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Everything posted by fuzzydunlop

  1. Few years ago went to see Elbow (aye ok my fault then). Had a decent spot but made the school boy error of leaving a bit of space in front me. Just before they came on two middle aged women appeared and got into the space in front of me. Fair enough...until they proceeded to talk sh*te all the way through the gig. Mostly gossip about someone but then they started talking about the recent going ons in Eastenders through a particularly quiet part of a song. By this point I'd had enough so tapped one on the shoulder and just put my finger on my lips. She was fcking seething. They eventually moved away glaring at me as they went as if I had somehow ruined their evening. I just don't understand some folk.
  2. spot on, I'm sure I heard somewhere that McGlynn had a holiday booked over the weekend of the Scottish Cup Final(context being if we had got to the final his wife wouldn't have been happy to cancel it) so if he is on holiday then I'd expect f-all is going to be happening at the moment.
  3. New series of Ladhood on BBC3. Ok, its got a bit of Inbetweeners feel but with the twist that one of the characters appears as his older self reflecting on his younger self growing up and how decisions/events affected him in later life. Theres some genuine poignant moments that I'm sure anyone who had a group of school mates they left behind when leaving school will appreciate.
  4. a mate of mine was on The Chase tonight. C*nt and the team beat The Chaser as well.
  5. Totally agree..would be interesting to see the stats of some of our 'legends' throughout the years before they came to us as I'm sure there must be a few who were hardly amazing upto the point in their career they joined us and became highly thought of. Although I guess for example folk like Jim Jeffries/Brown were masters at finding those players The issue probably is we've had such a poor record in signings for so long people, are already pessimistic and that's understandable. Even when we signed (arguably) a marquee signing in Griffiths he was sh*te in the Navy blue. We signed guys from down South with no proven track record and yep again, they turn out sh*te.....but then theres folk like Vaulks to prove the theory can work.. I keep going back to that only one moment in the play off games that got me out my seat..Yeats driving at the Airdrie defence in the second leg.... I don't ask for much but if a player can show any sort of passion then its a big plus point. In the past I've always wanted us to play nice football but next year I'm happy if we grind out results and get over the line...
  6. not me (honest officer) but mates nicked a big plastic mobile phone from outside a mobile phone shop back in the 90s.. It was metre high prop the shop left out on the street to entice folk in. Was funny at the time but they shat themselves when a report of the theft appeared in the local paper stating police were investigating and appealing for witnesses. This was around 1997. Walked into same mates flat in Cathcart for a few beers before the Cup Semi final last month. He lives in a very swanky penthouse type flat....however in the hallway theres the big f8cking plastic phone sitting there.
  7. The new album by Edgar jones (of Liverpool greats The Stairs) is fantastic. Production is cracking if you like a classic 1960s soul sound.
  8. I turned it on about half way through....did they really pick to have a Silent Disco and lose prize money? I mean food, drink, maybe even a decent kip I can kinda understand... I thought I'd maybe picked it up wrong?
  9. there was a bit in it where he asks the barman to recommend a drink - if I remember does the barman not say "vodka martini?" and Luther replies "nah I'll just have a water" - maybe my memory but at the time I thought its was a reference to James Bond...
  10. Really enjoyed Blue Lights on the BBC. Fans of Line of Duty and Happy Valley will probably enjoy. It did however include one of the most over used tropes in Police films/dramas which you will spot a mile off but apart from that very enjoyable.
  11. fuzzydunlop

    Fifa 23

    I'm still having my weekly meltdowns/girfuy moments on the Online friendly mode. Seem to go up and down between Div 2 and Div 3. I was round at my Brothers babysitting my nephew a few weeks ago. He had FIFA but hadn't done the online friendlies so still had a half a star rating. This sad c*nt here decided to start playing and naturally was coming up against half star/one star players despite my actual level being 4.5/5. First few games I was hammering them so decided to have a bit of fun(aye as exciting as it gets these days) by letting the opposition go two or three goals up before I launched a comeback. A sad state of affairs but I did get some satisfaction when these (in my head) wee guys would go up and give the big celebrations to the camera when they go 3-0 up only for me to pull it back and go onto win..loads of rage quitting going on... nearly didnt notice my nephew nearly burning the hoose doon I was so engrossed.
