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Everything posted by fuzzydunlop

  1. Watched this last night. 100% agree. First of all, absolutely glorious watching that penalty shoot out again with all the different perspectives and reactions...but its made 100 times better now you realise that absolute carnage that had happened before the game. Just mental they put all that expectation on a 19 year old. I had thought it had been a load of folk rushing the turnstiles at kick off. Which was bad enough. However I hadn't been aware there was so much aggro leading upto kick off so makes the result even better.
  2. 100% this. Back in the 90s when I used to stand in the choir or go on the Elliots bus to away games it became an addiction. Meeting up with mates and going to the games. You felt like you were missing out if you missed a a game. We'd go to school on the Monday and had the usual "ye should have been there" to the folk who hadn't been there. It also then got other people interested who ended up coming along and then became fans. I'd hope there is the same effect now and things will just build.
  3. funnily enough I clicked on the 'Most tinpot thing in the SPFL' thread' for the first time in ages yesterday. Morton fan on there mentioning Falkirk. So aye guid yin....took a Partick thistle fan to put him in his place too..
  4. Finished it last night. I must admit i was a wee bit disappointed. I live in the Midlands so there's been a fair bit of hype around it down here so that's maybe not helped. I liked some aspects of it but felt it was a bit disjointed at times. Great soundtrack though....especially hearing the Electric Prunes and Suicide.
  5. hahaha i love this. We've taken absolute palters for years from every c*nt, including many QOS fans who have gleefully populated our club thread. Its a multi club forum so I've no issue with that. But if ye cant take it then P&B maybe isn't for you.
  6. as a Falkirk fan I actually quite like the sh*thousery behind it. Adds a bit to all the fun and games in the two horse race.. I got a laugh out of it and I'm sure so did the players. However I would be absolutely mortified if we did had done it. I'd also be wary about what your players feel about it..if they've been told its some mind games carry on then maybe fair enough, but if not, if I was a player I'd be wondering where I stood.
  7. be careful out there.... https://x.com/DavieBroon37077/status/1745109996545638679?s=20
  8. The Crystal Teardrop - 1960s sounding psychedelia
  9. Don't think I've seen them mentioned but one of my faves are The Poets..great mod/freakbeat 60s sound... 'That's the Way its Gotta Be' is a phenomenal tune. Other bands worth a mention although maybe not the greatest which I understand is the subject of the thread. Whiteout - Got their debut album recently and its surprisingly good and a lot more mature sound than the 'Britpop' tag they got at the time. The Aliens - Not sure how many were Scottish but Gordon Anderson is a fifer. Couple of great albums. My latest Novel - The Scottish Arcade Fire. Debut album is ace. Helicon - Psychedelic heaviness...album that came out this year is tremendous.
  10. I saw the FSS message re the Paypal thing. I had no idea Paypal took so much - £4K per year! -to be fair I'm a bit ignorant on this sort of stuff so well done to FSS for highlighting it) - so I've changed to Standing Order. Also decided to double my monthly donation - I'm down South so don't get to games that much so least I can do.
  11. Personally had no issues with Williamson prior to the game. Wasn't on here much last week so cant say if others did. Maybe frustrating to some that as we are skint and someone taking a wage last season but being injured all the time - personally doesn't bother me and these things happen in the game -I'm sure it couldn't be helped. However from his antics during the game he deserves a bit of stick. I don't generally boo ex players unless they do something to warrant it - which he clearly did. In saying that he's the one who ended up looking like a fanny so again personally I've got no long lasting issues and certainly don't have any hatred of him. Think most of the posts on here have just been GIRFUY which surely is justified and certainly not "bizarre".
  12. Well, you clearly don't understand the wild concept of fans wanting to talk about the fact an ex player, who under performed at yer club, comes back and gives the home fans the 'GIRFUY' after going 1-0 up after 47 minutes. Then spends the rest of the game timewasting only for his side to be beaten by an injury time goal possibly due to said timewasting.....yeah really "bizarre".
