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Everything posted by GAD

  1. It was nearly 20 years ago I lived in Melbourne to be fair, but I've never seen a city with such a visible heroin problem as it had at the time. Walking to work stepping over needles and comatose bodies every morning and you couldn't go for a piss in the city centre without needing to get a key off someone. I expect it's been cleaned up by now tbf.
  2. Though it does feel on the last two tours that Gatland started both first tests with the "media" team before saying "f**k it" and picking who he actually wanted in test 2 and 3.
  3. He's got better and better as the game has gone on. I would rather watch this guy next week than either of Biggar or Farrell.
  4. Duhan takes the ball five yards out facing his own line and every single time ends up 10 meters forward. Hard to see how Gatland can ignore that.
  5. Beard as well, should have mentioned him. Lots of moaning when he was called up, but he's been great. I moaned when he was called up but that was because I thought he was Jake Ball.
  6. He's been excellent. LCD, Hogg, DVM, Furlong (horrible missed tackle early on aside) and Daly decent as well. Henshaw bit rusty but OK and Conan not too bad either. Sutherland a bit ropy and Adams having a fucking mare for me.
  7. Adams looking really slow on the kick chase. VDM is such a get out of jail free card at times, he doesn't need space to make yards and hold up the ball a bit when you are in a tight spot at the back.
  8. Sutherland having a rough first 5 here...
  9. McAllister plays like a 35 year old winger who used to be great but is now playing down the leagues because he hasn't got the legs for it anymore, except he's only 22.
  10. I don't know, Hogg, Adams, DVM, Henshaw, Furlong, LCD, Sutherland, Price, Beirne, Watson and even Conan, Daly and Beard are all heavily in the discussion for a spot in the test 23, so 13 out of 15. On the bench AWJ, George and Harris as well. I think Henshaw playing 12 is great news for Harris. Can see him and Daly getting a half each to stake a final claim for the test 13 if Henshaw goes ok.
  11. I'm not even sure there will be a back 3 player on the bench mate, as I think Gatland will go for the 6/2 split, which means the backs will be a scrum half, and then someone else who can cover the whole backline, probably Daly. I'm not really a fan of it to be honest, but can see it coming.
  12. I don't think VDM will get picked, not in the first test at least. I reckon it'll be Watson, Williams, Hogg. Not the most exciting but it's by far the most solid defensively and the best equipped to deal with, and counter attack the Springboks kicking game.
  13. That's some pack O'Gara has picked. Mako? Fucking hell.
  14. Yeah, it didn't even go forward either if it was supposed to be Fagerson.
  15. Daly is having a good tour for me.
  16. They love him, but for me Tom Curry has been one of those almost good guys. Almost a great break but then dropped the ball. Almost a good charge down but then couldn't gather it. Almost a couple of turnovers, but actually none.
  17. Bo I thought it was pretty clear it touched the line to be honest, but I'm not the ref I suppose. I think there is enough here to suggest the tests are going to be crackers, but absolutely brutal.
  18. Yeah, he's not pushed himself, he's just reached. I'd give that.
  19. Great pass from Harris. Lions looking much better. Would like Fagerson to get on now.
  20. Harris has been good on the ball today.
  21. Nearly 15 minutes SA were two down for there.
  22. Why did LRZ not just go for it?
  23. I think the two second rows have done well, Owens has been OK in the set peice at least, and Watson is doing what he can with very slim pickings, but the back row and the halfbacks have been shite. LRZ is having a horrible time in defence and being given absolutely nothing to play in attack. I think there probably is a bit of it where we are not wanting to show our hand too much before the 1st test, but that'll be the same for the Boks as well.
  24. Definitely looked like the boks were targeting Williams early on. They put up two or three bombs and then absolutely fucked him up on each one. They've not done the same to Daly, though I suppose they haven't had the ball much.
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