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Everything posted by BB_Bino

  1. It was sent to me by someone else, but the comments underneath apparently suggest he has given up the game.
  2. Willie Robertson has now quit the club and looks to be quitting football.
  3. As I posted a few days ago mate: It’s hard to gauge Andy Little at Stirling because of his injury troubles. When he first came to the club, it was to use the facilities to train in to get over an injury he had a Preston (I think) and off the back of that he signed, initially until the end of the 2016/17 season, I think he would of had something like 10 games under his belt. For the first few games he played, he looked very rusty but had ability and you could see that he was going to be a super player. Just as he was getting sharper and starting to look the part, the training ground incident happened and he was lucky to be alive. We offered him a new deal to show loyalty and he accepted, but he was out for pretty much all last season. With his new Joey Barton look he finally managed to make a couple of appearances and get himself off the bench, he looked rusty again but fair play, he ran about a bit. He then made a start against Berwick, only to come off with a hamstring injury and that was the end of him. Is he the same player that ripped this league apart with Rangers? Who knows. Is a good player still there? Who knows, is Andy Little now a bad player? Again, who knows. Wish him well though, he was always good when I chatted to him behind the scenes and he’s been through a hell of a lot over the past year.
  4. Before leaving, he was allegedly vocal about how he wanted to stay at the club. Once the season ended he changed all his social media photos to him playing for us, so it’d been rumoured that he is looking for a return on loan.
  5. From what I can gather from your posts, your biggest argument against it is based on what ifs. What if the consort starts borrowing money against the clubs assets......but what is stopping the current board, or any future board, from doing that? Now I’m not saying you are wrong to bring up this point, but ultimately, you just have to put people in place and trust that they will do the best for the club. It’s not up to the supporters to decide if people are fit and proper, there are checks for that elsewhere. It doesn’t matter who you put in positions of power, within politics, business....or even football, you just have to trust that they will not abuse the power and trust they will do the job they promised. We’ve had the bid, I’ve not read the full document (but I know Knowledgable people who have) but I have read the watered down version. Do I think it’s perfect, no I don’t, do I think it’s how I would run the club if I become a lotto winner, it probably isn’t but do I think it’s an improvement on how things stand just now, yes, do I think it’s exciting, absolutely I do, if this consortium pulls off the things they want to then, of course, it’s exciting times for our club and until they give us reason not to, then I feel they should be given the chance to at least try. The second bid or the Status Quo bid as I like to call it. Well, I’ve not seen or read that, so can I comment on it?? I’ve heard that they will invest £200,000 should the club need it, and they will decide if we need it. That for me, as an outsider looking in, is just people trying to hang onto power, and it’s the same people who have not really brought much in the way of ambition to the club, other than to clear the debt and, with the exception of Stuart Brown who is not part of this bid anyway, these board members remain faceless to the majority of everyday fans anyway. We know the names, but who are these people?? Anyway, I’m going on and I can’t be bothered. I personally think this is the crossroads for the club, we can either keep bobbing about in League 2 with little to get excited about or we can have a 10 year plan in place to be a Championship team, playing Full Time football, play a bit part in the community and see the club develop......pretty much risk free, I’ll take the chance that this consortium is out to do what they say they will, because if they are not, well, it’s there money and at least we will.be where we currently are.
  6. King Crownest, if you are on Facebook then mail your questions to the SAFC Consort account, I’m sure they will answer them for you. I mailed a few over about youth development and got quick, and very derailed answers. You’re better doing that than raising questions on here, if you genuinely want answers and are not playing to an( or someone else’s) agenda. Top post Rhliaton, but can I just pick up one thing: Can I just make it clear that it is not £200k bid, it is my belief that the bid is on the table from the existing board members (with the exception of Stuart Brown) of the sum of £200k IF the board deem that this money is actually needed by the club...............
  7. To defend Peaso, since coming back, he’s played 2 games and made 1 training session, so he is probably behind the curve slightly. However, I thought he looked done last season. I think he did ok, and we looked a better team with him in it but by and large, I just felt we should be looking for more from our Striker, especially one who has done as well as Peaso. However, I can accept that I am probably in the minority with these views.
  8. That is indeed bad news. I think one of the reasons Smith had a good season last year was the fact that it was probably the first in years where he had had a pre-season and Barr is vital at the back for us, as we are so inconsistent without him. The squad is pretty worrying, as it currently stands, I don’t think lesson’s have been learned from last summer and I also think the squad lacks that goal scoring quality......I just keep my fingers crossed it’s sorted in the coming weeks.
  9. BUT going nowhere on the pitch and playing in front of more red seats than bums on seats. This isn’t a dig at anyone and I totally get the concerns but the aim of the current Board/Exec was always to clear the debt and they have done that, credit where it’s due......but surely we should be looking to more than existing? Surely we should be looking at the ambitions that the consortium are talking about?? No?? Not only do I think we should be aspiring to be “that club” but to be in a position which is realistically risk free as a club, I don’t see how we can knock that back. I get people’s concerns and this is by no means me having a pop at anyone, but it’s a no brainer for me.
