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Everything posted by IainMorton

  1. Remember some Falkirk fans were saying they were going to finish above us once McKinnon had the chance to get his own players in during the January window?
  2. If Falkirk sell out their home allocation they can always make their fourth stand available.
  3. Did you know you can now be a sperm donor by post? When I found out I came in a jiffy.
  4. Pretty difficult to relax with workmen at the door every 20 minutes. PS no euphs there...
  5. Yep. Obviously enjoys the challenge of moving around the leagues!!
  6. Had to take the day off work as there is work being done on the block of flats and access is required to the house. Not even 10:30, I’m already bored shitless and daytime tv is awful.
  7. Amazing as he won promotion to the Premiership with two teams last season
  8. Any hot food products should be kept to the canteen.* Sometimes the young lad that sits behind me will bring back a macdonalds or KFC and eat it at his desk while working. * same goes for cold food products that stink the place out - pasta, sushi etc.
  9. Probably wouldn’t even get the chance to say wid
  10. Waiting for Ferrari to show their pre season, title winning pace...
  11. Which they can get from the home end as they are usually injecting something before the game anyway
  12. I could have too much fun with that. (Yes I need to get out more)
  13. Already got visions of McKinnon doing an Adebayor in front of the away end next week if you win.
  14. At least it’s entertaining for the people on the outside looking in, maybe not so much for the teams involved. Going to be a cracking last few weeks anyway.
  15. Mercedes front row in China, Bottas on pole. Interesting fact that for only the fourth time in 1,000 races, the front five rows will be team mates side by side.
  16. I once went to Ticket Scotland under central station bridge to buy a ticket and expected to pay face value. I was raging when I was charged a service fee for the girl to spin round in her seat and take the ticket out of a drawer before spinning back round and handing it to me.
  17. Did you ask her what she was doing whilst timing your conversation?
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