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Everything posted by coprolite

  1. Festive edition: the polar bear cub that says “bye buddy” in Elf was voiced by stop motion maestro Ray Harryhausen.
  2. I usually have a coffee in the morning because it’s part of breakfast. As far as I know it’s not mitigating anything. If I miss my morning cup I function completely normally and don’t uncontrollably fall asleep or get the DTs or anything.
  3. Schooner for a pint (or Penny Black when in Embra) followed by a joint on the walk to work fair took the edge off an eccy comedown and got me in the zone for a day washing pots all day in hotel kitchens, back in the day. Wouldn’t work so well now, what with a 70 mile drive and doing sums for a living, but I wouldn’t dismiss the prospect out of hand.
  4. There's a tape but the writer hasn't heard it. Probably because it's all spy stuff and secret.
  5. Property prices vary wildly between regions. 6% or 3% tax will barely shift the dial. But it would be good if it did. People that buy existing property to let aren't making a productive investment into an economy, they're just changing the identity of the person taking money out of an economy. All this will do is increase the tax take. If they really want to discourage exploitative second home ownership they should have this set well into double figures.
  6. Turn the lights off when you're not using it.
  7. Looks like this decision means that there will need to be a decision making process with appeals and the like to decide whether to send people to Rwanda, thus doubling the process and kind of defeating the whole point. If people aren't put off by the prospect of drowning, or of being caught and sent back, it's hard to see how Rwanda will be an additional disincentive. It's just being cunty for the sake of it for inadequate losers to get a fleeting sense of winning by exercising their power over the weak, like a bureacratic playground bully. Disgusting.
  8. Councils have a fixed number of signs to put up each year and they don't get any more until they've used them, so they have to put up unnecessary signs before they can get more of ones they need.
  9. Is that tit still paid for opinions? Surely they could just programme an AI with Keith Waterhouse and Melanie Philips back catalogue and save £5k a week?
  10. What do you mean no surprises? Fully expected Star Trek at 1-6.
  11. I thought Oaksoft was a massive fanny and he annoyed the shit out of me. I think it was mutual. Don't think massive fannyishness should be a banning offence though.
  12. I haven't seen it but heard an interview with the writer. There was a real meeting in Beruit but the content is imagined. Don't know q2.
  13. He's taken a big gamble with recruitment and has an unbalanced squad (not sure how in control Goodwin is of this). We've been fortunate with few injuries in defence or central midfield, because we have limited cover (Polvara or Milne). He's said he wants to address this in January and rumours are that it is getting sorted. He's made some bold calls with mixed results. Punting captain caveman as soon as he came in the door was a big plus. Roos in for Lewis looked suspect but is now looking like a good call. Giving Stewart the armband still looks baffling. There's a worrying inability to change a set up that's not working. When we've looked good we've looked really good. When we've been shite it's been as bad as i can remember. Still to early to judge. He's still relatively inexperienced so a lot depends on his ability to learn and adapt.
  14. Not joking. With the defensive and midfield personnel at our disposal (which is on Goodwin btw), without a recent bounce game (ditto), and against that Celtic team, we needed to prioritise getting bodies back or they'd have absolutely mauled us and knocked our confidence. I'd have liked to have seen a bit more attacking adventurousness but our main problem going forward was that we didn't do anything with the ball when we had it. Ok, there were a limited number of targets but our passing and two or three attempts at crossing were woeful. St Mirren are the only Scottish team to beat Celtic this season and did that with 20% possession, which they turned into 4 shots on goal.
  15. 1- 2001: a space odyssey 2- South Park: bigger, longer and uncut 3- Naked 4- Goodfellas 5- The Silence of the Lambs 6- Legend of Fong Sai Yuk/ The Legend 7-Full Metal Jacket 8- Ip Man 9- Naked Lunch 10- Brain Dead (The Peter Jackson one) Not necessarily "best" films but ones that i could watch repeatedly most. There's a pretty strong bench that could easily have made the cut: a couple of Scorcese's, a couple of Danny Boyle's and assorted comedies and "family" films. @Slim Charles., what's the cut off date for edits here?
  16. It's bean soup, but what is it now?
  17. You're right. Massive coronaries and diabetes are no sort of consequence at all. Fat people are obviously really happy with how they are and just need skinny people to judge them, then they'll be skinny too.
  18. You only have to look at the US to see how much healthcare costs provide a didincentive to be obese. What you want is punishment for something you disapprove of.
  19. I haven't seen the others or read the book but i think it's a pretty loose adaptation.
  20. Don't mind those tactics against Celtic myself. If we'd not switched off at the end and been sharper on the break we'd have taken points. As it is, it hasn't done our goal difference much harm. Don't think we need to play like that against other cheek though.
  21. Everything everywhere all at once (2022) Bored housewife, carer and bad businesswoman fights evil across multiple universes. Absolutely mental and very entertaining. Really not about the multiverse at all, and all the better for it. 9/10 All Quiet on the Western Front (2022) Naive youngsters sign up to be heroes in 2018 Germany, but war turns out to be unpleasant. Quite liked the look and feel of this and thought it brought the horror home well. Not much in the way of story and relentlessly grim, which I guess was the point but didn’t help it work as a film. 6/10 500 Days of Summer (2009) Offbeat Romcom. Watched this after seeing comments about it on here. Two quality lead performances, lots of proper laughs, eclectic style and top soundtrack. Felt a bit flabby in places and the denouement didn’t ring true with the Zooey Deschanel character through the rest of the film. Most of the rest of it felt very true though. 8/10 Licorice Pizza Character piece/ love story about two headstrong youngsters. Lots of will they won’t they. Two really intriguing characters who both seem to grow as they are unpacked. Real sense of place and time. The way that the characters actions relate to their motivations felt right, with a realistic amount of randomness and bad judgement thrown in, which was unusual for a film. Could have done without the whole Bradley Cooper chapter which felt like it was from another film. Slightly episodic. 7/10
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