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Everything posted by Anonapersona

  1. I worked for American Health Holdings. They're owned by Aetna, who are a real giant in the health industry. Second biggest I believe. I've paid over $300 for a prescription before. There's a $4,000 deductible on my health plan. I can't remember how much I pay for the actual policy but I think it's around $400 every two weeks for medical. Yup, dental is separate. There's no way you can afford to be without insurance. Break a leg and you're looking at $50,000, at least.
  2. Yeah well, Malky is a first class liar. I worked in the healthcare industry for three years. It's all about profit. Nothing else matters. There was also the irony that the company offered mediocre health insurance.
  3. You absolutely don't want anything like the US system of healthcare.
  4. The quality of the forum goes up astronomically if the liar is put on ignore.
  5. Malky chose the compulsive liar route. He didn't have to but couldn't help himself.
  6. Those little englanders are something else. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-scotland-scotland-politics-50036176
  7. This is pure cringe. Painful stuff. Why is it that unionists trip over themselves trying to make Scotland look incapable of pretty much anything. But you're a proud Scot though, I'm sure.
  8. You're asking silly questions. I'm not a politician. I'm not involved in Scotland's finances. I made a comment about the right to demonstrate. That is all. Stop twisting every goddamn conversation on here. Honestly, you're too much of a simpleton to carry on with this. Goodbye.
  9. Ah, the old milk and honey strawman. Stop embarrassing yourself, for once.
  10. These marches are attended by people who want --and deserve-- a better life than what the clown factory at Westminster imposes on them. Just who the f**k are you to tell them what to do?
  11. I starting to think you have an elaborate shrine to Malky in your basement. Disturbing stuff.
  12. People here are literally brainwashed into thinking universal healthcare is a socialist evil that must be avoided. It's fucking tragic.
  13. You kinda do though. Not just you. It's a unionist thing. You guys portray Scotland as sucking on the UK teat for sustenance but if Scotland excels in anything, it's because we're part of the union and couldn't manage without it. So shallow.
  14. Every time I see Brian Taylor he's put on a kilo or two.
  15. I'm sure it would be the easiest deal in history.
  16. I'm sure the US can't wait to strike up some trade deals with the UK, especially in medicine. That's where the big bucks are.
  17. I wouldn't call it proof of intelligence either. That said, you made a comment about my education so I responded.
  18. Or.... you could have simply ignored my typo. For someone who claims to be older, you sure have maturity issues.
  19. Yeah but sometimes I write the same as I speak. Like in a football forum where nobody gives a f**k. Nineteen years in the States has done nothing to my accent or slang. As it stands, I have a bachelors in computer science and have worked in the IT industry since 1985, currently as an IT Manager/Software Architect. My Scottish education has served me very well. Hopefully I'll spend the last years of my career in an independent Scotland.
  20. Where was you educated? I've a feeling you're not actually a Scot but just here to troll.
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