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Everything posted by coprolite

  1. They're just tatties. If Machu Pichu is so great, why does no c**t live there? Moon? Aye right.
  2. If you wanted a comparison excluding the wealthiest areas then yes. Scotland does better than the whole UK figure though. I think that means that unless Edinburgh and Aberdeen outstrip London and SE then the rest of Scotland probably out earns the rest of England. These figures give a limited picture anyway so i'd not rely on them for anything more than very broad brushstokes. They're employee earnings so don't include self employed. Likes of Aberdeen or West Mids will have a lot of well paid "self employed" engineering contractors. Edinburgh and London lots of very well paid self employed partners in law, accountancy or architectural practices. The biggest number of self employed people throughout the country will be cash trades, taxis and hairdressers etc which aren't so well off, officially. Then there's variation in non-participation in the labour force. Anywhere with former coal mines will be adversely affected by this. If fewer people are working then average income for the population at a given level of average salary for employees will obviously be lower. If there's a reliable household income figure kicking about, that would give a better idea of welfare. Then there's price levels and purchasing power...
  3. Why would you need high wages to raise taxes? Obviously it would be less painful but it's not a pre-requisite. Now that the market discipline is back in the narrative, actual humans are going to need to brace themselves. Your figure for average salaries seems about right but a bit on the low side. https://digitalpublications.parliament.scot/ResearchBriefings/Report/2022/3/9/ce765259-d82e-4db7-8ecf-802683f7e56b Not sure where you're getting the £35k figure from but i've not heard that quoted as low pay. (although i did hear an mp, peter bottomley i think, complaining that £80k wasn't enough to live on). Outside London and the South East, Scotland has relatively better paid jobs than rUK. So even if the low paid can or will be spared any of the pain, it won't insulate Scotland. I'm not sure i share your view that interest rates were necessarily kept artificially low. They were what was needed for a low inflation environment. I'd say it's more that growth and employment were suppressed to keep inflation low and asset prices high. But the exact cause and effect is less important than the facts of what happened. There's a straight line from Osborne's frankly lunatic austerity and brexit continuing through from brexit to basket case. I think you're right that a lot of retail is currently "zombie" status and will almost certainly take a final headshot shortly. People have been saying that car loans are the next subprime for about 8 years now, but they've been getting crazier. They're all neatly bundled into opaque securitisation vehicles just like a 2007 CDO would have been, for added domino rally effects. Is it too late to start being a prepper?
  4. After initially re-branding himself by using his own name for showbiz, H has now reintroduced the H and is currently shown on the panto billing as Ian H Watkins. Probably wise.
  5. Not the photo per se, but that's not how you spell "fly".
  6. A handbrake turn will get you into a tighter parking space with considerably more panache than reversing in.
  7. My favourite stereotype is a ghetto blaster. Sorry.
  8. VAR's not meant to catch everything at all. It's a second look at things that get spotted not a comprehensive review of everything that happens. I probably will be extra raging because two incompetent fannies (five counting assistants and the spare p***k by the dugout) have managed to miss stuff right enough.
  9. The wifey that ran the union bar at embra in about 1995 was besotted by Daniel O Donnell. She'd seen him over 100 times and had a load of photos of her with him stuck up behind the bar.
  10. Cast iron guarantee that nothing we do in our box next week will be missed. They'll have a lip reader in to make sure we're not saying anything ungentlemanly.
  11. Looks like one effect of VAR is fans whining incessantly about relatively trivial offences they wouldn't have expected to be given last week. Yay.
  12. Cats. Manipulative self centred wee b*****ds all. At least you know where you stand with cats.
  13. I've had a look at what Hammell's complaint was. He's not too sure. He said Lamie was tripped, that an official said that they couldn't check it because the whistle had gone and also that he didn't get an explanation. Unreliable witness imo.
  14. Still pictures can be misleading. In real time it was clear that Stewart was helping him get dressed.
  15. Don't tell me what i like cunto. It was totally one note. There's plenty of recent films that did the whole non-stop action thing better. The two Raid films for example. Technically proficient gun handling ffs.
  16. I thought most "grass" pitches were hybrids nowadays. There's not a clear divide between natural grass and synthetic. How are the dutch treating them?
  17. I also thought it was a lighthearted reference to Clancy's idiosyncratic refereeing style, until i saw this post.
  18. I don't remember the last game against Motherwell but i do remember we were shite. Hopefully 500 Dandies belting out@Steve_Wilkos's stirring composition makes the difference.
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