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Everything posted by fuzzydunlop

  1. How old is Carroll? I remember when he got on for ten mins last year vs Edinburgh City(I think) there were a lot of glowing reports. I had hoped we'd see more of him in games where we were far enough ahead score wise to stick him on but obviously we didn't have many of those situations! Gets into that age argument of if you are good enough you should play so will be interesting to see if he does get some game time this season - hope so!
  2. The new album by Glasgow lads Helicon is excellent. If you like your psych/drone type stuff.. BRMC, Wooden Shjips, BJM etc.
  3. I got promoted at work and took over from a woman who had left and therefore I got her mobile phone number. I was getting three calls a day from these Accident folk. The thing is when I answer my work phone to a number I don't recognise I always answer by saying my name and "how can I help"..so even when I've just told them my name they still ask "is that Claire?". Now the "only at the weekends" response soon got boring... as did the response of "aye this is Claire, hows it goin' shagger" in a deep voice with Scottish accent, but luckily they've eased off to one call every few weeks now.
  4. yep was just about to post the same.... When his dad appeared and instead of him saying "speak of the devil" he says "speak of the c*nt"...my (English) missus turned to me and said "You lot really do love that word don't you". To which I obviously replied "f**k aye ya c*nt!" Great episode and series was brilliant. Got to hand it to Charlie Brooker must be coining it in as well. That first episode had some big names in it.
  5. aye fair enough,...probably should go under bizarre lyrics, rather than lazy
  6. maybe not lazy, but one I always find strange that I was reminded of watching old Reg last night. The line in Your Song: If I was a sculptor, heh, but then again, no
  7. my mate moved to Hamburg about 8 years ago. When i got married his present to me and my wife was flights to Hamburg to visit him. Due to one thing and the other plus Covid I haven't had the chance to go over. My Wife hasn't a clue about football or the Euros so it could be a wee "why don't we cash in those flights next Summer" conversation coming up soon....
  8. seen a few on youtube I thought were ok, but novelty soon wore off. Reminded me of maybe back in the mid 2000s there was a load of mash-ups came out where two songs were spliced together. Some were really good and worked but others not so. It was cool for a few months but then got boring..,,the possibilities are endless but the results not always great so I dont see it being something thats going to get too popular...
  9. was just thinking if this was England, where theres a bar in the stadium concourse(I know it doesn't open til half time normally) - the SFA could have made a killing in selling pints!
  10. was gonna post the same - I assume lot of these players/or their agents) would only agree if they got the stability of two years. Difference in the past most people moaned cos we were getting folk like Brad Mckay who everyone knew wasn't great. If we're signing proven players its slightly different - still no doubt once theres a few misplaced passes it will be "ffs.. we've got him on a 2 year deal"....
  11. yeah just heard on Talksport. Jim White did a very good testament to him. Sad news. Slightly before my time but my dad used to rave about him....mainly cos he scored against England but from what I hear he was some player
  12. Aye, around my area its f*cking shocking. I've had moments when I've been out and maybe couldn't find a bin and had to get rid of an item of rubbish. For a fleeting moment I think "i could just drop it" but then right away I think "don't be such a c*nt" and I never do. Some folk just dont give two f*cks and that unfortunately the issue.
  13. Saw a UK band in Birmingham recently called The Crystal Teardrop, if you like Triptides you might like them too. Kinda late 60s/early 70s Psychedelia and they also looked the part. Spoke to one of them after it and think they only have one single out but recording album at the moment.
  14. to be fair, if you did a poll, probably 99% of us don't give two f*cks about what Raith or anyone else are up to. I personally wouldn't bring up a discussion on other clubs financial situations onto our thread - I've no interest or wish to show anyone else I'm interested - i guess the slow pre-season period doesn't help. However to add in case anyone jumps on - Its a free country, I dont post on here much so cant say I contribute a lot so if folk want post this kinda stuff here its upto them.
  15. I was..and still am I guess..a massive Primal Scream fan. I used to get pelters about how much a dick Gillespie was but I always thought he was alright and defended him. In all honesty, due to a lot of his interviews, he got me into so many older bands/artists when I was younger than I probably wouldn't have heard at the time....so for that i probably held him in a higher regard than I should have. Even read Gillespie's book recently and found it interesting -especially tales of growing up in Glasgow through the 60s/70s/80s. However, as I've got older I hear/read stuff about Denise and now with the statement from Duffys son its too much to ignore. I understand if the band is your work and someone is getting p*shed and not performing - that its a concern. Not sure if he's still off the wagon but Gillespie wasnt drinking/taking drugs a while back so again if someone is in a band with you who is letting the side down it kinda doesn't matter how much you were f*cked up in the past, I can see why Gillespie didn't want to be around that. But its obvious Duffy had issues and the decent thing would have been to get him help or even give him his share of money and then give him time off touring to try sort himself out. To just cut him off considering everything is pure c*nty behaiour and judging by the backlash on social media Gillespie and Innes(who I actually used to think more highly of than BG) are getting what they deserve.
