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Everything posted by pleslie99

  1. What did he expect really? Posting shite like that on social media for a reaction and he got the reaction it deserved. Obviously some were gonna screenshot it so deleting it defeats the purpose. I thought Stevie was a decent guy but he's dramatically dropping in that regard. Acting like a bullied little child is a bit pathetic from a guy who's job is football management.
  2. Dowie has been pish this season but I hope that if Mango comes back in then he may improve. Let's be honest, they were ok together last season, far from our worst performers in a pretty horrific season.
  3. That was my thoughts about mcgowan exactly, the equaliser seemed to just bounce off Nesbitt and go in in slow motion. The 3rd Raith goal has to be his ball, as I said on the match thread it's travelled a long way, dropped 3 yards from him and he just watched it. Fully culpable IMO. We need a keeper that is decent and fully fit!
  4. Seems like the announcement is to do with the walkway thingy?
  5. I assume the 1967 in his name is due to his love of the Beatles and the release of Sgt pepper, and nothing whatsoever to do with a certain achievement of a big team in Glasgow.
  6. If you had gone to a prestigious school such as Lomond, you would manage to communicate at such levels clearly. Us mere council school educated Tories clearly don't understand the private school banter.
  7. Lol I did notice that. I don't use FB, I have an account i use for work purposes so unfortunately couldn't back you up and say what I thought Although i really wanted too. Hopefully they are banned soon, looking at their profiles it looks like really young, wanna be hard men who have been kicked out the Rangers ultras for not being "ultra" enough. Remember one of them used to post on here, tried to defend them etc. even after the drumstick throwing incident. Not seen anything from him since he was shot down, hopefully those on FB go the same way, not just from the site but from the club. We may need support but not in that way. Can@optimistic not do some modding duties on the FB site and banish them........
  8. I see the young team are on trying to defend their actions on FB. Someone just kick them in the pie to shut them up.
  9. The quicker we rid ourselves of these wannnabe hard men the better. The club is in need of support, we are going through a tough time and these wee cretins don't help matters. I dusted off my old FB log in and had a look for a laugh, some of their chat is horrific.
  10. I don't believe Duffy takes the job with us without the promise of at least a wee bit of money to bring some players in in January. If not he will be looking at our shower of crocks thinking "What the hell have I taken on"
  11. This the same weans that tried to start an ultras group? Cut about with union jacks? Threw a drumstick at Andy Graham in the play off final? Tried to round up fellow sons fans to go fight away fans? Set off flares at the cup final? Oh and look about 12?
  12. I think talk of relegation is a bit premature. This league is likely to be the most competitive and close in Scotland this season. It's not as if we are cut adrift such as dundee/st mirren/Huddersfield etc in other leagues where the season does indeed look bleak. We will win games we don't look like winning this season and lose some we think we deserve to win. Yes the position at the minute is not good but we made the change we all wanted at the right time. Duffy has time to come in, see who he fancies and doesn't fancy, experiment, then do whatever dealing he can in January to make things a bit more rosy. All of us were delighted with the squad we signed up in the summer, despite SA being the man to sign them up. On paper they are decent, let's just hope JD can get them firing again. I'd love a cup run this season to get some buzz about the place but I'm sure JD sees Saturday as a free hit and another chance to try stuff.
  13. What's the difference between jam and marmalade? You can't marmalade your cock up a bird's arse
  14. Another Ayrshire thread unfolding into chaos.........
  15. Would be interesting to know how many 1st team games he actually played in his 12 years as a professional, I know your the man who will find that stat out. He can definitely be filed under the "Aitken signing" section of the archives. Injury prone check, link to rangers check, can play multiple positions check.
  16. This is a poor comment, there are plenty Saturday morning sides who would give afternoon sides a beating and vice versa. A Saturday morning side got to the final of one of the "majors" last year! Yes there are some poorer quality sides but there is that on Saturday afternoons and Sundays too. Boys play Saturday morning because it suits them, not because they are crap. I know loads of boys playing Saturday mornings who have played junior, and others who would comfortably get games for good Saturday afternoon teams.
  17. Guys my sincerest apologies for the lack of RD 2 of the cup. I have been inundated over the past few days and not had a chance to compile any quizzes, I prob won't be doing the quiz for a bit until everything is sorted, I will be back eventually if I am welcome.....
  18. On the subject of drunk c***s on a train. I was travelling into Glasgow from dumbarton one night for a night out, some drunk jakeball got on the same carriage as us with his equally as drunk Mrs. We didn't pay them any attention however he proceeded to march up and down the carriage being really loud and aggressive towards anyone that as much as looked in his direction. Ticket inspector appears in the carriage to check tickets, the woman clearly had a ticket to Glasgow while the guy had one to clydebank. The ticket inspector checked them, asked them to be a bit quieter and continued to check everyone else. Clydebank came and we all hoped the guy would get off and give everyone peace, nope he was clearly going to continue to Glasgow with his Mrs..... Ticket inspector returned, noticed he was still on the train even though he should be off or at least buy a new ticket. Obviously not wanting a major issue he informed the guy he wasn't going to charge him for a ticket if he sat down and shut up. Well this was like prodding a bear with a stick and the poor ticket guy ended up taking some horrific abuse and was called every name under the sun and was repeatedly informed he was going to get his head kicked in etc. Ticket guy was a big guy, and didn't even blink with his guy screaming in his face. Hyndland station came and as the train stopped the ticket guy stepped off, drunk man clearly saw a chance for another act of c***ishness and jumped off to confront the poor guy again. Ticket guy stepped back onto the train and stood at the door with the guy pointing and threatening him from the platform while trying to get back into the train to his Mrs. Next thing the ticket guy puts 2 hands into the guys chest, shoves him back so he falls flat on his back on the platform and shuts the train door leaving him outside and us all inside, train begins to pull away with him foaming at the mouth running along the platform trying to stop it as the police appeared at hyndland to lift him, was a very pleasing outcome. Kudos to the bravery and calmness of the ticket inspector. I'd like to say me and my mates stepped in to assist the ticket guy however we sat like a few shitebags hoping the situation would just go away!
  19. The extra time tie break answers are in. In the 1st tie: SlipperyP, as a frequent user went for 5 million, Ross. In honour of Dr Evil went for 100 million. Edmund who thinks its got to be loads plumped for 6.5million while Wastecoatwilly used the logic of being "usually shite at these things" and "i was 36 million out the last tie break" so plumped for 36,000,006 Correct answer 5,740,476 Congratulations SlipperyP and Edmund you join the rest of the cool kids in the champions trophy. Unlucky Ross. and Wastecoatwilly who join the nobody's in the losers shield. Draw and questions for Rd 1 of the respective competitions will go up tomorrow (hopefully)
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