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Everything posted by coprolite

  1. Loads of horror on here recently with platforms pushing their hallowe’en offerings. Not really my genre so I’ve got into the spirit with a couple of spooky comedies and one truly horrific offering. What we do in the shadows (2015) Taika Watiti’s original Vampire flatshare comedy. Really smart mucking about with the whole vampire mythology. Lots of proper belly laughs as well as cleverness. Not much wrong with it at all. 8/10 Ghostbusters II (1989) Misfit scientists unravel mystery of super natural goings on. “The first one was great, so just chuck in the same ingredients” school of sequels. Works well for the most part. The first 3/4 has some top comedy. Bill Murray seems less of a presence in this one but his screen time is as good as usual. Rick Moranis’ lawyering had me in stitches, as did what Egon did with the slime. The last 20 minutes is diabolical shite though. Just doesn’t work on any level and looks terrible. I’d honestly have preferred a caption saying “got girl, killed baddie, lived happily ever after”. Incidentally, this must have been just about the last major Hollywood special effects fest to be mainly blue screen and stop motion. 6/10 The Brothers Grimsby (2016) Very different long lost brothers re-unite for some sort of spy gubbins. I thought that this couldn’t possibly be as shit as it looked. I thought wrong. It’s based on a hateful view of the lower orders as seen by Maily op Eds on benefit scroungers and the like. Obviously going for a Farrelly brothers type of gross out. I did actually find some of the more base humour quite funny but some of it missed the mark by a long way. I did make it all the way through, which puts it ahead of Spy Hard. +1 for Isla Fisher 2/10
  2. I hear that there’s a subculture that goes around following low quality football teams throughout Northern Britain with some nut jobs standing in the cold for up to two hours at a time watching a ball getting kicked repeatedly up in the air.
  3. Only if you’ve stored the crisps upright like some sort of OCD militant.
  4. They’re all in the service of Mammon. Anything else is window dressing.
  5. It's been scientifically proved that the long run mortality rate was completely unaffected by lockdowns, it wasn't moved at all.
  6. I'm sure all the people supporting this were all fully behind Abu Hamza ranting about Jews and Infidels.
  7. I'm confused. Is it good if they're illegal immigrants because they're dead or is it bad because we can't send them to Rwanda? Is it good if they're British citizens because Cockney gangsters love their mums? And what if they're legal migrants? Or just on holiday? And why is this c**t still in the public eye 30 years after his terrible tv show got canned for being dire?
  8. Torn on this one. On one hand, there’s the unnatural desire to f**k over the most desperate and needy in society, on the other hand, I hate dalmatians.
  9. I cheated and looked it up. The oldest one is Churchill who went to Sandhurst.
  10. Callaghan and Major must be the later ones, using gordon brown as a reference point.
  11. Fucking hell. Well fans are usually more level headed than this. This is Livi standard.
  12. You're right. My 15 year timetable is already looking optimistic.
  13. They can't look at everything. It's not physically possible. Events can get missed. There's one guy per game. He has a better chance of spotting things than the ref but he's not omniscient. We'll never know which ones have had the initial check and which haven't.
  14. I'd say it took about 15 years for the pass back rule, and this is more complicated.
  15. The article’s accurate. You can’t pick and choose non dom status. Non dom status lets you pick and choose how you’re taxed.
  16. We should humour them and send them as a delegation to saudi to ask nicely to turn the taps off. Also give them a tin of spam and a map to the Kabbah.
  17. I don’t for a second believe that these twats could plan going for a piss and a shit at the same time, but if they had planned to soften us up for toryb*****dnomics, it’s all gone swimmingly
  18. Question of fact, not choice. As a non dom she can elect to be either taxed on her worldwide income in the Uk or pay the non dom charge to get the remittance basis.
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