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Everything posted by coprolite

  1. Jim said something about not denying players opportunities to represent their countries. Presumably at a sport other than football.
  2. Eating alone sounds just fine to me. It's all theoretical anyway.
  3. The point is for someone else to make it, as a treat, so you don't need to get up. I think it would be nice to get the odd bacon roll brought in at the weekend but the most i get is a badly made coffee.
  4. Fairly sure he’s just asking them to stop dicking about so that we can start finding the money for our bits. And he’s not from America. But it is about a new stadium, so well done on that. I hate myself for taking this bait.
  5. Probably the right thread for putting my head above the parapet with this controversial take, but putting the bins out is the man’s job so get it sorted. Now I’m going to get cancelled by the wokerati.
  6. It is pedantic, but that doesn’t have to be a bad thing. If Christmas is on a Sunday , do you count that?
  7. I understand the first point, but are you saying all advent calendars are wrong?
  8. I pay all of my domestics via BACS apart from the butler who gets a direct debit.
  9. This is precisely the problem. It's perfectly legal to not pay tax on vast unearned fortunes but skimming a wee bit by actually working more is potentially a criminal offence. Maybe if the system was perceived to be fair then people would find it harder to justify their low level evasion to themselves.
  10. Basically ripped off Plato there. Incidentally, do you have a board in your house with loads of red string between pins on it?
  11. Donnie's poor proxy performance at the polls is largely down to Putin being too busy to help out this time imo.
  12. I actually thought @Granny Danger's comment was quite sexist until you made that "punching down" comment. Now i' m convinced that he's a trailblazer for equality. The "someone's a c**t cos they were bullied at school" trope is still objectionable. But equal opportunities objectionable.
  13. Somewhere in between these two views is about right i reckon. That narrows it down. Wins a lot of loose balls, generally protects the defence, always shows for a short pass out of defence and moves the ball quickly through midfield, as often as not forwards. On the other hand he has games where nothing goes right (Motherwell and Utd away) and he's prone to rushing out to cut out passes he's no chance of getting and leaving a big gap in behind. Compared to last season's squad, not as good as Ferguson could be but an upgrade on Ojo, McGeogh and Campbell.
  14. Boris Johnson just out of shot picking up fag ends.
  15. Totally agree on the kingdom being pish that changed the whole tone. The whole sort of medieval aesthetic that came along shortly after was shite. Merle was great. Disagree on Rick though, thought his character had got tedious way before he left. I thought the second season, on the farm, was the highlight. The slow build in the tension up to the barn bit, then the power struggle between Shane and Rick all in southern gothic style was magnificent.
  16. Wakanda Forever (2022) Magic potions, superpowers, cgi, mawkish sentimentality, really, really, shit baddies. 5/10 The Drop (2014) Competent crime thriller. Fairly offbeat feel to it, decent characters but let down by a weak story. 6/10 Uncle Buck (1989) Slacker man child has to look after his brother's family for a week. Gets a bit corny at points, loads of "growth", but properly funny. 7/10
  17. Can't be said enough. The tax system rewards wealth more than work. Tax unearned income. And it's labour
  18. I was wavering as to whether o was watching the world cup or not. The prospect of VAR reviews of 60 years worth of hard luck stories from those c***s has clinched it.
  19. Thanks. I may end up being worse off but i'll give earning more a shot. I appreciate that trying is the first step on the road to failure but, what the hell, you only live once. While i'm at it, i'll keep making the case for other people to have the right to stand up for themselves even if the dice are loaded and the good guys lost.
  20. Everything in the last paragraph would be just great. Heard that about capital gains tax for about 15 years though. The donors will have the last say.
  21. Unsupported conjecture there. I'm quite happy paying the extra national insurance and would be quite happy if it's reinstated and i'm only a former dabbler in the Unions. Letting a little bit of "unions bad" conditioning seep in here. No doubt there's a couple on the make but most are in it for the collective.
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