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Everything posted by coprolite

  1. I get that argument and it’s reasonable. i disagree with you though. We have a social contract. People who benefit from our relative legal and geopolitical stability to protect their fortunes can pay for the privilege. Plus we shouldn’t be engaging in beggar thy neighbour race to the bottom economics. It’s not sustainable in the long term and is small time.
  2. Into Dinosaur Valley with Dan Snow (C5) This is both “annoy” and. “delight “. It’s a history programme about the US’s early palaeontologists so is kind of a crossover show about dinosaurs and other beasties from the olden days. So that’s all good. Only Fogle outdoes Snow in the punchability stakes. It’s a shame all those Therapods are long dead and couldn’t eat the c**t.
  3. I recently found out that the speaker is allowed to have an alcoholic drink in the chamber during the budget, and they usually do. I’m very disappointed that they haven’t gone for a holiday style pina colada with umbrellas and sparklers and served in a pineapple.
  4. To benefit from the “remittance basis”, yes it is. I think it’s £30k for a couple of years then £50k for a couple and after that they have deemed domicile (or more likely go and live in the Caribbean for a bit). Otherwise they can be taxed on their worldwide earnings. It’s clearly a very regressive tax to benefit the super-rich. If you have overseas income in six figures or more you can benefit. If you have, say, overseas dividend income of £11.5m you can save well over £4m of tax, with an effective rate of about a quarter of a percent. Whereas a Lithuanian brickie who is working here while renting out his flat in Vilnius for £3k a year will pay 20% to 40% on that rent.
  5. This decision isn’t a surprise surely? I’d always understood this to be a knowingly futile attempt to demonstrate that the SNP had done what it could and to ask the electorate to treat the next election as a referendum. Which seems a sensible tactic and a bit of a “shot to nothing” as there was an outside chance the court would grant the referendum.
  6. Recently went to our local museum and my youngest and I took in the fairly good quality art galleries. One of the exhibits was an installation that sort of blended in with the displays of ethnic teapots and the like to start off with. It was like a spiral corridor made with screens. On the way in there was a load of raw coffee, tea cocoa and sugar loafs in a cabinet. Go around a bit and there’s a video showing different young black girls, about the same age as my daughter. I’m thinking that I’ve got this, it’s about child labour in African commodity plantations. Around to the centre of the spiral and there’s a sort of cage arrangement. Up the top there’s a dangling thing with feathers and crystals. Beneath it there’s a hollow thin wire outline of a girl, about my daughters size, seemingly reaching up to touch the dangly thing with her finger. We thought that was the end of that bit and went into the next room. I was explaining to my daughter that she was lucky to grow up here and not work in fields etc. Then there was a massive old oil portrait, of a fat man with an old style wig, britches, all that, in a big flouncy frame, with that frame framed by and partially enclosed in a big wooden packing crate. Beside a model of a ship with rows and rows of people crammed in it. I recognised the name on the portrait (Thomas Picton) as being our local part of the statues controversy. Obviously it all started to slot into place. I explained to my puzzled daughter that he was a bad man who did that to people in real life so that’s why his picture was in a crate. The kicker was on the way out. There was a small display cabinet with an old notebook in it. There was a title plate saying “an account of the beating of a slave girl”. On the page opposite the writing there was a sketch of a young girl in exactly the pose of the wire figure, except clearly suspended by her finger, in a cage, being beaten. My daughter (who is mixed race by the way) asked “what does it say daddy?” and I just couldn’t tell her. I actually burst into tears and still find it difficult to understand. TL/Dr - The statue shaggers should be fucking ashamed of themselves. Don’t just bin those statues though, put them in context.
  7. Obviously I’ve not seen Carney’s tax return but i’d expect he’d be UK resident and subject to PAYE on a UK employment. Non Dom just means that there’s no tax on income or Gains outside the UK, unless the funds are brought in to the UK. Still a stitch up but not “tax free”.
  8. Stuart Holden, USA, wc 2010 Born in Cults. Don't know if he's the first though.
  9. I did 25 miles on the M5 last week before realising that there wasn't just an unusually large number of twats flashing their lights at me for no reason and that i in fact was driving in the dark with only my sidelights on. I think my high carrot diet saved me. ^c**t on road.
  10. Don't panic. We haven't lost £10m over two years it's £4.5m. Not great but not £10m. Dave stumped up a £3m injection in late 2020 which went through the balance sheet and not the P&L like other clubs might have done. Ignore the sandwich board wearing lunatic.
  11. On this day in History- 30 years ago 21 November 1992 Dons v Partick in Glasgow. Dons 2-0 up after 56 minutes when the match was abandoned due to snow obscuring the lines (for younger viewers, snow is a type of frozen rain). According to afcheritage the groundsman tried to clear it at half time but "he only had one brush and the head kept coming off it. Despite the anti Dons conspiracy, Aberdeen went on to win the rearranged fixture a few days later 7-0.
  12. I started school in middle England for a couple of years before moving to Scotland. Picked up some of the local dialect on my first couple of days without really understanding. My mum told me to tie my laces and i said "f**k off you b*****d." I took a well deserved major skelping for that.
  13. When he says "vox dei", he's talking about himself isn't he?
  14. That's pretty impressive, not that i understand the stat exactly. Somewhere there's a commanding the box stat that's a bit less rosy, but fair play on the shot stopping.
  15. Donation aside, the difference between Hearts results and ours is pretty much SPL prize money of £800k. All this finance stuff is about having the means to an end. I think that the club having that money at their disposal does give them additional means over and above what we have unfortunately. But it doesn't say anything about how sustainable their business model is compared to ours, or yours. They still have to use that advantage well.
  16. In defence of employment, someone else bears the costs of my procrastination, laziness and incompetence.
  17. They're not great are they. The operating loss of £5.3m is a better reflection of how we did than the net loss (£2.2m). The £3m adjustments were the covid insurance which related to the previous year and which was used to pay for some of those losses and the Ronnie Hernandez transfer, which seems to have little to do with the club. In context, this was our worst season in years on the pitch. Hopefully a better showing on the park this season gets ticket sales and prize money up. The former are surely well ahead of last season for the same time. £1m turnover is about forty or fifty thousand extra tickets. (We're about 5,000 up on last season, with league cup group stages instead of Europe and without any OF visits yet. Last season we had 19k combined for the embra cheeks in October compared to 31k this year. Our attendances plummeted until March last year) We had some expensive dead wood on the park last season, JET, gallagher and Ojo just off the top of my head. I doubt our replacements are any less expensive but are at least not totally shite. We’d have had compo for the management team again last season although probably nothing like the previous year. So hopefully at operating level there's enough change to the turnover and costs to seriously reduce that loss this year. For the benefit of any obsessed yams, we do probably have higher property overheads than we'd like but it's wages and turnover that are the real issue. Below the operating line, we've already paid for these losses at the start of 22/23 with two big transfers. It's a bit high risk to rely on a conveyor belt but we've a young squad with high fee potential. In summary, shite, but not panicking yet.
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