  16. Yeah I was a big fan, even liked their second album(plus the Polak stuff is great too). Only saw them once..1994 at The Arena in Glasgow which i think was on Oswald Street..
  17. aye spot on.... I think its the wording of the phrase that annoys me so much. Its folk who are in their 40's going "i have the best friends" and trying to convince folk they are better than everyone else...all that "living your best life" sh*te. Its social media so I know someone will say "what do you expect?" obviously its always been about people posting fun stuff of what they are upto...I've no problem with that(as I'm ultimately not interested) or with folk saying "i was at a wedding at the weekend, i had a nice time, heres some pics". But theres something about that phrase "I had the Best Wedding with the Best people" that winds me up. Even adding the word 'my' would be acceptable but otherwise it just sounds c*ntish.
  18. Remember a fairly early-ish Mogwai gig at The Arches and Aidan Moffat from Arab Strap doing the same thing to the crowd. Mind you that was one of those gigs where the audience was mostly a who's who of the Glasgow music scene and think most folk were there just to be seen.
  19. aye its understandable as I think they were on Factory Records plus they had a bit of that sound. On top of that they don't really get mentioned in any way in Scottish music history. In fact Scottish music/bands kinda disappear in the early 90s..you had all that Caledonian Soul sh*te(IMO) in the late 80s and then theres not really a lot mentioned until probably the mid 90s...
  20. exactly the same...I think they were going from the late 80s but featured more heavier indie stuff. I got my first one around 1990 because it had The Charlatans on it and I think that was maybe Volume 10, so plenty had been released before that. I bought most of them after that and from them i got into stuff like Spiritualized, Verve, Stereolab and I think the first time I heard Pulp was on one of these.... but also those relatively obscure but had great tunes indie bands like Adorable, The Wendys(from Edinburgh I think?), The Dylans etc
  21. As Wedding season comes into view my Social media account seems to be filled up of peoples wedding pictures..fair enough...although many are accompanied by text like this(and these a grown adults posting) "the BEST wedding ever with the BEST people". The best people? You sure about that? F*ck up. I keep seeing it everywhere.....even for normal stuff "great night out with the BEST people" really? Mind you, maybe I should stop being such a drunken grumpy c*nt and I might get invited to these events with the "best people".
  22. aye I mean its no my idea of a party either but I guess the point was it was the Chart music of the time which is by nature generally bland to appeal to the masses. In fairness though, especially in the 80s/90s the Now and Hits albums did cover a lot of bases. I remember my folks having a New Years party in the late 80s(maybe 1987) and I had a Hits album that had the Mary Chain and Sisters of Mercy on one side. My neighbours big sister kept playing it and I hadn't heard music like that before. Similarly I have very find memories of my 15th Birthday in June 1990...Italia 90 and one of the Now albums had a side with Primal Scream, Mondays, Inspirals, Depeche Mode, House of Love and er Jesus Jones....plus other sides had loads of Rave stuff... I played that one to death. Talking of Indie comps a few years later I moved onto the Independent Compilations which were basically Now filled with Indie stuff...those were bloody ace.
  23. My mum recently asked me to make her playlist of 'hits' to play at a Summer Fete she was organising. I didn't know where to start but decided to search on Spotify for inspiration. I found this playlist which is every single Now album from the 80s to present day: I got totally hooked on going through. I'm in my late 40s and bought every Now album up to around 1990 when I started getting into Madchester and then into indie/britpop etc. What I found was quite emotional(and I'm at that age) was going through it chronologically..so many songs that reminded me of different parts of my life..from 1980s cheesy stuff, dodgy early 90s dance tracks from school discos, dodgy mid-90s dance tunes from first holidays with mates and Uni clubs, then the whole Britpop going to gigs, songs that reminded me of ex's/old mates then up through the early 2000s and the resurgence of guitar bands...then chart stuff that my stepdaughter(now 24) used to play....I think I managed about to about 2010ish and hadn't a clue about half the stuff featured, but thats just me. Anyway, something like 4500 songs on the playlist so maybe one for sticking on shuffle and keeping everyone happy at the next family gathering!
  24. Few years ago went to see Elbow (aye ok my fault then). Had a decent spot but made the school boy error of leaving a bit of space in front me. Just before they came on two middle aged women appeared and got into the space in front of me. Fair enough...until they proceeded to talk sh*te all the way through the gig. Mostly gossip about someone but then they started talking about the recent going ons in Eastenders through a particularly quiet part of a song. By this point I'd had enough so tapped one on the shoulder and just put my finger on my lips. She was fcking seething. They eventually moved away glaring at me as they went as if I had somehow ruined their evening. I just don't understand some folk.
  25. spot on, I'm sure I heard somewhere that McGlynn had a holiday booked over the weekend of the Scottish Cup Final(context being if we had got to the final his wife wouldn't have been happy to cancel it) so if he is on holiday then I'd expect f-all is going to be happening at the moment.
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