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Everything posted by GAD

  1. One of these absolute archaic rules that nobody really knows about. That fan on the pitch is what happens when the type of guys who wear "my drinking team has a rugby problem" t shirts keep telling us what great banter Jarvo is.
  2. Yeah, ref has been Wales best player here. It's so easy for them to defend the 5m area when they are allowed to be so far offside. The fact he's allowing Wales to clearly hit the jumper in the air at lineouts as well. I've no doubt SA would be the same if the ball was ever down there.
  3. Ref only gave that yellow because Kolisi told him to. I mean, it was correct, but it's pretty weak stuff.
  4. South Africa really aren't that great. Gatland absolutely fucked that tour.
  5. I genuinely think Tompkins took two dives for that yellow card.
  6. I guess it's just because he wants to get Ashman capped Asap. I think McInally not being in the 23 is quite a surprise to be honest, but on current form probably fair enough. Just hope Turner doesn't have a lineout nightmare. Sometimes I think Ritchie Gray makes him look a bit better for Glasgow.
  7. Yeah. To be fair though, this is your classic "politician openly trousers loads of money that people don't think he should get". It's the same as cash for questions, or even the expenses scandal and is easy to understand and get raging about. These ones never play well with the public.
  8. So you do think there is a grand conspiracy involving several different people to bring down the Little Scholars branch in Broughty Ferry? Why?
  9. You think the journalist who found them rejecting kids with Muslim names whilst welcoming kids with western names with open arms was also in in this conspiracy to bring down Little Scholars?
  10. Poor wee Owen. Did a big victory tour, then got thrown under the bus by his pals and now he looks like a fanny. Nobody cares and everyone thinks he should just f**k off. Such a cruel world indeed.
  11. It says they need to have "a close and credible link" to the country they want to switch to, through birth, or the birthplace of parents or grandparents, so I'm not sure the residency rule applies here. As far as I know, Mercer doesn't have a family link to Scotland, and anyone wanting to switch would need that if they'd already been capped, so app these T2 players it wouldn't be enough to just have played in that country for a while. I could be wrong of course. Personally I would make it so a player could only move from T1 to T2 or lower once, and make that the end of it. I remember in the 90s there were guys switching back and forward between NZ and Samoa quite regularly and it was a bit of a joke.
  12. Mercer does qualify through residency and I'm pretty sure played for Scotland at youth international level. Although given he's likely to be given a full cap by England this autumn it'll be irrelevant anyway. Is he in the England squad? I thought when he went to France he ruled himself out?
  13. Man, the seethe if we start picking guys like Zach Mercer is going to be out of this world. It might actually finish Stephen Jones and a few of the Irish journalists off. Actually, I just looked at the BBC report and I'm not sure Mercer would qualify as he wasn't born here and I don't think his parents were either?
  14. What are the new laws? Do they allow a player to switch T1 to T1?
  15. He wasn't a particularly gifted footballer I suppose. If he lost a yard or two of pace then I expect he's significantly less effective.
  16. To be fair, one of them is keeping Findlay out the team. I'd never heard of Jack Elliott before but he's certainly a big lad! To be honest, I've got no problems at all with this squad as it stands, it's mostly the guys who have got us here that Clarke trusts, and a random Championship guy who apparently has real pace which is something we do miss a little. I doubt he's a world beater, but if he can offer something a bit different, the way Anya used to when he played for us, then fair enough.
  17. He probably spent a night outside Oran Mor demanding a bored bouncer let him in, even though he'd pissed himself, because his shoes cost £200 and has never forgiven the place.
  18. He looks exactly like the type of guy who would manage to have a shit time in Glasgow to be fair.
  19. My favourite bit from today was all the journalists on Twitter insisting that them having to stand in a queue was the big story of the day, and getting really indignant and huffy with the general public for not giving a f**k.
  20. I wonder if the big celebration after the Wales try upset the ABs a bit. It's been full humiliation mode since.
  21. Yes, all of them, Scotland and the rest of the home nations I think, are on prime.
  22. This thread is the best thing in Twitter if you are a ROG hater like me. Honestly, not to be missed. The accompanying Irish tears are a delightful little side plate to the excellent main course of ROG being utterly shite.
  23. 1. Celtic 2. Rangers 3. Hearts 4. Dundee United 5. Hibs 6. Motherwell 7. Livi 8. Aberdeen 9. County 10. St Johnstone 11. Dundee
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