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Everything posted by coprolite

  1. It's not like 2007 in scale or degree, but the principle is the same. The cost of misjudged/ mispriced risk which has benefitted the managers that took those risks is being borne by society at large, through inflation and the resulting interest rate rises.
  2. The real outcome of this survey would be two "don't know"s and one "i liked their first album".
  3. Gogglebox is class tbf. If i wanted to watch morons watching telly i'd put a mirror by the set.
  4. Investing the funds directly in the full value of gilts would have been low risk. By investing on margin accounts they've effectively turned their investment into a gilt based derivative with a completely different risk profile- higher yield but with a liquidity risk on the downside that's just not there on unleveraged bonds.
  5. Religion, Tories and Falkirk, I think you’ll find.
  6. It was more boy love for the classical Athenians. It was taboo once your lover grew hair on their legs.
  7. If you’re watching gogglebox you deserve to be annoyed. Why, just why?
  8. We’re already socialising the costs of risks taken by “too big to fail” pension funds who’ve leveraged their positions to boost returns. They want more of this. Big payments to financiers for taking risks with our money. still, I’m sure the black rock, Jp Morgan and hedge fund bodies on the economic advisory panel will put this right. Radio vox pops are increasingly terrifying. Where do they get these fuckwits. Barely coherent, no apparent understanding of reality but able to vote.
  9. Some of their rankings are a bit kooky but at least they don’t f**k about with that interim/ regular/ super shite like the WBA.
  10. Currency is the major unresolved issue from last time. Leaving while still having Sterling and changing later just seems mental. There’s a new major issue since last time in that free trade with the EU and with rUK isn’t a given. There might be a choice between which bloc’s trade is better to have. “Gravity” suggests rUK might be economically better but it’s probably politically divisive. My personal take is that economically there’s unlikely to be more than a rounding error in it in the short term with very little predictability either way.
  11. George Clinton goes for Boo-ee in P-Funk (Wants to Get Funked Up). It was cool, but can you imagine doobying your funk?
  12. They're opposing views in that they have different sets of mates and backers that they wish to enrich. The remaining differences are fairly trivial.
  13. This also applies to people whose faith is in a rudimentary, partial understanding of science.
  14. Still, the point remains thar we've had to roll up our sleeves and play proper mannies games in the mud while they've been skipping around with wee jessie continentals, and crying about it.
  15. Things to Come (1936) Ambitious sci fi futurist epic in three acts over a century. A massive war and plague destroys much of civilisation and the scientists and engineers survive to create a utopian future. It's really weird now seeing a film that's almost completely optimistic about a technological future. Slightly disconcerting that the good guys look a bit nazi ish. It's all really well done, looks fantastic and there's great scripts and acting, if a bit stagey as was the fashion. The third act (the shiny future) lacked the grit and tension of the first two and i didn't really buy into the reasons for events. It's always interesting to see what people thought the future would be like, but this is a really good film on its own merits. 7/10
  16. He was utter horseshit against Utd, although far from alone in that. He does seem to get beaten really easily by diving in to win every ball, whether or not it’s there. I guess that’s how he gets good interception stats but it leaves us wide open more often than not.
  17. Clearly been getting lobotomised Good to see Hunt getting some input from their unelected mates. JP morgan ffs
  18. See this millenia old definition - when were chromosomes discovered, roughly?
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