  12. had a similar thing. Our landline was one digit different from a local letting agency helpline. We started getting messages on our answering machine from folk complaining about various things regarding their accommodation. When lockdown hit and I was working from home I started getting the calls during the day. The thing was folk would automatically start ranting at me before I had the chance to explain it was a wrong number. Eventually I took to just responding to their complaints with "I dont give a f*ck mate", "just deal with it and stop moaning", "who the f*ck are you talking to ya c*nt?!", and allsorts of other responses that started to get more surreal as time went on. Only stopped cos the wife kept having ago at me for being childish but it did keep me occupied during lockdown for a bit.
  13. mate, you arent far from the truth...reason I liked that show so much was it was pretty much bang on with the guys I hung about with. Still good mates with the 'Jay' character...maybe not as exaggerated as Jay but he's the guy when your at a Lap Dancing club for a Stag night who thinks the strippers fancy him.
  14. Probably doesn't fall into the category of "worst" but was certainly funny and I did have some pangs of regret afterwards. 6th year at High School. Wee guy in our year. He was alright but could sometimes be a smart arse. His parents were really religious and he was always going to Bible Studies and that sorta sh*te. So he could be a bit preachy to other folk. We were in 6th year at School and some of us had passed our driving tests. This guy had fancied this lassie in our year for ages...most lads fancied her as she was pretty but also a good laugh. However she was also into all the religious carry on so that scared a few folk off. One day the lad came in boasting that he was picking this girl up on Thursday night to go to a Bible Studies meeting at someone's house as a 'date'. He'd got permission to use his mums Golf GTI to go pick her up so they could go to the meeting together. We all assumed she was just getting a free lift but he was adamant it was a date. As was the way, to pass the time in those days myself and few mates were out in the car driving about on the Thursday night when someone spotted him driving in the opposite direction with the girl in the car. We decided to follow him(creepy I know) and ended up in this really posh housing estate where they were going for the bible meeting. One of us(not me I must add) decided it would be a good idea to go back to their house, pick up some cellotape and also get a load of Sunday Sport newspapers that they'd been keeping in his shed, go back upto to where this lad had parked his car. Then we proceeded to plaster his car with pictures of tits. Literally the whole car covered in tits. We then sat along the road in a vantage position waiting. Eventually he comes out with this girl...could see him pointing at the car and then he went absolutely apeshit, ripping off the newspaper and shouting. We were parked about 6 cars away and we could hear him shouting and bawling. Pictures of tits blowing down the street, neighbours out in the street wondering what was going, tits all over their nice gardens.... How no one heard us laughing is beyond me. Weirdly next day at school we asked him how his night had been. He didnt mention it. We didn't own up and nothing was said about it. He never got a second 'date' either....
  15. Not the worst thing I've ever done....but one that still haunts me a bit. When I was 15 my younger brother came into the house telling me some older kids had been bullying him on his way home from school. He'd always looked after himself and I hadn't experienced this before so wasn't sure what to do. But I felt I had to do something to at least show my brother I would stand up for him. Theres a 5 year age gap between us. Being a fairly level headed young man at the time I decided to go round to where these 'bullies' were hanging out which was a bus stop round the corner from our hoose. My plan was to calmly tell them to quit the bullying or I'd be going to their parents and with my 'strong' words it would give them a scare.. When I got there, there's these three kids of maybe about 12 years old...so couple years older than my brother but younger than me and probably about two foot smaller than me. One of the kids, was a known little sh*te from our estate. I walked up and said words to the effect of "listen lads, my brother is younger and smaller than you so quit picking on him - alright". To which the main wee guy stood up and walk towards me saying "what the f*ck you going to do about it?". With his mates giggling behind him. I saw red and before I knew it I had landed the wee c*nt with a right hook knocking him flat on his arse. I dont think I've ever punched anyone as sweetly before or since in my life. He got up holding his face and started bawling his eyes out and ran home. Although on the outside I calmly walked away with my brother behind me thinking I was great. Inside I was f*cking sh*teing it, worried about what was going to happen next and to this day(I'm 48) I still think about what an idiot I was. Bizarrely nothing ever did happen. He must've either must've realised he was wrong in the first place and not grassed or else his parents were used to him being a wee dick to people and getting his heid punched in so ignored it. To add further context I was talking to my brother about it recently. He told me he still sees the lad about and he's "got right into the weights and is a total unit". So I'm expecting to be out one night and get a tap on the shoulder with "remember me"....
