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Everything posted by SANTAN

  1. Aye he explains that he wrote some satirical piece where he hinted at revealing who people were but he thought it would pass as it was satirical, the guy started losing me at that point tbh but the opening 1-50ish points are frightening if true. He does seem like he's on THAT side of the pro Indy debate but the content he's posted is outwith the tribal factions of the SNP as I said if true then it's massive.
  2. Laying out how this was a stitch up. It's very detailed and perhaps some of the pro Indy guys would appreciate the guys contacts more so than me but it's very damning if credible. I'm aware this guy is a friend of Salmond as he says so himself. It's a very intriguing read for the people that were saying nobody cares about this story etc, if they can read that and seriously believe people wouldn't care about it then they're completely at it. It's explosive if true.
  3. Can't be bothered to wade through the trans phobic shit show that was occurring yesterday, anybody posted or read this? https://www.craigmurray.org.uk/archives/2021/01/my-sworn-evidence-on-the-sturgeon-affair/#click=https://t.co/kTnz1csjnW
  4. Ahaha you are at it. You also sound like quite the knuckle dragger, funny that...
  5. Just seems a bit weird to reference stairs and accidents tbqh.
  6. Is there some stair reference I'm missing regarding that?
  7. Could really do with another for the goal difference, just in case.
  8. Just awaiting the incredulous look when he gets subbed off.
  9. Quite like the look of Doig btw. What age is he? Got some quality natural attributes that I'm sure a top coaching team could get the best out of.
  10. Yes. I'm an honest man. If the reverse happens I will reap what I sow.
  11. Oooft that's delightful, the salt is delicious.
  12. I thought it would have been Jack and Davis or Kamara (swap either out) with Hagi and Aribo but definitely looks a game for Hagi. It feels like neither side has enjoyed possession, a game passing every player by.
  13. Really promising opening 15 minutes, everyone seemed on the ball and sharp, clearly hitting the withdrawal stage, after they get their half time nespressos we should have another spurt.
  14. Morelos with the trophy pictures are worth that.
  15. Is Arfield and Roofe still out? What do we reckon the team will be tonight? I want to see more Itten. It's mental how when I was looking at this fixture at the end of last year it was one I thought could be pivotal but now I reckon we could get scudded by 5 and it wouldn't matter, for that same reason I think we might dish out a scudding.
  16. Could be a multitude of reasons buddy. It's hard to know without knowing the person. Most people I know that "hate" Rangers would probably say they hate the fans, I only really hear this from knuckle draggers themselves, the type to use sectarian language whilst trying to pontificate about how bigoted a certain set of fans are. I know a few celtc fans that don't like Rangers football club for obvious reasons that don't need to be said.
  17. When a flat earther asks me why I've never seen bendy water I don't entertain it.
  18. Jesus, that's worrying. Hopefully you're just posting for attention or something then because your views on a specific group of football fans is extremely narrow minded and backwards. I can't answer such a stupid question, you can try rephrasing it so you don't come across as so deranged and I can answer otherwise it's like arguing with an old man shaking his fist at a cloud. From what you've posted I'd imagine you've got more in common with those that you described than I do with you.
  19. I can't get past the first line without laughing.
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