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Everything posted by GAD

  1. What, you are a doctor now? He clearly took a head knock before he was subbed. You think your analysis from the armchair trumps that of the medical staff at the ground? I think what's happening here is once again your team lost and you are lashing out and making a complete c**t of yourself. Again.
  2. I thought you said he wasn't injured and was faking it?
  3. Yeah, if Aberdeen had ended up down to 8 they couldn't have had many complaints. Absolutely lost the plot in the second half. We were good in that second half, McGrath particularly really turned up after a poor first half. Brophy, Tanser, Shaughnessy and Fraser were l good too, and Ronan looks a good signing at this point. Hopefully this is the result to see us kick on a bit. Next two games are huge.
  4. Yes, Brophy took a head knock do we were allowed an extra sub, as were Aberdeen.
  5. Fraser prime candidate for me. He will need to be careful.
  6. Kinghorn is so soft in defence. Edinburgh are just soft in general actually. They are a good team, they have some great talent, but they are such fucking pussies sometimes.
  7. Really enjoyed that Benetton v Stormers game. A full Benetton team are no mugs. I think it'll be a decent competition this year.
  8. Yeah, I think Weir will be ok, but he wasn't playing well at all, I think he put at least two out on the full, had a couple of drops and was just struggling all round. Thompson did the basics much better when he came on. Still early days, but Thompson looks like he has the potential to be a very, very good player. It will he interesting to see how he goes in the Autumn for Scotland where I expect he will get his first cap.
  9. Frustrating. That was an opportunity there, but the mistakes killed us. There was plenty of good stuff as well though to be fair. Lineout attack and defence was good, scrum was fine, Darge was brilliant and some of the new boys showed up well too. Wilson was magnificent as well.
  10. That is a fucking joke of a try to lose. Absolutely killed themselves tonight.
  11. Think that might be game over unfortunately.
  12. His biggest problem seems to be the idea that a person who isn't white and has a forigen name could possibly have any Scottish heritage. A lot of good and a lot of bad in that half. Think we look better since Thompson came on. Brave to go for the try at the end, and glad it came off. Think it was a bit if a physiological blow as well as Ulster were clearly hoping we would just kick it. If we can cut out the daft errors and soft turnovers in the second half we have a chance of a big result here.
  13. Unforced errors killing us here. Making things far too easy for Ulster to get field position. We defend ok, it's when we get the ball back that's the issue right now.
  14. Yes! Been much better since the penalty try and done well with 14 men. Great try and deserved. This commentator is absolutely seething about Scottish grannies.
  15. Howling start, barely touched the ball.
  16. It's a really stupid game. I've completed it twice now. The wedding scene was my favourite.
  17. There was independent research published from the University of Newcastle just a couple of months ago that showed it was a success in both Scotland and Wales and recommended that England follow. I believe Ireland are bringing it in next year as well based on the evidence of how it's worked in Scotland.
  18. Why does the nuclear power stations need to be in Scotland? Should we build one where you live? What is it you think is so great about nuclear power, and where do you think we should store the radioactive waste?
  19. Yeah, it doesn't really matter who the SNP are in thrall to because energy policy is reserved so the current situation has nothing to do with them.
  20. You can't really blame the SNP for UK energy policy. Lower energy bills were an explicit promise from vote leave and Boris Johnson himself during the referendum campaign. You love to point to the SNP "blaming Westminster" for everything, but you are pretty damn quick to do the same the other way when it suits.
  21. Mulgrew has been very good. He's a significant upgrade on what they had at the back last season.
  22. The insistence from guys like him that racism, bigotry and drunken violence are explicitly working class traits is probably about as middle class an opinion as you will get. "What you need to understand is this is just what "these people" do and you shouldn't criticise it". f**k off.
  23. Deserved something from that for sure. Good subs from Jim as well, turned the game back for us when it looked like we were dead and buried.
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