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Everything posted by ebobsboy

  1. Who? This is beginning to have the hallmarks of let's just sign strikers and HOPE they do well. Hopefully just a kid on till the real striker signs. It's bad enough having one Wilson without adding to it.
  2. If we are struggling to find the wages to sign Mochrie then you can attribute that in no small part to the half a dozen or so from last season that are still stealing them. Edit to add Rooney won't be on peanuts so if we can't afford Mochrie I'd very much doubt we can afford Rooney, who at 35 and just back from injury is very much in punt territory. We got burnt with Griffith's I'd be looking at a pay as you play deal IF we could afford Rooney.
  3. Want to say draw but I'm thinking Airdrie might shade this. We just can't create or score goals. We lose a goal it's very difficult to see us coming back.
  4. Need more than one striker. I'd add we are still at least four or five quality players short up front and in midfield and right back. McGlynn will know if he doesn't already that Nesbitt, Wilson, McGuffie, Hetherington, Morrison Williamson and Ross aren't good enough and never will be and will be more and more frustrated with the lot of them with every week that passes.
  5. Airdrie 2-0 Falkirk Alloa 1-0 Kelty Clyde 2-1 Peterhead Edinburgh 0-1 Dunfermline Montrose 0-0 QoS
  6. Spot on. It seems like whatever budget he had has went on the backline and got guys in who know how to defend allied to a rejuvenated McKay. Obviously still weak links like Williamson, and got an experienced head in the middle of the park in McGinn. Sadly that's where it ends.
  7. Agreed him aswell. They aren't good enough and never will be. Hopefully McGlynn can somehow wheel and deal and empty some of them. They will be the players that ultimately will let him down.
  8. And wage theives from last season still hanging about trying to masquerade that they give a f**k when in reality they aren't good enough footballers. But yeah absolutely nothing middle to front.
  9. I'll say more than that. Nesbitt, McGuffie, and Hetherington absolutely need emptied along with Ross and Wilson to give us more scope to change the squad. Can't see it happening though.
  10. Every game we play will be the same until a couple of things happen. A. We actually bring in decent strikers and creative midfielders. B. See A and get rid of Nesbitt, McGuffie, Hetherington, Wilson, Ross, Morrison.
  11. Not like he has a choice, been left hamstrung by too much of last season's dross. He might get them trying harder but ultimately you can't polish a turd. It's just a pity we will have to wait till the end of the season to finally see the back of them.
  12. That's Connell, Jamieson and now probably Mochrie signing elsewhere, disappointing.
  13. Trod on the ball n fell over in his debut. I think it might have already started tbh.
  14. Miller can gtf. Not only is he done as a player and has been for seasons no amount of coaching will ever make Wilson better.
  15. Considering we create hee haw that will be a feat in itself.
  16. I really want Alegria to do well I just have this horrible feeling he's going to be the Columbian version of Wilson. I really hope I'm wrong.
  17. More pressing issue is we have our first league game on Saturday and as it stands we have Oliver, Wilson and Alegria as our striking options and zero creativity behind them. Hopefully an incoming signing or two before then. Lewis has said we have a squad of 25 or so players on FB, yet looking at it your still struggling to field a really strong side.
  18. Personally I couldn't give a toss who the sponsors are aslong as they divvy up with the cash, unlike Clarke Epos.
  19. See we have made a signing and loaned him to Bo'ness. Now one or two decent ones please.
  20. I actually think QoS might be ones to watch. Gibson had them playing decent stuff last season by all accounts despite them getting relegated.
  21. Agree with Williamson, I'd have sent Kennedy back though or at least re visit it if he gets fit without any setbacks and McGlynn still wants him, 4-8 weeks without a player in an area of the park that may have made a difference and he's not ours. Get someone else in that's healthy.
  22. Think this will be a 1-1 draw tbh. Well documented we have nothing up front and not much in the creative sense. If we lose a goal I really don't see us scoring two. Defence is a lot more solid but by the same token Clyde could easily have scored on Saturday. Montrose won't be as wasteful if afforded opportunities.
  23. Thought I saw someone post about us being interested in a player from Middlesbrough? Tbh I'd happily take Mochrie and if it is a target man type striker we are looking at then the only one who I can think of is Innes Cameron at Killie but I think he'll feature for them this season.
  24. Whilst I still think we need more than a couple of players in, if the cup money helps gets an extra body through the door all well n good. On a side note it's a pity clubs rarely swap players nowadays. Jefferies was a dab hand at player swaps or player plus cash deals. Mostly for the benefit of the club he was at, get rid of the shite bring better in.
  25. I really hope that's not a phrase often used this season.
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