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Everything posted by coprolite

  1. Is it only pensioners that have pension funds?
  2. Poor communication on my part; need to be more specific in future.
  3. Tell us that one about the 80s again. That was great!
  4. On the second point, i've known people that made a living just selling pot. A lot (but not all) of the supply chain below them is smokers buying in bulk to sell enough to cover their own costs. The only harder drugs i ever got offered alongside pot was speed or Eccies (going back over ten years though). I was reading recently that the Canadians aren't reducing illegal sales significantly because the costs of the legal stuff are so high. Personally i think that the taxation and public service argument should be secondary. My main reason for supporting decriminalisation is that it does other people negligible harm and is no threat to public order. I assume Suella will be in favour of all interventions to benefit individuals' mental health, such as properly funding mental health services. I also assume she'll never criticise any "nanny state" policy.
  5. The only VAR games i've seen are internationals so i have limited understanding of how we'll use it. My working assumption is we'll copy England wholesale. I hear bad things from English types, but most of what i've found out about VAR is from the protocols and not anything in practice. What i was meaning was that that decision wasn't a question of whether there was a dive without any contact (i mean there was a dive, but also a wee tug), or whether the ball hit a defender in the hand or face or something. The ref knew he'd given a professional foul 45 yards from goal. Confirmation bias suggests he's going to see the replay and decide that the other cb wasn't going to get there, whether or not he was. The onus of proof is that the decision has to be clearly and obviously wrong. So he'd have to think that it was clear and obvious that the other cb would get back, rather than there just being a very good chance.
  6. That Devlin one is surely an example of the sort of thing that VAR wouldn't overturn? There was a foul. Referee's opinion was that it denied a clear goalscoring opportunity. That's so subjective that it's not obviously wrong, so the decision would stand wouldn't it? I admit to not understanding how VAR would deal with the foul by Brophy immediately before.
  7. Out of the parties that usually get their deposits back, only the greens could be described as in any way radical. They're also both political parties full of people. So there.
  8. Dom ball> Ramadani But skittery dog shit > Greg Stewart Fairly sure Stewart got a fair crack in both spells then got benched after being shit though.
  9. False dichotomy. I think you’ll find that the democratic wishes of Scottish racists are well represented by the current government.
  10. I don't think that the Labour party overall is remotely similar to the Tory party overall. The parliamentary Labour party is very similar to the parliamentary Tory party in many ways. By and large, the Tory leadeship reflects the views of their members whereas the Labour leadership doesn't and instead tries to triangulate policies that will win Tory votes. The Independence parties aren't fettered with an ideological position outside of leaving the UK but all appear to have ended up to the left of labour. For someone like myself who doesn't care about independence but prefers left wing policies, the independence parties are a more palatable option than labour. I don't know how much of the snp vote is based on their actual operational policies and how much on the indy pipedream, but i wouldn't take this place as representative.
  11. I don't see why hard working taxpayers should have to fund humane termination for undesirables.
  12. I look forward to Duterte style death squads cleaning up the streets.
  13. Nagging doubts about Goodwin getting more persistent. Several summer signings not up to scratch, including the baffling choice of captain and our only right back. Do we trust him to progress the rebuild in January?
  14. John Wick isn’t generic. But it is shit.
  15. It's hibs patter Hibee "something dumb" Other "that's dumb" Hibee "ha ha ha, on strings!" I don't get it but they seem to like it.
  16. Generous. I suppose the colouring in hasn't gone over the lines and the spelling was right.
  17. I hope we can cope with the manager being six foot away from the dugout, with a better view.
  18. It really is an excellent opportunity for Dave to grandstand. Both barrels please.
  19. This is why they're on the list of counter revolutionary enemies of the people then.
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