I voted for Hyperdales. Purely for “et tu Isa, I never ate two of anything”.
  20. Best episode since it came back for s7. One main storyline with everyone involved and no crappy wee side stories. Will be kinda emotional next week, I think.
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