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Everything posted by fuzzydunlop

  1. aye, step daughter pointed this put to me on Saturday night. In my defence I was drifting in and out of sleep when it was on but at same time, aye..fair cop...
  2. I was at a funeral on Tuesday this week...never a nice experience but fair play on the tune selection The Passenger - Iggy pop as people came in White Horses by Jacky - TV theme during Then 'Redemption Song' Joe Strummer version at the end.
  3. theres some f*cking advert for a holiday company on using the xmas tune "its the most wonderful time of the year". just hearing it in Jan/Feb makes me want to kill some c*nt.
  4. My wife watching this on Monday. I started but kept falling asleep during episode one. I woke for episode two but thought it was a p*ss take...its truly terrible. I actually thought it was a spoof at one point.
  5. Its not the point I'm trying to make. Of course theres not 3000 going every week -surely you know thats not what I'm saying? The point isn't that people are attending the matches, its the fact that theres Rangers and Celtic fans who arent going to Ibrox/Parkhead(and probably never have) but wouldn't go near Falkirk Stadium (I don't blame them at the moment but that's not the point) and this wont change because its not 100% about football....its all the other sh*te that goes with it for them. I bet there's just about or close to as many Rangers supports clubs in the Falkirk area. Growing up my best mate and next door neighbour was a big Celtic fan. No one at his school were Falkirk fans despite Brockville being spitting distance from the school. If you went to the Catholic school you were a Celtic fan. So again, my point being if none of that sh*te existed('Imagine' says John) things would be different.
  6. Removing Sectarianism would make no difference to Scottish football? Is that seriously what you are saying? I would say without it, the the places you mentioned and the people who support the Old Firm in Hamilton would arguably phase out through time. I know a lot of people support Liverpool/Man Utd because their dad did. But theres also a big chance that phases out when/if the kid gets into supporting the local team. For geographical reasons more than anything. Again, hate using Leicester as an example but one of my mates here is a gloryhunter from the 90s Man U fan. His son wanted to go to his first football game so as Man Utd was too far for a Saturday jaunt, and he couldn't get a ticket for Leicester. He took the wee guy to Hinckley Town. That was 10 years ago now and his son is still hooked on Hinckley even through their Liquidation. I honestly cant see or imagine a Rangers/Celtic fan taking their kid to local team and the same thing happening..i might be cynical...but there you go. The elephant in the room being how successful would Rangers/Celtic be without the Sectarian link? All that money coming in from all over the World? So you are assuming that that would still be the case? What I'm saying is if that money wasnt coming in...theres no doubt they would still be big clubs due to the size of Glasgow -but would the gap between them and the rest of the clubs be as big - and if not, would that not then open up the opportunity for a bigger challenge adn in turn for people to support their local team more if there was more chance of success like Aberdeen and Dundee Utd had in the 1980s? However my point really is if you support Rangers/Celtic then its ingrained because of more than just the football...and you cant say that for a lot of other teams. The actual attendance figures are irrelevant - Leicester have been selling out most saturdays and are looking to build a new stand to fit people in so their current attendance isn't reliable really.. It is of course not a fair comparison - but my point really was most of the lads i know in Leicester go along to support City. Whereas growing up in my class in Falkirk of the say the 20 football loving lads, I'd say 70% were Gers fans, 15% Falkirk and 15% other 'random' teams like Aberdeen, hearts, Hibs etc Without the Sectarian aspect I'm sure it would be different. anyway, thread about pubs so I'll can it here
  7. Something I've often pondered...and maybe even deserves it own thread...but what would Scottish Football look like without the Sectarian element? You would always get glory hunters - people who would no doubt latch onto Rangers and Celtic from outside of Glasgow. But all those provincial towns scattered beyond the G postcode - where lets face it a lot of the support is driven by what religion you are - if this wasn't there then it would be interesting to see the change in support levels. I live in Leicester now, a one city team. So pretty much everyone who is local, into football supports Leicester City. Of course you have people who support other teams but in general there seems to be a lot of people who are proud of their team/city and wouldn't go elsewhere even had the chance. Leicester is probably a bad example as they still have an element of glory hunters from the League winning days and they've continued having some level of success since then(FA Cup, European campaigns). I did move down there when they were in league One and although the stadium wasn't empty, it was easier to get a ticket. I'm probably not putting my point across well here and will no doubt get shot down - but I guess what I'm trying to say if you took the Sectarianism away, and therefore all the bigotry and divide - how would Scottish football look...? Boring maybe....
