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Everything posted by coprolite

  1. These are bad vested interests, like poor people. Not good vested interests like billionaires, hedge funds and big business.
  2. She's clearly referring to good for nothing spongers with tellies who should be in the army or the workhouse instead of eating woke avocados.
  3. Would be nice to reward all those top reds with a goalfest.
  4. Genuinely never seen any of these. Looks like a Scottish thing. There might be a few of the diaspora who pick up on such things but the English genuinely don't give a shit as a whole.
  5. I thought Ianucci had lost it with that spaceship bollocks, but this is a real return to form. Not very realistic, but funny nevertheless.
  6. If Liz was at my work I’d get her doing a few in house presentations to get her confidence up before putting her in front of any paying clients.
  7. It wasn’t a comprehensive when brown was there. Nor a private school.
  8. It’s made me less likely to vote labour. I won’t vote for plaid with any enthusiasm, but they all count the same.
  9. Just who do you think you are? This time you’ve gone too far. should have gone for mr blobby
  10. Surely it can’t make a significant difference in England, where Scottish Indy barely shifts the dial? All of what you say is true of course. Maybe it’s about broader perceptions more than about independence itself. Do they think they can get lost votes back by trying to make it vote SNP, get Tories at Westminster? Or do you think it’s purely petty spite?
  11. Can someone who understands these things better than I do explain Labour’s motivation for ruling out a deal with the SNP? I don’t get why they couldn’t just leave the possibility open.
  12. Using a party conference speech like a sock puppet troll account on the politics board of P&B is a novel approach, i'll give her that.
  13. I used to like pink floyd when i was about 14. Have tried a couple of tracks recently and couldn't make the end. Awful stuff. I also really liked New Order but they've stood the test of time, despite some of the tech and sounds on their records dating badly. I rejected public enemy up to and including Fear of a Black Planet (i guess i was around 14 or 15). Heard the Anthrax collaboration on Bring the Noise and just got it and became a massive fan. Plenty acts whose records i liked haven't stood the test of time but they were all really single album obsessions. Finitribe, World of Twist, Interstella, Sleeper, Air and loads i can't remember now. Generally though if i liked something before i still like it.
  14. This week I have been watching mostly shite. The Man From Uncle (2015) I loved this series as a kid (it was re-run, I’m not that old) and I usually enjoy turning off my brain for guy ritchie’s easy to follow entertainments. I suppose the set up and plot was ok and some set pieces were entertaining enough but it just didn’t work. I put most of the blame on Henry Cavil for giving one of the most irritating performances this side of James Corden. I didn’t think wooden and OTT could be done together, but he did it. Looked good though (I meant the film, but Cavil too I suppose). 5/10 Odd Thomas (2013) Offbeat teen horror about a young guy who can see the dead and some demon type things. Something bad will happen. Can he stop it ? Didn’t care really. I was quite intrigued by some of the premise and there were some interesting bits, but the main character’s arc didn’t grab me. Also a shit lead performance (dead guy out of Star Trek reboot) or shit script gave the main character zero actual character. The demon thingies had untapped potential. 5/10 Catch Me If You Can (2002) Teenage forger and con man in cat and mouse with diligent Fed. It’s Hanks and diCaprio with a side of Walken and Amy Adams directed by Spielberg so can’t go far wrong. I don’t think I’d seen this properly before. It looks fantastic as a stylised period piece, from the classy opening credits right through. It looks great too. It’s very funny and everything is done really well. The unreliable narrator device is used well and sparingly. I don’t think it’s central to the plot but it allows lots of improbable things to happen. Maybe some are just a bit too improbable. Just very, very good. 8/10 Tenet (2020) I’ve liked most of Chris Nolan’s time bending films so was pretty disappointed by this. I haven’t given the premise too much analysis but it felt like it didn’t really make sense in principle and was inconsistently applied in the film. It also wasn’t very interesting. Pretty much guessed the revelation at the end about ten minutes in. The action scenes weren’t well done and the whole thing looked sludgy. 4/10 Men in Black International (2019) Basically forgotten what happened in this made for tv looking half hearted reboot. No cool aliens 3/10
  15. As Phife dawg says Are you amused by our struggles? The English that’s broken? The weed that I’m smokin’? The guns that I’m totin’? The drugs that I’m sellin’? No need for improvement f**k you and who you think I should be
  16. This needs to be on the telly. Obviously it'd get laughed out of a real court as soon as they got some fees from it but Judy or Rinder would take this on.
  17. I like a lot of hip hop but I get all suburban liberal about women being called bitches. Also there's a fine line between the raw experience of people's lives and gang/poverty porn that makes a lot of gangsta and drill off limits for me. I don't have a consistent moral standard here though and i can overlook excessive "bitch" use or some motherfucker getting gat if the music compensates. I am also disgusted by the lyrics of Ed Sheeran but that's more of a toe curling reflex.
  18. All this innuendo is better suited to DM surely?
  19. There was a country music festival on. 23 firearms was probably about average. Need to look at the first victim. The others are just to make it look like a mass shooting. That worked for Tom Cruise anyway.
  20. The good thing about creating an alternative to GDPR is that anyone who does business with the EU will then have two sets of rules to comply with. As they’re already struggling that should finish them off. No more ties to Europe and we can jolly well get on with being a global superpower again.
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