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Everything posted by coprolite

  1. A change of pace from creepy crawlies, courtesy of the real-life Dismaland down the road https://www.walesonline.co.uk/whats-on/whats-on-news/new-ride-barry-island-loses-25048911.amp
  2. That's quite funny. I didn't think that was what Johnson meant by "good play" at all to be fair. I thought he was talking about having us under pressure for ages. Hope he gets banned though, the sick thug.
  3. These values test better with C2 and D voters, who have a lower propensity to vote and are less represented in marginal seats. The C1 and B target demographic prefer more aspirational values so Labour have replaced anti child labour and exploitation laws with 10% off at John Lewis.
  4. I've taken your advice, given it due consideration and concluded that i'm happy not being a registered offender. Thanks anyway.
  5. Not only that. Most of the wildlife around Windsor has already been murdered so she liked to come up here and kill ours. Lovely woman.
  6. The main difference i can see from last year is that we have some good passages of team play. I think we'll not be as consitently shite. We'll have good runs as well as bad. Losing to Kilmarnock and Livingston is a "bottom-six pattern of performance." I thought it was just the one of them on the match thread but it looks like the yo-yo diddies are getting ahead of themselves again.
  7. I'm making a different point besides the mental health stuff, which is that i agree the physical space of a pub is a good analogy for this virtual space but it's limited. The proprietor can choose who they want chucked out, whether that's for violating agreed norms of behaviour, just for irritating the proprietor's mates or anything in between. There's plenty of comments made on here that would result in a fat lip in most pubs. I've made plenty myself and if you spoke to people in pubs like you do sometimes on here you'd earn a few proper doings. So the real world ways that society regulates itself don't apply in here. You can't see the people you're communicating with. In the real world, if someone looks like they're taking a bit of banter personally and is starting to get upset, most people would stop. The real world way that people converse doesn't apply in here. There's no real analogue for persistent dotting in the real world. There's no established standard of behaviour or even common understanding of what's meant by the coloured circles. I take them as disapproval of whatever cunty thing i've just said (or that someone likes whatever pishy tv show i jyst slagged off). Other people might take it personally as an insult and as a blow to their self esteem. I don't think that would require extreme anxiety or anything like that. I have no idea what anyone may have done to get banned and am not commenting on whether it was deserved. But there is a middle ground between "safe space" and "complete disregard for other people's feelings".
  8. Happily. It's lovely on a bit of crispyish flatbread, with black olives, maybe a bit of cucumber. I wouldn’t have it as a main course, that's just weird.
  9. If the analogy is a pub, there's a good chance that a punter could get chucked out, battered or just roundly ridiculed if they chose to spend most of their time there calling someone else a dick whenever that other person said anything.
  10. Good guys: Topic Star bar Bounty (dark) Ritter Marzipan Do you still get golden cup? The internet has warped my mind and that sounds filthy now. Wanks: Fry's turkish delight Cadbury's fruit n nut Hershey's
  11. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://digitalcommons.butler.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi%3Farticle%3D4733%26context%3Dwordways&ved=2ahUKEwinzsHp9aD6AhVPVsAKHQUpA_sQFnoECEIQAQ&usg=AOvVaw23cVO8EdthSItuuVH2f3Yy
  12. I never knew you used to be a decent poster Joey. You kept that quiet.
  13. Speak for yourself. You were pretty shit compared to Istanbul. Remember you don't have that guy from Everton this year and weren't very far ahead of unusually shite Aberdeen and Hibs teams without him. Love the hubris.
  14. I bet your mum wouldn't be proud of the contents of your hard drive.
  15. All the gifs and bravado can’t hide the hollowness of this victory for hibs. Enjoy.
  16. As with most videos, they’re hilarious sped up with the Benny Hill music dubbed on.
  17. I’ll be listening in the comfort of my own home and intend to scratch my balls throughout the minute’s applause. In the unlikely event that Easter Road plays the anthem, I shall scratch my arse through that. I will of course wash my hands thoroughly afterwards.
  18. A funeral isn't really much of a historical event is it? Can't remember a single royal funeral in any history books. A faor few deaths right enough, but we already missed seeing that.
  19. Mounbatten wasn't royalty, he was aristocracy. I'm sure the green brigade were acutely aware of Nigerians and Indians when they made their stupid wee banners and weren't just trying to get it right up their pals on the other side of the tit for tat shit flinging contest. Nuh-uh, it was all about representing the oppressed in the third world.
  20. Hopefully this information is made available to the police to inform their decision on whether or not to shoot him. They're definitely thinking about it there.
  21. So you did. Way too subtle for me but very good.
  22. The Independent said that it's the final comma in a list. That only makes sense if the list has one in it. "Oranges, lemons, limes and kumquats" has a final comma but it's not the "Oxford comma." Is an accurate and complete definition too much to ask for? I'll continue to get my news from the Star if this is the quality of the so-called broadsheets.
  23. This really annoyed the shit out of me. I didn't know what an "Oxford comma" was so registered with the independent so i could find out. Their incredibly buggy website kept scrolling back to the top and playing videos and by the time i got to the bottom of the article there was still no useful definition. There was a definition but it was shit. Anyway, i suspect that this woman has made the same mistake i did when i first heard of Liz Truss and has got her confused with Lynne Truss, who would absolutely be impressed by this insistence on grammatical propriety, and is misguidedly sucking up to the boss.
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