  8. I was out in North London on Saturday night. Got talking to a few Arsenal fans who had been watching the Leeds game. I asked what they thought of Tierney and one guy shot back straight away with "future captain" (didn't say of Arsenal right enough but I assumed so!)...then they all belted out this football song which I hadn't heard before using The Doors tune 'Tell All the People".... "Tell all the Spurs scum that you see Kieran Tierney Kie-ran Tierney" a bit sh*t but again, first time I'd heard The Doors being used as a footie chant so fair fux.
  9. Was busy at weekend so not done the rounds, but did Dowds get MOTM for Arbroath on Saturday? I know he got the winner. Will be interesting to see what happens there.
  10. ha yep, I used to have a David Brent/office manager type job role. When we had outside Trainers come in, at lunchtime everyone would scurry back to their desks to catch up on emails etc leaving me to make small talk with these guys in the meeting room. Most of the time the chat from them was exactly the same, how easy their job was, money perks etc... I'd normally say I had to make a call and go hide for 30 minutes.
  11. this came on last night and I shouted "F*CK OFF" at the telly and got telt off by the wife....I cannot stand it...even more annoyed they got to used the Suicide tune as well. I know its been widely been a subject of p*sstakes on TV comedy sketch shows but pretty much any perfume/aftershave advert is a load of sh*te... i dont know how they still get away with doing them but it seems to be a competition each year to be the most pretentious.
  12. I was on the Elliots bus that day as well - actually I think it might have been a midweek game? Wee guys picked up some pottery from outside a house and launched it through the window.
  13. Last time I'll mention it, but I was best mates at School with Martin. We lost touch when we left School and I haven't spoken to him since but still pretty mental for me he's now managing the club. Probably been mentioned elsewhere that he was a big Falkirk fan(think he was Ballboy at one point).... In fact I dont imagine many previous managers have been on the Elliots supporters bus which he sometimes went on with a few of us in the early 90s. The one game that sticks out is 1991 v Partick Thistle away(1-1 I think it finished?). Loads of trouble after the game and the bus windows got put in -Martin was with me on the bus that day definitely. Not an exciting story I know but still pretty mad to think he's now at the helm! Good luck to him..he's going to need it!
  14. Jeez, Martin Rennie was one of my best mates at High School - will be a headf*ck for me if he gets it!
  15. One for Indie kids. The Sugarcubes 'Hit'...great tune, Bjork on fine form...then that other fanny comes in (1.56) with his rap...totally ruins the song for me... Indie Da
  16. yeah theres a list of all the songs they 'covered' during the sessions online. By covered it means even if they did a few bars as a p*ss about. But looking through it theres hunners of tunes..i'll try find the link but obviously suggests theres so much more available.
  17. Sums it up perfectly for me too. Absolutely love them and now even moreso. Also despite being a massive Beatles fan I've always got the Abbey Road album/Let it Be Sessions mixed up so good to see how it panned out. I did have that 'Commonwealth' (yeaassss) tune in my head for days! In fact 'Let it Be' is one album I never really dig out much but really enjoying the Glyn Johns sessions. A wee cool footnote story for any nerds. About 5 years ago, for a bit of fun I used to put gigs on in Leicester. I booked a band called July who were around in the late 1960s - British psychedelic band who didn't have much success but a few underground singles. They had reformed and through a friend I booked them for Leicester. As you do I got chatting to them, one of them, Tom(to be fair only two original members). I was asking Tom about the 1960s music scene and he told me this story. In 1969 his band, July, hadn't had much success so he was fairly fed up with the music scene. He had previously done a bit of art in his spare time so decided to see if he could make some money out of it. At the time The Beatles had Apple and were encouraging musicians, artists, etc to put things forward for consideration. So Tom decided to head down to the Apple office to tout his artwork. After pacing up and down the street outside carrying his painting trying to work up courage to go in, this transit van pulled up. Out jumped some blokes one of who was an old mate of Toms. Tom asked him what he was doing there and the bloke told him about the Beatles Rooftop gig and that he was helping out with the equipment....before adding "Why don't you grab a piece of equipment and carry it up and you can see the gig with us". Tom obliged and next thing was on the rooftop. He placed his artwork behind Ringo's drumkit(you can see it in the footage). He then said he spent a while trying to avoid Mal Evans and Neil Asphinal in case he got thrown out, although due to the fact he was a musician and had 'the look' he blended in. I must admit at the time I took the story with a pinch of salt but after watching the footage I spotted him on the rooftop(wearing a maroon/purple suit) and you can see his painting behind Ringo. Whether or not how he got there is exactly as said but its a cool story either way. I am friends with him still on Facebook and theres been a lot of posts from his mates saying "i spotted you" so its unlikely its bullsh*t that he wasn't there.
