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Everything posted by coprolite

  1. For services to irritating gammons and in particular Piers Morgan, this branch of the royal family should be permitted a more comfortable guillotine. Maybe a wee cushion for their knees.
  2. Agree he runs into good spaces. looks bereft of confidence near or in the opposition box. He’s squandered a few decent chances by being too hesitant. Stewart is probably the next weakest link, for me. He does have some really good games though.
  3. That’s a big if. parts of the NHS are privately run, dentists and GPs for example. It’s not immediately obvious that they are well run. Private companies will want a profit. That’s money out of the system. The argument that they are more efficient is almost certainly bollocks, but they need to save more money than they take out to be effective. Like train operating companies, they’ll just take and take and run services down. It’s not 1980 anymore. Nobody serious believes private sector good state bad.
  4. Remember when the centrist social democrat Jeremy Corbyn was widely described as “far left” by every single news outlet in the country? The UK has drifted incredibly to the right over my lifetime. It’s like boiling a frog though, so incremental. Things like trying to repeal the HRA and leave the HCHR, sending refugees to Africa and outlawing most protests would have been BNP policy when I were a lad.
  5. I don’t think all Tories are far right but plenty are. Lots of Afd and especially the French Nationalists would be right at home in the ERG. The main reason we have less representation of fringe parties isn’t because people wouldn’t support them, it’s because of fptp. The Tories have simply assimilated a lot of far right policies to get that vote along with their traditionalist reactionary core. In much the same way that the French Nationalists assimilated the traditionalist reactionaries and ditched their more obvious jackboots to gain traction in France.
  6. Reminds me of one of my all time favourite quotes: "i think we need a bigger net" http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/769891.stm#:~:text=BBC News | UK | Chucked girlfriend breaks pelvis&text=Daredevil Stella Young is recovering,catapult made by her boyfriend.
  7. Both of these are socialising the risk for private benefit. The banks and pension schemes are still too big to fail so will need government support when they inevitably take too many risks for the sake of cocaine and ferraris. The NHS will hive off routine operations to specialist centres with "efficient" staffing and send all of their f**k ups to A&E to get mended. At least they won't feed poor people though. God forbid we wasted public money that could support profits for wealthy donors on keeping the dregs alive.
  8. Would it not be more effective to use some form of artillery? Move with the times.
  9. Surprised Richardson's attacking stats are that good tbh. Defensively on a par with one of the training ground cones sounds about right. Still to be convinced that he has potential. Think he shows some on occasion. But he's not ready to be a first choice rb for a premier team and we need a starting rb urgently. Looks like the boy's an upgrade.
  10. Don't try to make out that i haven't thought this through. We simply train seals to work as ball boys.
  11. Put one of these on the beach. Put hospitality on a converted cruise ship to the East. Might need a roof.
  12. Excellent work by the Tories. This should protect house prices and rents. If poor people have to live under bridges or in parks then that’s a price worth paying.
  13. He’s right though, can’t move for woke DAs in Scotland.
  14. BBC and ITV in showing a load of shite shocker. Ghosts might be ok though.
  15. By American standards maybe. We'd ask them nicely to pay back a quarter of the money.
  16. I'm going to have to disagree with you there Thomas. Bananas are delicious when firm and sour, still with a bit of green on the skin right through to the soft aromatic flesh of the fully brown stage. So long as they aren't bruised or diseased there should be a window of at least a week, maybe up to two. Avocados however, have mere seconds between being bitter and rock hard and turning into black mush.
  17. Makes sense if Morelos is off in January. You’ll have a vacancy for a idiot/ wum/ hate-figure needing filled.
  18. “Key” Not being used to describe a door opening device or for map-reading or cryptography. Simply used to signal that one is management material and can spout the requisite shite.
  19. Saw something similar on Heston Blumenthal though. And to link it to another part of the thread, Cilla Black was one of the lucky celebrity guests who was fed this monstrosity
  20. First one as a non drinker (is the plan). Will be weird to not have some hilarious story about vomiting out my nose to hear the next day.
  21. My point is that the bulk of trade is with the former and still would be regardless of talk of rejoining the EU. I hope so, regardless of Indy. “Minds” lol.
  22. Scotland leaving the UK may well be economically detrimental for the same reasons as the Uk leaving the EU was. rUK is almost certainly Scotland’s biggest trading partner and almost certainly would be following any independence. It’s going to be difficult to have a foot in each of two mutually incompatible trading blocs so it would be Former UK or EU, not both, very likely. There would necessarily be barriers to trade between rUK and Scotland that currently aren’t there that would be a deadweight cost to both economies. That’s not to say Indy is bad, but there will be costs. Although the downside of remaining in the UK was increased massively by Brexit, the downside of leaving has probably increased by more.
  23. He also said he doesn't disapprove of private schools because "we have some very good private schools in this country". Which misses the point by as far as it's possible to miss a point. Throughout his entire pitch to disaffected Tories on there the phrase "banality of evil" kept going around in my head. If he's as evil as he is banal then he may actually be the antichrist.
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