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Everything posted by ebobsboy

  1. Smales-Braithwaite. Sounds like he should be selling wines online.
  2. I'll have a go, give Raith Jaime Wilson, Blair Sneddon, Brad McKay, Ryan Williamson, Luke Holt, Aidan Nesbitt, Stephen Hetherington, Craig McGuffie and Seb Ross and they can keep his brother. Ta muchly.
  3. We have strikers it's just one is an untested kid, one is utterly hopeless, and the other whilst just signed has hardly been prolific. I also expect the utterly hopeless one to be punted as soon as the loan market opens up. I don't think McGlynn is the type to rush in and sign someone for the sake of it like Sheerin did with Wilson, it maybe we will need to wait till the competitive matches start if he's looking at prem squads for players. The trialist market is usually full of dross, with the occasional gem.
  4. I'd say we need two strikers, that could get 10+ goals each. The issue of finding a 20plus goal striker is if you do find one and he gets injured where are the rest of the goals coming from in this team?, Morrison might chip in with a few. There needs to be more from other areas of the park. We have had problems last couple of seasons creating and scoring enough. With the current personnel i don't see that changing. Thats the biggest issue. Could have the aforementioned rejuvenated Griffiths but if he's stuck up top isolated with zero service he's not going to score either.
  5. I actually wouldn't be too bothered if Morrison went if we could bring in better BUT the one thing he does have is pace and apart from when Kabia came in last season he's been the only one in the team who is quick. And given the other options are Wilson, Oliver and Malcolm it's slim pickings in the striker dept. I still think we need two decent strikers, a right back, a winger and a midfielder (that may or may not be the trialist from last night ). Pivotal that McGlynn gets the one or two permanent signings still to come in spot on and the loan market ones same. Its just a pity it looks like we will have to wait an entire season so we don't have to endure Wilson, Nesbitt, McGuffie, Hetherington, Ross, Williamson, Holt and Sneddon call themselves Falkirk players. I would say McKay but he'll sit on the two years he's got left.
  6. Ah right I couldn't make the game just going by the team sheets on the club page. How did we play overall?
  7. Wilson I didn't see in the team sheet unless I've missed it.
  8. I kinda like it but it's probably just nostalgia from me with all the French kits of my childhood being crammed with sponsors logos I had a red Lyon top as a kid and really it could have doubled as a tour de France jersey. I thought it was smart as f**k.
  9. No Wilson or Ross either hopefully been told to find another club.
  10. I'll go with the Sibbald "would be too good for league 1" and by rights he should be. Alston was utter guff but better at Killie because he was surrounded by better players who did their jobs. The same rules apply to Sibbald, even if by some miracle he did sign for us all eyes would be on him, it wouldn't be long before Hetherington, Nesbitt and co started going invisible and he'd get dragged down with them. He needs better players round him than we have, he got that at livi and was relatively decent. For me he's still a bottom half prem/top championship player and if he does go to the likes of Ayr no disrespect to them but he really must be struggling to find a club, who knows maybe injuries/long covid have took their toll but I'd certainly be aiming higher than us or them.
  11. We need a manager in a job who rates Brad McKay, out of interest when he was at Caley who signed him it wasn't Yogi by any chance?
  12. It's probably the one thing that held him back especially when he started his career as a winger. He's never had pace.
  13. Still think he'll end up at Killie or St Johnstone, or at the worst top end championship side. It won't be us.
  14. Telfer I would have kept before a lot of the duffers left not that it's saying much, ultimately he flattered to deceive aswell and emptied. I thought Mutch was Cove bound?
  15. Very retro with the collar, Not a bad effort tbf.
  16. I reckon we will be doing well to get shot of five. Then it's all about who we can bring in. Teams already know if you get in the likes of Nesbitt, Hetherington, etc faces they don't want to know and that's the scary thing, they may well be trying harder under McGlynn but they are ultimately shitebags who will roll over.
  17. Effort yes it's the ability that's the "sticking" point. I mean you could batter Wilson wi a stick all day long he'd still be shite at fitba.
  18. Six weeks to try and shift off the top of my head five or six players cos I can't see it being more than that isn't that long n then bring in the same amount. McKay and McCann won't go anywhere as previously mentioned if you're on a wage that has two years to run on money your happy with then why would you. Not like there's folk battering the door down to sign them. I think the obvious scenario will be get Wilson, Holt, Sneddon and Malcolm if he's not wanted out the door either permanent or season loan. Then your into the next batch, can McGlynn get any of Ross, McGuffie, Nesbitt, Hetherington, to go. Big ask, who knows maybe McGlynn will like one or two of them. But after last season none of them deserve to pull the strip on again. And I don't doubt for a minute had we been more flush the fates of some would have been done already.
  19. Just aswell. Would you want crunchy carrots on the front of your kit.
  20. Agreed I don't see us getting promotion either not with this squad as it stands. Too much dugshite left, we won't score enough goals unless a couple of decent forwards come in which everyone is looking for, and the midfield is still rocking the ghosts of shitebaggery past despite McGinn coming in. Expect the defence to improve but again if the midfield revert to type and offer them zero protection once again they will be fighting flames almost from the get go. We should be better under McGlynn as in we hopefully won't fold like a deck of cards against anyone that shows a bit of fight, but I think playoffs have to be the target but very much depending on who else we get in especially towards the top end of the pitch.
  21. It's not great. One colour navy blue is dull. The fact there's no pattern also doesn't help it. White shorts n red socks n looks a a far better offering. I'm not holding my breath for the away one being any better.
  22. You spot that aswell. I was hoping it might just be that they are wearing some under armour and not been munching big Macs.
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