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Everything posted by pleslie99

  1. Invergowrie beats pleslie999 by resignation. Well played @invergowrie arab I got myself tied up in knots and i couldnt see a way to prevent mate very shortly. Like a lame horse i put myself out of misery.
  2. Sorry I didn't mean to press rematch, went to hit analysis button and fat fingers got in the way
  3. Pleslie999 beats Aimhere by resignation Chess frustrates the life out of me. I can play really well like in this game but as I have shown in other games, embarrassingly poorly! Thanks for the game.
  4. Arabjoe beats pleslie999 by resignation. I thought things were OK then 1 move decimated me, well played sir. I resigned before any further embarrassment. I think My position was dead lost anyway.
  5. Well that result for Darvel tonight means we can consign the defeat to Bonnyrigg to the history books. It's no longer the biggest embarrassment in Scottish cup history!
  6. The central lost 6 of its premier league clubs this season before a ball had been kicked, including both of last seasons Scottish cup finalists. Think that's to play a bigger part than any tbh. Only 1 of those 6 left to become a wos team. Central is struggling and no surprise they are merging. Outside the top 3/4 clubs the standard isn't as high as it traditionally has been.
  7. I always watch the apprentice, loved it. Have hated Alan Sugar more and more each year, mainly cause he's a rich tory p***k. But this year will be my last watching it. Absolute pish TV now. Turned from genuine folk in series 1, wanting jobs, trying to better themselves, to brown nose, snotty clowns who wouldn't last a day in the real world. Oh and Karen Brady is a horrible horrible cow Rant over
  8. Tbf this has nothing to do with the club. Back Onside are just using the venue, it's their event. I did hear last week it was happening and expected tickets to be around the £30 mark, when I saw that earlier I just about fell off my seat, £150 is ridiculous. Iv been to a few glitzy charity balls, sportsman's dinners etc for charity through work, and although top dollar, doesn't quite hit the £150 mark, in the current climate I'd be surprised if it sold out.
  9. Hearing tonight after the collapse of the central/cale merger that the central and safl will be joining forces. Is there anyone realistically in the safl thats likely to bother the big guns in the central? Unlikely. Seems like the central just wanting to boost numbers.
  10. Does nobody have any idea what's happening with this tie? Is it an safa decision holding it up?
  11. Markf268 beats pleslie999 by checkmate. A monumental blunder of mate in 1 kills the contest. Got myself back into the game before missing the mate in 1 thinking we were trading off rooks. Well played sir. Disappointed in myself there.
  12. Strange, why bother? U don't care much for him clearly so why keep tabs on him. I don't care much for a lot of players and therefore couldn't give 2 fucks where they are currently picking up their wage from or indeed how they are getting on. I hope he does score 15 goals for us, helps us get promotion and does leave us for a club paying more money which is probably around 99% of clubs in Scotland.
  13. Well played. Struggled to do anything of note, was always on the back foot. Tried my hardest to take it to an end game and perhaps fluke a stalemate. Alas it wasn't to be!
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