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Everything posted by MJC

  1. Well I hope you're optimism is rewarded but until I see it with my own eyes I don't think we'll ever win a league match against Rangers again. For the best part of the last twenty years I've heard our fans talk up.our chances against games against Rangers, especially home games, as "we'll never get a better chance, they're there for the taking" and with the exception of two days in May 2015 and another in October 2017 it never happens for us. I'm always all the more wary of facing Rangers, or any team for that matter, when there is an expectation amongst our support that we will get a result. Rangers will be given a hounding all week this week by the media and their support so I fear we may be the ones on the end of a backlash, yet again.
  2. Well we've all seen this movie before on several occasions.
  3. We all know how next Sunday goes. Rangers there for the taking, dropped points to Aberdeen, lost the Cup Final to Celtic, might even be out of Europe by then as well, what better time for us to play them, especially when we're on the back of three wins on the spin. We'll never have a better chance to beat them. Then Sunday rolls around, we don't turn up and Rangers get their usual win against us.
  4. Yeah, a domestic cup final on a Sunday would otherwise go uncommented on, on a Scottish Football website IMO. It wouldn't go uncommented on, but there wouldn't be quite so many pages if this was a final between the likes of Falkirk and Kilmarnock.
  5. This thread just shows that this fixture is of massive, massive interest to fans of all Scottish clubs.
  6. Rangers fans singing sectarian songs already. My goldfish just burst into tears because of it. Sickening.
  7. We made a meal of that in the end but we were well worth our win. Really well worked goal, beautiful turn from Hylton to set that up and we'll finished by Long. We are still not clinical enough in the final third though and that left us hanging on a bit but fortunately Hearts were utter garbage and didn't seriously trouble us. All in all we've got to be happy with that especially given other results.
  8. A home game against a side that many of our support think we should be beating. Where have I seen that before, this season alone? And there's talk of a sickness bug doing the rounds in our squad too. Away win tomorrow, as sure as night follows day. 2-0 Hearts.
  9. I'm not, as you know, but I will be watching it because this fixture interests me. Just like you'll be watching, for the same reason.
  10. I'm not involved in any lodge. I was of course being sarcastic the other day. I will be watching this match with interest along with the overwhelming majority of Scottish football fans including those who would try and tell you that they have no interest in this fixture.
  11. He is an absolute machine, it's no wonder that a £50M price tag has been reverently slapped on his head.
  12. It's a good cross and there's Morelos with the header....and he's only gone and done it again. Alfredo.Morelos. YATP
  13. Who are fourth in the Championship and very much in contention for a playoff. If that doesn't constitute "high flying" then I don't know what does. Oh aye, plus Danny Johnson is a stick on to score against us.
  14. All in all its another rotten draw for us. So we avoid our standard all Premiership draw but draw a high flying Championship side? Not good. And to make matters worse just about all the other premiership sides bar Hibs have got easy draws, with Celtic, Rangers, Hearts and Aberdeen all kept apart and all getting essentially byes to the next round meaning that even if we do beat Dundee, at its by no means certain that we will, we will in all probability face a tough one in the next round meaning that our hopes of a Cup run/win are dashed for yet another year.
  15. Yet again we have shown that we are incapable of recovering from going behind in a match. We were awful yet again today, at the back more cheap goals conceded and totally ineffective up front. Not good enough
  16. 1-1 I think. Hibs to score first, us to level in the second half and finish the stronger side but fail to make it count leaving us slightly frustrated. However if we leave with a point and having scored then it will be an improvement on our two no-shows there last year. I wonder what kit we'll wear for this seeing as we've worn our away kit on our last four visits there since they were promoted in 2017. Saying that we seem to have moved away from last season's irritating habit of wearing our change kit in every away match so there is hope yet. I'll be happy enough with a Claret & Amber clad Motherwell coming away from Leith with a point.
  17. Likewise. No one should simply be 'handed' the job, especially when we were stung so spectacularly badly the last time we did this with Malpas replacing Butcher because he had been 'promised' the job. When Robinson moves on we should follow the correct process, advertise the job, interview candidates and appoint the best one we can get. I like Keith Lasley alot, but the idea of him managing us gives me the fear.
  18. I see James McFadden is the latest to be inducted into the Motherwell FC Hall of Fame. I'm not surprised one but at this but at the same time I'm always wary of affording him the 'legend' status. He was and still is the best young player I have ever seen us produce and he was the brightest spark for us in an otherwise awful time for the club and his transfer fee helped massively in saving the club. On the park in that time he was a joy to watch and I was genuinely gutted when he left for Everton on transfer deadline day in 2003 and delighted when he returned in 2013. However I have never seen him as a Motherwell legend and at no point in any of his spells with us was he much of a team player, with the possible exception of those few months he played alongside Higdon, Humphrey and Ojamaa, he was more of a 'maverick'. His third and fourth spells with us were chronic to watch as his fitness wasn't up to speed and I think he'd lost alot his enthusiasm by then too, but he was still afforded God-like status by the club, both in the stands and in the boardroom and despite the fact that he wasn't producing the goods anymore, he was given a very easy ride of if. His latter spell as player/assistant manager was awful and I honestly don't think his presence had a positive influence on the dressing room, quite the opposite infact. Also, It always irked me how many Motherwell fans seemed to value him more than the club itself as no player or manager should be bigger than the club, but I think that in McFadden's case he probably was to an extent as time wore on. I will always see James McFadden as a player who came through our ranks as a teenager and was brilliant to watch and moved on for a big fee, but tainted his 'legacy' with his later spells with the club.
  19. Correct and it's almost always done by the two types of people I cannot stand and go out my way to avoid at all costs...Politicians(psuedo or otherwise) and hypocrites. Open to all, welcoming to people from all walks of life, with different beliefs and outlooks. Celtic and the Green Brigade aren't very good at this from what I can see. As I said last night, that supporters group don't half do a good job of getting their message across through their massive banners and displays inside the ground. The club don't seem to have too much of a problem in allowing them to do so either.
  20. That is true yes, but they are not a political party or movement, they are a supporters group of a football club which markets itself as "Open to all". The actions of that particular group on a regular basis and the club itself often flies right in the face of their supposed "Open to all" ethos and shows them up as the utter hypocrites that they are.
  21. The difference is that I am making what I think are valid points about Celtic and they are based on personal experience. I am not in the least bit seething, I have made my points and put them across in a clear and coherent manner and I don't see anyone of a non Celtic perspective disagreeing with them. My Rangers 'act' is aimed at the usual suspects on here, and it isn't everyone, it's normally a core of specific posters, they are found on every single Rangers match thread moaning and whinging about the most trivial of matters, from the colour of socks they are wearing to the manner in which their support celebrate goals, and so on. Some of them seem to post more about Rangers than they do about the club they actually support. They whinge and the exaggerate and it sounds pathetic. Unlike them I don't frequent every single Celtic match thread, I am on this one because it involves the club I support and indeed my first contribution since the game on Sunday was to challenge the view of another Motherwell fan who said that he found the Green Brigade 'spot on' with alot of the things they get involved in.
  22. This discussion has absolutely nothing to do with Rangers and my views on them. It's possible to be able to dislike and call out Celtic without being pro-Rangers, you do realise that?
  23. And yet, it's you who sounds more raging than anyone else on here.
  24. I'll take it 'ripping my knitting' any day of the week if it shows you up and illustrates your club and supports' hypocrisy and the fact that you, your fellow supporters and your club are full of utter bullshit.
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