  10. As I said Jake, nothing really jumps out at me that made me think he was suspect, but I may have forgotten. Totally agree when he got moved to Left Back but I doubt he’ll be playing there for Pollock. I think it showed how good a season he had, or how terrible Noble was, that Mackay moved him there instead of dropping him when Barr came in and McGeachie was moved.
  11. It’s hard to gauge Andy Little at Stirling because of his injury troubles. When he first came to the club, it was to use the facilities to train in to get over an injury he had a Preston (I think) and off the back of that he signed, initially until the end of the 2016/17 season, I think he would of had something like 10 games under his belt. For the first few games he played, he looked very rusty but had ability and you could see that he was going to be a super player. Just as he was getting sharper and starting to look the part, the training ground incident happened and he was lucky to be alive. We offered him a new deal to show loyalty and he accepted, but he was out for pretty much all last season. With his new Joey Barton look he finally managed to make a couple of appearances and get himself off the bench, he looked rusty again but fair play, he ran about a bit. He then made a start against Berwick, only to come off with a hamstring injury and that was the end of him. Is he the same player that ripped this league apart with Rangers? Who knows. Is a good player still there? Who knows, is Andy Little now a bad player? Again, who knows. Wish him well though, he was always good when I chatted to him behind the scenes and he’s been through a hell of a lot over the past year. I’m guessing McNeil has dropped to the juniors because he is a new Dad. Ability wise, you’ve got a player that is probably amongst the best Right Backs in the Scottish Lower Leagues and also, he was offered a new deal with us. He’s a good player, very steady and I can’t remember any dodgy moments from him throughout the whole of last season. He’s a player I liked, didn’t offer much going forward but hey ho, he was good and I think he’ll do a really good job for you. Impressive signing from Pollock.
  12. I was at the Astro on the first night of training and noticed very few familiar faces come onto the pitch, so Mackay clearly has a minimum squad to work with due to holidays and maybe even work commitments. I heard Dick Campbell on Rock Sport Radio say that the League Cup kick off is a nightmare for Part Time teams because actually, the players have had no pre-season because most were on holiday etc etc, I’m now seeing what he meant.
  13. I actually remember the lad come off the bench against Rangers strangely enough. Can’t remember the score but he stood out as looking good.
  14. I’m not really sure what to make of this news. Firstly, I’m sorry to read that something has happened within Caddis life that has forced him into, retiring from the game possibly? I think there is an excellent player in him somewhere, and you always live in hope that you can find it. 1 great games and a couple of good games over the course of a season tells you that potentially he could be a good player for you but we never really saw it enough to suggest that losing the player is any great loss to the club. Wish him well and thank him for what he did during his time at the club.
  15. Just bought a Stirling Observer and it says that the signing of a Goalkeeper and Striker is close, along with the resigning of Peter Macdonald. That would suggest that would only leave us with a Centre Midfielder and a Winger to find. If the lad Borg impresses during his trial and is signed then we are pretty much there with the squad, with the option of 1 or 2 loan players coming in to boost the numbers slightly.
  16. There’s an inevitability at this level where we accept that if someone does well then they will move on, especially if a Full Time offer comes in. There is even more of an inevitability at Forthbank that if Dave Mackay does well, he’ll probably end up back at St.Johnstone so if the move you speak of is offered to him and he takes it then good on him. I’m not sure exactly why he would take it though, if he keeps working well at Stirling then he would surely be in pole position for Tommy Wright’s job when that day comes. Mackay might look at it as Full Time work and he can learn in house, and I get that, but I would of thought you would learn more by being your own man. I’m personally of the opinion that Mackay still has a bit to prove before he is seen as ready to walk into a Premiership job, but this might just be a good move for him with his own plans and desires, if he does decide to do it then I’m sure Albion fans will thank him for the job he has done and move on from it, personally, i wouldn’t be fussed either way.
  17. Holly molly that’s a fantastic signing for this division, wow [emoji1319]
  18. New top is better in the flesh than the graphic that we had to vote on [emoji3]
  19. Think you’re right mate but that was also the Youth Academy Day so that would of added 200+ to the gate but considering Clyde are only 20 mins along the road and such a huge huge club (in their own eyes) then there should be hope that we can hit those numbers again.
  20. I remember playing Clyde on the opening day of the season 2 years ago. Fans of both clubs genuinely went into the season believing their team could win the league and it was a brilliant day with a big crowd. As it turned out, we both went on to have poor seasons, but that was a great day, would be good to have the same kind of crowd along for this.
  21. Am I right in thinking there is now a bar in the main stand at Cliftonhill? If so, is it ok for children to come in on match days? Must admit, I don’t think I’ve been for 4-5 years now. Used to love a pint at Big Owen’s , was one of my favourite away day pubs but when they did it up and changed it to Owen’s it seemed to lose the football atmosphere in it, the couple of times I went in.
  22. Working near K-Park today so popped along for a sneaky peak. Must admit I thought the set up was really good, tidy little ground you have there and I look forward to getting along to game one day.
  23. Where is Sutherland based? There is chat on our forum that he lives in Wick, I thought that was Craig Gunn? If he’s travelling from there, then surely there is no chance of him joining us, and I doubt we’ll be able to throw Peterheadesk wages and expenses at him.
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