  18. I was just going to mention this. Listening to some of the Walking Down Hope Street Podcasts and hearing stories of what players had to do as apprentices - cleaning boots, cleaning the stadium - not to mention that astroturf behind Brockville....jumpers for goalposts etc... We obviously didn't have the same social media thing then, and I'm not sure how much current players look at this type of thing....but again, could you imagine any of the "old school" players giving a f8ck back in the day if some keyboard warrior was having a go? I understand (to some degree) from the outside fans of other clubs see us as perpetual moaners. However if you were in our shoes I can't think how you wouldn't feel the same. If at least one area of the club was going well we might have something to cheer about but its a bomb scare from top to bottom. Granted the Youth side is now starting to take shape but a long way to go. Falkirk fans will always think we should be in the top flight. I'm personally not saying we should be, but we've been there before and that's what we're aiming for. This is perceived as arrogant by some or undeserved. I saw the Clyde fan writing "i wish we were as bad as Falkirk". I understand the sentiment, but its not the point as everything is relative to expectations. Football generally has the teams with the biggest budgets and fanbase(crowd w*nk alert) in the top flight. So as we languish in League One with relatively poor performances and results(in relation to budget and expectation) anyone who criticises us for not being happy with this needs their head screwed on. Not always the case, maybe there's fans out there that get behind their team no matter what...I've yet to see them though. I'm sure the fans of the clubs in similar situations aren't happy either(check any Sunderland Forum just as an example as I'm sure their fans aren't having a good time). Before the pile on....I'm not saying we deserve to be in the Premier League...its a results game. But all most of the fans want is a decent and organised Board, players who look like they want to play for us, and at least a bit of passion and decent football. Sounds like a lot to ask but we've had(some of) it in the past and most of us just want that back. So its understandable when everything is sh*te and has been for some time...there's frustrations...especially with the number of 'New Hope' moments we've had. But I certainly don't go for the notion that our fans are any critical than anyone else's would be in this situation.
  19. You missed out his use of the word 'descent'....
  20. bit of a niche one this but I'll crack on.... Out last night with the Missus, we met a guy we hadn't seen for years with his new girlfriend. The guys a bit of a dick, especially when drunk and introduced us both to his new girlfriend by her name but adding in "shes the daughter of Keith West don't you know!". Keith West was the singer in Uk 60s Psychedelic band Tomorrow, who also had a solo record single reach No.2 in the UK charts in 1967 (pop pickers). Means f-all to most, but being a fan of 60s music obsessive i was faintly impressed. On the way home I said to the wife "thats mad, that lassie is the daughter of Keith West" To which the wife replies in all seriousness (and I'm sure you are ahead of me here) "not sure I'd be boasting about that with all the murders he did"
  21. Aye but to be honest watching the Scotland v Faroes game last night felt more like watching Falkirk. A game we expected to win comfortably that within 20 minutes we're on the ropes and resorting to clueless high punts forward. Difference being Scotland actually won.
  22. Ha, yeah, get you. I used to be terrible. I'd get into work seething about something that had happened...or nearly get into serious trouble from car full of lads for giving them abuse prior to realising who was in the car . My wife started to mention it and as i got older I realised it was pointless really so I've mellowed out a fair bit. I still chuckle at an incident at the Whirlies roundabout when i was about 21. I approached the roundabout a bit too fast, and had to slam on the brakes as this old guy was coming round. His old wife in the passenger seat spotted me screeching to a halt and shook her head as he slowly went by, to which i responded with a double middle finger in her direction shouting "F*ck you ya old c*nt!" out the window. her face dropped and she was tugging on the drivers arm pointing at me but he was oblivious. Not something I'm proud of but I must admit one of my PTTGOYN is passengers (usually old women) who have a visible opinion on other drivers..
  23. The above story also reminded me of a time on the M73 just past Gartcosh. There were roadworks so two lanes filtered into one lane with the inevitable tail back at 5pm on a Friday. As it got down to 400 yards everyone was merging into the correct lane. My brother and I were in the car coming back from working in E.K. As what sometimes happens in these situations one of the lorries pulled out into the lane that is about to be closed to stop anyone getting in at the last minute. In this case they must've spotted this BMW driver who was hurtling up the lane that was about to be closed to try jump in at the last possible point. As the lorry pulled out to stop him, the BMW driver moved into the central reservation area to get round him, causing stones and allsorts of dust to fly everywhere...but he still managed to get by. We sat in the traffic then for fcking ages but as we got into the next section we could see the BMW driver on the hard shoulder. As we got nearer we noticed he had a flat tyre, so whatever he'd driven through to get round the lorry, something must've punctured his tyre. My brother who is a total bam, was leaning out the window as we went past, giving the guy pelters.... Funny at the time!
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