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Everything posted by pleslie99

  1. The floodlight part of that statement is a farce. Yeah they may have been replaced, does noone remember the rangers B game that was postponed because the cowboys that did it just threw the old lights on the pitch and resulted in glass in the goal mouths? Another failure that no doubt cost the club money with that rearranged fixture. GPS vests? Someone having a laugh? I see amateur players with these on week In week out, it's not exactly new technology and worthwhile a professional football club shouting about. The statement stinks of sugar coating a shit situation and trying to pull the wool over our eyes. Watch this space for the season ticket renewal emails dropping next week......
  2. I think there should be a heavily worded statement from the trust to outline exaclty how we, as fans, are feeling. I'd be asking for the trust rep on the board for answers. Not that I expect any to be forthcoming.
  3. Exactly. Farrel is going nowhere because the board don't want him gone. Maybe we can afford it (we probably can) maybe we can't, but it's really a moot point as he will be our manager in L2 next year. The board maybe will get a wake up call if and when the ST sales take a big hit. Suppose they will be relying on a big uptake of kit sales in the 150th year. We need a shake up at board level and someone with a set of balls to make a decision.
  4. Yes he is and it's not the 1st time iv said it either. Billy big baws who thinks he's too good for us. Get him to f**k along with the rest of the jobbers Hes been told he's safe regardless. Stevie Farrell will be Dumbarton manager next season, unless he resigns but let's be honest, who's going to resign!?
  5. Correct me if I'm wrong but I think the absence of Carswell speaks volumes. The guy is meant to be the club captain, couldn't lead a piss up in a brewery and has been 'dropped' for the biggest game of the season. Prob the last we see of him then (hopefully)
  6. I know its not much of a shock to many if anyone but i heard Farrell going nowhere regardless of the result tomorrow.
  7. Ah yes my apologies, I forgot about him. I also forgot about Ally Roy before a certain poster comes along and shouts us down
  8. That could be said of every season since he left really. When was the last time we had a striker that was effective at being a striker, and scored a few goals? Nade? Kane? I don't expect us to have a 40 goal a season guy but someone who could get 15 would be decent.
  9. It's an embarrassment, a farce and a fucking joke! We are a laughing stock. And I agree. Not one I would keep. Bin the lot of them and if we start next season with the Vale u-20s squad then so be it, at least they would give us a bit of fight! I took the day off on Saturday, wasn't reffing, all to go to the game. f**k that, won't bother now. I'm out.
  10. Hows your stadium......oh wait Anyway away and allow us to wallow in our own depression. See you in league 2 in 2023
  11. Just put us down to the WOSFL now. Save us the depression and embarrassment of the next few years. Going down without a fight is inexcusable. Bin the lot of them
  12. It is about opinions and we can agree to disagree. Paton for me doesn't do enough. For someone who is as experienced as him he's not been good enough. I dont think he does mop up defensively in midfield, have u seen our goals against column? It's opinions for sure, maybe far from being our worst but he's also far from being our best, and in the season we've just had that is saying something! I'd be really disappointed if he hung around next season.
  13. No chance I'd keep Carswell or Paton, both pivotal to the situation we are in. Wilson 100% would keep.
  14. 7 to start the week. I actually stopped in at a pub in Grantham once when I was travelling to England and we were stuck in traffic. Know where it is roughly in the world but couldn't tell u what county cause English counties are stupid and noone needs to know that nonsense.
  15. That was a shocker of a tackle. Last minute of the last game of the season. What a dick and sums up clyde.
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