  13. I was talking about this exact thing at weekend. Some of those young lads if coached football from a young age probably didn't bother too much with school - you then have a fairly average career and even though some of the wages are higher than most folk in their 20s you would imagine most of them don't budget and plan for future...then potentially in your mid 30s you are without a club and looking for a new career. Some probably get good advice (for example my old man knows Charlie Telfers dad and I believe Charlie is studying Law at Uni part time for when he finishes) A friend of mine had something similar in the music industry. We was in a moderately successful indie band. They weren't massive but he made enough money in his 20s and didn't really have anything else to fall back on. He hit his mid 30s, band split up, not a lot of royalties coming in and realised he needed to do something completely different to pay his rent. Many of his mates who had got 'normal' jobs in their 20s all owned houses(some on their 2nd or 3rd) whilst he was struggling to pay his rent. Something you don't hear too much about.
  14. another one for Dundee, think Arab Strap also had a tune about the Barmaids of Dundee?
  15. I've assumed this one is about the place in Fife He also references the Craigtoun Pond in this one:
  16. Inverness gets a wee mention in the lyrics to this song about going to Away football games: and even Clydebank getting in the title of this one:
  17. Was chatting to my mate about about the use of 'Falkirk High Station' in the Malcolm Middleton song 'Loneliness Shines'. Must be hundreds of examples of others...I know First Big Weekend by Arab Strap mentions The Arches, theres Sunshine on Leith of course... also another Malcolm Middleton tune mentions P&B fave Motorway M9... Excellent band De Rosa with Cathkin Braes Any other suggestions?
  18. I listened to the (again!) excellent latest Falkirk Daft podcast on way to work this morning. I have to agree with Ross in that surely its time to look at one of the youngsters at least getting a shot in place of McKay. The counter argument being that if a youngster did f*ck up during a game then it could affect their confidence especially with some our fans reaction. However my counter argument is these young lads should be hungry to play and wrapping them in cotton wool wont do any good. They might even use that experience to improve their game. I also think, and maybe mainly due to McKay, I'd hope our fans would give the young lads more support and encouragement. The fact is we're not going to win the league if we keep gifting teams goals.
  19. aye very true. My Step daughter used to playa Taylor Swift album on repeat.. Would have been about 5 years ago. There was a tune about someone wearing "short shorts"(quick google says its 'You Belong With Me') - and it used to drive me mad..so bad that put me off but will go back reinvestigate.
  20. We had my Stepdaughter and her girlfriend round for drinks last night(both in their early 20s). The girlfriend is a really good singer-song writer so always enjoy chatting about music with her. My step daughter spent her teens ignoring my music mostly but now its the opposite and always asking to hear new(or old) stuff. I mentioned Frightened Rabbit to her girlfriend and spoke about Scott. I was lucky to know him a bit, I played in a few bands when they were starting and he was very good mates of a mutual friend so I'd see Scott at parties etc from time to time..lovely man. When I've had a few I do have the tendency at a certain point of the night to get melancholic and stick Frightened Rabbit on. Anyway I played them Modern Leper last night and straight away the girlfriend said "oh my god I know this!" - turns out one of her fave artists had covered it. She let me hear the cover version which I admit wasnt really my thing but nice enough. But just great his music is getting exposure. I thought I'd share it here. I know, like some of my mates I shared it with who thought it was poor, it wont go down well but one of my mates who has a teenage daughter into lana Del Ray, Taylor Swift etc said he played it to her and he's heard it on repeat in her room since 8am - so it might be a way of sneaking a great song into a playlist or car journey!
  21. aye sorry I should've clarified I'd only heard about a rumoured Morrison-Rowe fall out...think the other poster mentioned McGlynn but to clarify I hadnt heard that.
  22. I had heard the rumours of a fall out. However I'd be (even more) raging with McGlynn if he dropped Rowe in favour of Williamson in the Semi, arguably our biggest game in years due a personal falling out. I get managers need respect but its not as if we had great options(as it was proved on the day). I don't think Rowe was outstanding and like a lot of players, their formed dipped in the final quarter but at same time I don't remember him making any major f*ck-ups to give goals away like others did...though my memory isn't great!
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