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Everything posted by ebobsboy

  1. Thought I saw someone post about us being interested in a player from Middlesbrough? Tbh I'd happily take Mochrie and if it is a target man type striker we are looking at then the only one who I can think of is Innes Cameron at Killie but I think he'll feature for them this season.
  2. Whilst I still think we need more than a couple of players in, if the cup money helps gets an extra body through the door all well n good. On a side note it's a pity clubs rarely swap players nowadays. Jefferies was a dab hand at player swaps or player plus cash deals. Mostly for the benefit of the club he was at, get rid of the shite bring better in.
  3. I really hope that's not a phrase often used this season.
  4. Dunfermline 1-1 Alloa Falkirk 1-1 Montrose Kelty 1-0 Edinburgh Peterhead 1-1 Airdrie QoS 2-1 Clyde
  5. I wouldn't be sad to see the back of any of them tbh. It'll probably need to be at the end of the season, i don't for one minute think McGlynn rates any of them but rather has no choice but to play them as we can't afford to pay them off.
  6. Morrison is infuriating as f**k all to often he makes the wrong choice of pass, runs into traffic or just loses possession, his final product leaves a lot to be desired aswell. I actually think he's regressed as a player.
  7. Job done. But it isn't pretty at times, that was a poor game of football. We really need better middle to front if we are to do anything in the league where it's coming from is anyone's guess though.
  8. That's why I don't think we'll do any better than the playoffs. You can add McGuffie and Morrison to the aforementioned. It's not set in stone that some won't be out the door on loan before the league season starts but with each day that goes by I think it's more likely to be one or two of the younger ones.
  9. Griffiths perhaps, id have kept Hamilton if he's the "better" striker.
  10. Agreed. I certainly wouldn't be waiting around on Kennedy either.
  11. Made worse now that our striking options are Wilson, Oliver and an injured Alegria who was dugshite at Partick last season.
  12. I don't rate Nesbitt, McGuffie or Hetherington sadly it looks like we are stuck with them for another season. Telfer deserved to go at the end of last season aswell, there's no doubting he has ability but it's all too fleeting. It'd be interesting to know if McGlynn has even tried to jettison some of them.
  13. If Kennedy is going to be out then I'd cancel the loan and send him back to Rangers. We don't have the squad or the time waiting on him getting fit. Get someone else in.
  14. McGlynn's signings so far have been ok so he has to be trusted, with Oliver for me being the meh one. These last two loan signings I have to say don't fill me with confidence just going by what fans on other threads are saying but who knows if he can get a tune out Brad McKay then you never know. If that's us done in terms of strikers then I'd be worried but I think there will be another one or two in yet. The fact that there isn't more outgoings might be the bigger handicap.
  15. Was it not him that missed an absolute sitter in the playoffs against Caley?
  16. You wouldn't mind it if there was another striker still to come in. But given he's been given the no.9 jersey suggests he's starting. I'm no sure about this one. IF we were in for Brian Graham then this is a bit of a come down.
  17. Of those that got let go at the end of the season it had to be done and there's not one that deserved to stay.
  18. I think Jamieson was on loan at Caley and Clyde last season and I can't recall him scoring many goals. Although he possibly may have scored for Clyde against us not that it's any great shock.
  19. Actually thought he'd have got fixed up by now, was he not meant to be going to Cove before Hartley fucked off to Hartlepool. And unless I've missed it Telfer still hasn't signed for Airdrie.
  20. That's the way I see it I think we will win but i wouldn't be surprised if it's close.
  21. I think they have. Don't seem to spend much of it though. Campbell himself isn't short of a few quid, he's got a couple of successful businesses with his brother.
  22. Tbh Aberdeen are throwing some cash at their team on the back of Ferguson and Ramsay leaving there's no shame in losing 4-1 to them. Without knowing the team lines I'd assume we maybe rested a few.
  23. I'll hazard a guess and say Williamson is injured again, if he's not then as much as Yeats has filled in well at right back I think he's better in midfield. I'd still be looking to bring a right back in.
  24. I'm not convinced given his loan spells elsewhere but at the moment McGlynn seems to be polishing turds and unearthing diamonds. It could come crashing down spectacularly at any given time ofcourse, there is the obvious elephant in the room in Wilson who just isn't good enough and never was, not every signing works out that's the way of it. Very early days still and we are still woefully short in terms of strikers and right back. Hopefully if McGlynn can get a tune out of Brad McKay, Hetherington and co he gets the same out Kennedy.
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