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Everything posted by GAD

  1. We haven't stopped the drops....
  2. Ohh, if he's giving that now it's good news! Poor stuff from the kickoff though.
  3. I think we did alright there, some incredible defence, but we really need to find a way to play in their half or its going to be a long 40 mins. That miss from Finn at the end was a real howler, a 5 point lead from that half would have been a tremendous result!
  4. Ref penalises Ritchie firvthsy exact same turnover earlier. What a c**t he really is.
  5. Was Ritchie a bit lucky there? Looked like he put his hands down.
  6. That's a fucking yellow. Utter cowardice from the ref.
  7. We are getting nothing here till they score.
  8. South Africa dropped the last scrum yet he's still having a go at us. Think the ref has made his mind up.
  9. Fantastic again from Patterson. Huge performance for Scotland tonight. Will be massively missed against Denmark.
  10. Patterson gets a lot of stick on here, but that was a good example of why he's in the team. SOD is never doing that. Add that onto his assist in the Faroes and he's made a huge contribution in these tight games against teams hard to break down.
  11. Man, why can't we just score our chances and fucking defend better? Is that too much to ask?
  12. My wee sister used to work in a hotel in Glasgow that all the Sky Sports folk used to stay in, and she says Crocker is a great guy and it's us who are all dicks.
  13. It's quite an interesting team, be r what I'd have picked. I'm guessing Watson is on the bench to bring a bit of quality and added energy when the big SA second half subs come on. The starting back row is basically his 3 biggest guys in those positions.
  14. Kenny McLean never once played as a striker in any Saints game I watched and I don't miss many. He is also one of the least physical / combative players in our squad. His game is all finesse so no idea where you have seen him playing as a physical, hold up target man ??? He did to be fair, in the disastrous Tommy Craig season, and played it pretty well, scoring about 7 goals before we sold him to Aberdeen. He was playing there because the other options were Ball and Marwood, so it wasn't exactly great times. Wouldn't blame you for erasing that whole season from memory.
  15. Has Pollard not been kicking quite badly recently? I'm sure he's been quite flaky himself. I do think Pollard is a safer pair of hands in general though. Even that drop goal Janties scored against NZ was a bad option in my opinion. 4 mins to go and you have a penalty advantage right in front of the posts and the first thing they do is hit the drop goal was just bad game management for me. I know they won in the end, but when you are allowed 90 secs for the penalty in a one point game you really need to be milking every second.
  16. Don't worry, apparently there is still an away and third strip to come, so we will still be able to laugh at actual grown men demanding resignations and quitting SMISA because the collar on a sweatshop t-shirt is "wrong".
  17. Yeah, I was there as well and felt the same. The game just never got going and to be honest, I thought the ref had to shoulder a lot of the blame for that. At no point did he step in and hurry up lineouts for example. I managed to go for a piss and back before one of the lineouts was taken. Nobody was injured, it just took fucking ages for the Aussies to have a wee conference, then slowly walk to the line. It completely killed the atmosphere as well as every knock on was met with audible groans as we all settled in to see how long it would take the Aussie pack to actually gather at the mark.
  18. Wales get tackled from the 10m line to halfway inside their own 22 and the ref realises he's done all he can and calls it.
  19. Ref absolutely bailed Wales out there. About 3 penalties to SA there that would have killed the game.
  20. Remember when he was about to sign for Edinburgh because nobody thought he had a hope of getting into the Springboks World Cup squad? He's a great player.
  21. That conversion miss is big. Wales haven't really looked like scoring a try, but they'll get a penalty.
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