  16. Ha probably my internet paranoia taking over...theres usually someone that comes along to rip into you!
  17. I'm probably gonna sound like a dick here(not for the first time but there we are) but I'll put it out there. One thing myself and some mates have done is bringing up FSS when chatting to FFC supporting mates about the club and getting a feel if they have signed up. I realised months after it has started I didn't actaully know if any of my mates had joined - so I asked. If they said 'no' then I asked why not? Not in a demanding way..just to be curious which then opened up the dialogue. Of course we don't know each others exact financial situations but most people have an idea of how close friends are doing. But simply by bringing it up into conversation can help spread the word. Not necessarily 'peer pressure' but just chatting and sometimes folk just aren't aware and if you explain - it does work. An example was a mate of mine who lives in London. We were visiting him a few months ago, got talking about FFC. He was a big fan in the 90s/2000s but he hadn't been to a game in years. He'd lost a bit of interest due to relocating and also the sh*tshow of the past few years but he still followed the results. He's got a spare bob or two and after a few pints and us explaining what it was all about and where we were as a club financially he had signed up. Of course if yer talking to yer pal and ask him if he's signed up and he says "I cant even pay the leccy bills" then you know its a closed door so I'm not saying you guilt trip people. But, as we'll no doubt see with the interest in the Semi final game - a few folk will come out the woodwork so maybe a good opportunity to mention it to them if you can. I'll probably get shot down in flames for the above but there ye go...
  18. ah cool - been listening to his Podcast about Music. Good listen.
  19. Been watching a few Youtube videos of Mark Nelson and really enjoying his stuff. Haven't seen his name about and as I live down South I wasn't sure how well known he was up the road? He's got a bit of Kevin Bridges but a bit edgier and also a wee bit Frankie Boyle but again not going down the full on extreme comedy for shocks route. Probably somewhere between the two. Seems like a decent c*nt too. Did a great routine about Scotland and England football and when asked if he'd support Russia over England he says "mate, I'd support and Al-Qaeda/Paedophilia XI if they were playing England - the only tough decision would be whether to get Saville or Bin Laden on the back of the top". Agree what folk are saying about Kevin bridges. I would no way go and see him now. I saw him in Leicester years ago at a really small venue(with Jon Richardson supporting!) and he was great. But I think over a certain venue size comedy doesn't work and like anything the more people in attendance the more chance of d*ckheads ruining it.
  20. jeez....just logged on here after a few days... I generally like the 'multi team forum' thing but then other times.... Plus people who don't understand what the term "living rent free" means... from my mind it would be for an example a a Rangers fan constantly tweeting about Celtic or indeed maybe even a Dunfermline fan constantly posting on a Falkirk thread.....maybe just me though...
  21. I thought was him! Did a wikipedia check and didnt mention him doing new items on Scotland Today so I wasnt sure.
  22. bit more of a Gangs of Yore type post here... Recently watched the BBC Scotland Documentary on the Ice Cream Wars. No idea when it was first shown but as i live in England I tend to check up on stuff on BBC Scotland Iplayer every so often. I'd heard of the Ice Cream Wars and obviously due to the slightly comedic name i probably had in my head some C*nts throwing Cornettos about. I was 9 when it was all happening but even in later years didnt really know anything about it and assumed it was yer run of the mill turf war. Jeez...so had no idea about the torching of some poor guys flat in Ruchazie and pretty much wiping out an entire family, kids an all. Plus the resulting police investigation and issues surrounding that. Fascinating if not completely grim viewing. Worth a watch if you haven't seen it. Some great library footage of 1980s Glasgow which is always interesting to see how depressing it was - plus interview with Bill McFarlan - someone I'd completely forgot about!
  23. same here....loada sh*te.....better aff with the 80s film The Fog...
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