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Everything posted by thistledo

  1. That mixufixit chap seemed like a good guy, shame he's away.
  2. Yeah I get that and with our board makes a lot of sense, I just feel with how bad the pitch is, there should have been contingency, it's a business after all.
  3. I find it a bit mad in football, that there is no contingency plan or business continuity over stuff like this. As our fans pointed out before this, the pitch was never going to be able to sustain a game per week or more in winter. Why couldn't a plan be put in place for QP to go back to Hampden in an emergency is an example. No, we just postpone games and play midweek every week instead. It's fucking shite honestly.
  4. Thread is lacking some parking fine related content if I'm honest.
  5. A place I worked in before we knocked up some basic code that you could start and stop when you went for a shite. It would eventually output a spreadsheet of how much money you earned and how much time you spent doing a shit in work. Time well spent I must say.
  6. When I was a lot younger I used to work in IT job for a managed service provider, they had such fine margins, barely had the correct headcount for service desks so if you went for a piss the team leader would be giving you a look like what are you playing at. It was horrible, even lunches were so rigid, down to the minute. The sane team lead was absolutely furious one morning because I was "on a call too long" as missed another one and that we'd fail SLA for the day now, was a joke. Now I can get up and bugger off out for a walk during the day for 15-20 mins without any hassle. Which is nice.
  7. Sounds similar to my experience then, hope you got the free scran, got to the point the missus was done in and we went to theatre, just keep that in mind, happens all the time.
  8. Hope it goes well man. I think we ended up being awake for 3 days straight when our wee one was born. Remember outlasting so many midwife shifts, every time the new ones came in they asked if I wanted food, it was class, constant rolls, sandwiches & crisps and the missus was raging as she wasn't allowed to eat anything. I'll go with 8lb 8 and Olivia btw. Feel your pain, the inconsistency is very frustrating, you think you are back on the right track and then all of a sudden it's back to square one. Not fun. This morning was actually the first time in a long time she's woke in the morning at a reasonable-ish time and didn't immediately start crying/screaming, which is giving me a bit of hope. I guess with being nearly 2 the vocabulary will start to develop quicker and hopefully help the communication of "sleep is good, required and we're only next door chill the f**k out" I honestly wish I could explain to mine that she should take advantage of lie ins as they'll be gone in no time.
  9. That you re-acquainting yourself with these parts after that banter of a managerial appointment?
  10. Go through the same from time to time. So from personal experience, If you have them lift weights until you can barely lift your arms and legs or think about getting down the gym and battering f**k out a punchbag. Once you're feeling in good shape, get down and kick f**k out the bully's Da* *Don't do this bit. Hope things improve either way.
  11. The missus tried breastfeeding, absolutely knackering during the night as our wee one was a big feeder/big baby. To keep up with demand the missus started expressing bottles and storing them but she still couldn't keep. We tried combo feeding with bottle and breast milk, but that turned out upsetting the wee one's stomach so we just went full bottle, got one of those machines that makes it in minutes, so easy at 3am when all you want to do is sleep. You'll get some breast feeding fanatics out there, some of the nurses in hospital can be a little pushy about it. Important thing is, do what works best for you all, try things and if it doesn't work it's not the end of the world. One thing the missus did while pregnant was take these god awful tasting ante natal support vitamins, they smelled and tasted vile as I tried one, one day after I said to her "they can't be that bad" I was wrong. Going by the wee ones development and growth I'd say it's either a massive coincidence or they were well worth it! On that basis would recommend it.
  12. She sounds a right laugh to have in the office. Watched a documentary a couple of years after all this kicked off, it included an interview with a random Ukrainian woman, in her mid to late 30's taking up arms and getting involved in the fight. She wasn't massively attractive but, I must say there was a certain appeal about her, that I can't quite explain.
  13. Oh aye, absolutely, I mean I've definitely been Babs in Glasgow is good for your more up-market kebab experience that's popular now. No idea where is good for your 3am post sesh kebab now as I'm quite far from that scene. Turquoise used to be class though.
  14. Superb, showing a bit of initiative if you ask me. Being an auditor must be like openly admitting you're a bit of a Lee Wallace on a professional basis.
  15. Seems like you're not retired from this childish pish after all...
  16. I turned and said the same thing to my missus last night, minus the punt Dodds part.
  17. Ah yes, very subtly infuriating. You can feel the glare from them as they pass.
  18. Interesting, her mum is down next week, we're very tempted to go for a night away and let her look after her that night. I'd read that not changing routine at this stage is important and what you've said seems to validate that. So seems like a night away is out the window. The actual getting her to sleep is quite easy, it's the waking up during the night with extreme sadness and not wanting to go back to bed is a nightmare, especially if it happens at like midnight.
  19. It's the universal reaction to someone being a tailgating c**t isn't it. Driving bang on 30 or the smoothest acceleration away from the lights. Almost involuntary.
  20. I would absolutely agree, it's awful, if that's what it is. We always kind of left her for a while when she was younger to have a bit of a cry and moan, then re-settle and it worked. We tried the same with this but just doesn't work, tried getting up at whatever time she woke to see if she would realise it was sleep or you get up and not our bed. It didn't work. So like you I'm doing the hanging off the edge of the bed or like last night bursting for a pee, but unable to get up as she's just fallen asleep on me and don't want to risk waking her yet. Well this is reassuring anyway, hopefully we may both get some improvements in the coming months. Cracking pic, would love some snow to take the wee one sledging!
  21. I think his reaction was more to do with me pulling out which, to be fair, I did. As I say, in my own car there wouldn't have been an issue but I was driving a car with the power of a hairdryer which meant he caught up with me very quickly once I'd pulled out and he'd have to have slowed down. If it makes you feel better I could conclude you're both c***s? The Range Rover reaction comes across a bit small dick energy though.
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