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Everything posted by coprolite

  1. Ah yes. Jumpers for goalposts, young boys, in the park isn’t it.
  2. I'll always remember his inexplicably stupid and obvious handball in the box to gift Utd a win.
  3. Very frustrating. Defending like amateur twats for half an hour will lose you most games. Especially if you also miss penalties. Livi played pretty good stuff going forward in the first half and were annoyingly tenacious throughout. We could do with a bit more of that. Thought all three pens were stonewallers given the stupid rule. Unsurprised to see the least self aware fans in the league unironically whining about gamesmanship, again.
  4. If Livingston play wingers and we stay 3 at the back then we will ship four goals. The only question is whether we can score five. The answer is yes we can. 4-5
  5. Good to see that filthy animal Grant getting a harsh red. Karma for escaping one for his brutal assault on Barron at Pittodrie. Congrats to Hearts on getting third sewn up.
  6. I actually have quite a substantial gut and i think that we should win the league. You could be on to something.
  7. Private health isn't exactly a competitor of the NHS though. It might be in some areas but it's generally a complementary activity. Consultants will often spend 30 hours a week dealing with ill people at the NHS then two evenings doing pointless but lucrative work for the worried well. On the clawback point, this is a common blindspot in the public sector. I suggested to HR at HMRC that they put one in the contracts and they'd never heard of such a thing. Obviously i suggested that on my way out because i'm not completely dumb. But clawbacks in the private sector aren't indefinite and the period is usually only two years. In my sector, they're fairly ineffective at the moment as the new employer will pick up the tab. So long as there's no competition or negative effect on your output, my work and sector in general is fairly relaxed about second jobs. I can think of at least two close colleagues who have second jobs, on quite a small team.
  8. I know what i meant. Everyone thinks they're objective and bias affects other people.
  9. Duk was clearly fouled for the pen last night. He was playing for the contact but that doesn't mean it wasn't a foul. Anyone who says i'd see it completely the opposite way if i wasn't an Aberdeen fan is obviously right. Funny thing, objectivity.
  10. I liked the bit of their analysis where they unpacked the reasons behind the UK losing any control over the channel as a direct result of brexit and then quoted well researched numbers to try to put the scale of the issue into some sort of perspective. it’s this sort of reporting that makes the BBC the envy of the world and not just the Express on tv.
  11. I like it, posting in code like the SAS. I saw about 2m minutes of this and got the impression it was clearly a made up story. If real things aren’t good on telly they’ll get binned and other things will be completely made up because they’re good for telly. See Danny Boyle’s Sex Pistols thingy for examples.
  12. Reminds me I need to go to Waitrose as I’ve promised the kids a tartiflette and Sainsbury hasn’t had a Roblechon for about three months. Harvey Nics in Edinburgh was way more snobby. Security guard followed me and the wife around because we clearly looked like we couldn’t afford anything in there. Bought a wee box of sweets for about a fiver in the end.
  13. Hibs put up a spirited plucky underdog show for 20 mins or so in the first half before our superior quality took over and they only had one and a half chances to show for it. I guess the penalty was debatable but it was a stupid lunge from the keeper. Playing for a foul and making the most of a foul doesn't mean it wasn't a foul. Far less of a dive than porto's effort 10 minutes in. It's like these c***s never heard of karma.
  14. Absolutely incensed by a wee gammony twat at a "merge in turn" this morning. He wouldn't let the car ahead get more than a foot in front of him. It's only a minor inconvenience for me to be one car length back from where i'd otherwise be but it's the principle. I don't think it would have been unreasonable to drag him out of his car and cave his skull in with my big spanner.
  15. And i just found out she's bought the cat a blanket for its birthday. What cost of living crisis?
  16. Double dunt For the last year I've been buying recycled woodchip cat litter that can just go in the compost bin, for environmental reasons. Today i found her emptying it into a plastic bag and putting it in the main bin. Which also explains where the shopping bags (20p to 30p a pop) keep disappearing to.
  17. I think Johnson is racist with conviction. He's just incapable of taking anything seriously so his expression of racism is to make fun of people. To be fair, he probably regards the anglo saxon lower orders as similarly beneath contempt too.
  18. Are you seriously expecting the people who lap this shit up to have any sort of international pespective beyond eating curry and liking American films? They won't see that it's the same type of issue but bigger. Lots of foreign people going to Cyprus isn't the same because Cyprus id foreign, so they'll be used to foreign people.
  19. Like they'd have anything to say about third this season.
  20. I don't think it's too early to bill this as the third place play off
  21. I thought it worked in Birds of prey. Going back a bit it worked in the Christopher Reeves Superman. I don't think it's the idea of having humour that's wrong, more the execution. The Rock is not amongst the premier comic actors of his generation or even the among the competent ones.
  22. But even in the hands of individuals dividends are taxed at a reduced rate compared to other income, like interest or royalties. As @TxRover says, this is supposed to be double tax relief as the company paying the dividend will already have paid tax. It used to be an actual tax credit and the arithmetic has drifted so it doesn't quite work out to the penny. I can see the argument for this. But in my view limited liability benefits investors at the expense of broader society (see credit crunch, recent pension fund bail out and all administrations and liquidations) and it is right that investors pay for that protection through corporation tax. Then pay in full on the income they receive.
  23. I was told i was eating monkey brain and snake meat one time but i have my doubts.
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