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Everything posted by ebobsboy

  1. Might have gave us white shorts and red socks in that case. Only thing I can think of is was cheaper to make it all blue. I'm expecting an all white or red away kit.
  2. Wait till they bring out another blue away kit n have the same issues as last season thus having to rush out a generic puma template third kit.
  3. The top is ok, not a fan of one colour kits which is a trait we have a habit of going back to. White shorts n red socks and thats a smart looking home kit. It's too bland with it being plain n one colour. Not the worst kit we have ever had but it's nothing great. Tbh with it being the last season with puma I didn't think it was going to be great.
  4. I'll reserve judgement till I actually see the full kit. It does look like its going to be quite plain though from the clip but we'll find out soon enough.
  5. None of them deserve to be at the club never mind starters after their shitebaggery last season. McGlynn has obviously come in and given everyone a clean slate but I'm still hopeful he jettisons a few of them.
  6. Yogi to centre back was a very fortunate masterstroke because he was fucking awful everywhere else. Jaime Wilson to selling pies will be just as good.
  7. I still think we need another right back, the chances of Williamson going through the season injury free are slim and none. I think we need another centre mid that can mix it and isn't Hetherington. A winger and two strikers. And if we can shift more of the dross even better.
  8. Which makes you wonder how exactly he was helping the club when Miller got the gig short term. On identifying players alone it looks very much like McGlynn has came in and went no that's not happening, I'll be bringing players in that I know.
  9. Be interesting to see how big Anton plays alongside Graham, he looked a totally different player when he came back to us from Arbroath, his finishing has certainly improved. He could be a shrewd signing by McCall.
  10. There's a thread already going in the championship so might aswell start one in league 1. Time to see who's kit is the worst, best or meh. Apologies if some teams already have their "kits out" so let's see em..
  11. Sorry that's what I meant this upcoming season.
  12. He had a contract till the end of this season, you'd imagine he won't be on much, it's a bit of a sore one for the boy if true given he never got a chance and there's dross like Wilson still stinking the place out with a year left.
  13. McCann will start the season on the bench I think unless Mackie picks up an injury or it becomes apparent after a few games that he's utter dugmeat. Which you'd hope with McGlynn in charge the days of us signing dross are over or at the very least severely reduced.
  14. That must be the shortest contract ever if that's the case. He only just signed during the season
  15. I near shat myself there just briefly saw Miller wearing a Falkirk strip and thought he had re signed! Right M&S get the rest of the imposters emptied, there was someone on the FB fans page reckoned Wilson was ok at right wing back.. get this lunacy stamped out now!!
  16. Shite. Nowhere near ready for first team football, but Sheerin thought he was the best thing since sliced bread and always picked him. He scored a few goals though but looked like what he was.. a wee laddie playing mens fitba. As others have said if he bulks out a bit and stops falling on his arse he might do ok for you.
  17. I got what they were attempting do with the pinstripes akin to the spall coasters kit but it wasn't even remotely close. Made even worse by the lunatic that thought I know let's make the away kit blue aswell then having stumbled across the glaring f**k up rush out a third white kit that was no more than generic puma training gear.
  18. I wouldn't mind Hummel again. , joma and castore strips just look like cheap shite, not a fan of macron either.
  19. A few seem to favour us finishing top. I take it nobody has noticed that our striking options thus far are Jaime Wilson,Finlay Malcolm and Gary Oliver . Add to that we have the same powderpuff midfield no marks we had last season with the addition of McGinn and a couple away. A lot of work still to be done in those areas if we are to be near it.
  20. Off topic but does anyone know how long we have left with puma making the strips?
  21. I highly doubt Wilson will be here. He'll be one of the lower earners you'd have thought. I fully expect him, Sneddon and Holt to be either punted permanently or season loans elsewhere. McKay and McCann (if he's not favoured) will be the hardest to shift. Ross I don't think will be on huge wages either. Martin I think will be back up to PJ. But yeah needs to be more than two gone.
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