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Everything posted by coprolite

  1. Left it til the last minute to go for a shit. Just about to open the toilet door and a colleague goes "i've been meaning to catch up with you on something...." 5 minutes and a about a dozen requests to put it in an email later, grimacing like f**k due to the turtle's heid "JUST SEND ME AN EMAIL!". I made it though, and the extra 5 mins bake added to the quality.
  2. Ben Wallace has ruled himself out. In much the same way as i've decided not to go for this year's ballon d'or or miss World titles.
  3. For anyone else interested https://public.tableau.com/app/profile/governmentreporting/viz/UKGovernment-RetainedEULawDashboard/Guidance
  4. Looks like any actual sanctions would require either a parliamentary majority or Johnson to act in accordance with convention. Sounds like we need to stop dwelling on the past, draw a line under it and move on.
  5. Imagine Shapps being an improvement. Fucking hell. He may have a background in unethical get rich quick schemes, come across as really dense and be a complete moral vacuum, but it beats being the physical incarnation of a particularly ignorant and nasty Littlejohn column.
  6. I'm fully expecting Suella Deville's resignation letter to be a golden era Jabba style tear stained recrimination about enemies.
  7. Sorry. I was thinking of doing a list but it made me depressed.
  8. Wallace seems to have serious pot/kettle issues.
  9. Apparently some lionesses will be in downing street. That was what i was worrying about. Not enough lionesses. Truss delivers again.
  10. Zing! haud ‘at you wee shite. Don’t f**k with the Royals.
  11. My family was 4 of those visitors. There was non obvious connection to Brexit and the “unboxed” branding was barely visible. We were just curious as to what an oil rig with trees growing on it was doing on the beach at Weston Super Mare. Incidentally the last big art installation there was dismal land which featured a migrant boat game. Possibly more of a brexit connection with that one.
  12. I’m hoping for her to put her head on the lectern, sob uncontrollably for a minute before looking around and saying “what’s the fucking point?” then running out. I realise there’s only a slim chance of this happening, but Marcus Wareing once gave a guy 2/10 for his fish course on great British menu and that’s what he did, so it can happen.
  13. Obviously a potential banana skin for us here. Haven't seen Thistle play this season. Expecting them to be stuffy despite Jim's comments about their attacking set up. Hopefully the back 5 gets ditched. I'd like to see a front three with Duk on the left and Besuijen or Watkins on the right. But what do i know. Lack of ppv is disappointing.
  14. I hardly ever watch PMQs but will be tuning in today. I'm hoping for a spectacular meltdown but it'll probably just be inept and evasive.
  15. Depends. Is the bean curd that they do at the Chinese actually tofu or just really similar?
  16. It wasn't that one, you might know it, it's in welsh
  17. My daughter (who i think counts as an ethnic minority) was actually taught the national anthem at school last week. I didn't ask what colour her teacher was.
  18. Quite right, can't expect the Black or Asian teachers to do it, to busy taking drugs or doing terrorism.
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