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Everything posted by coprolite

  1. Don't mind those tactics against Celtic myself. If we'd not switched off at the end and been sharper on the break we'd have taken points. As it is, it hasn't done our goal difference much harm. Don't think we need to play like that against other cheek though.
  2. Everything everywhere all at once (2022) Bored housewife, carer and bad businesswoman fights evil across multiple universes. Absolutely mental and very entertaining. Really not about the multiverse at all, and all the better for it. 9/10 All Quiet on the Western Front (2022) Naive youngsters sign up to be heroes in 2018 Germany, but war turns out to be unpleasant. Quite liked the look and feel of this and thought it brought the horror home well. Not much in the way of story and relentlessly grim, which I guess was the point but didn’t help it work as a film. 6/10 500 Days of Summer (2009) Offbeat Romcom. Watched this after seeing comments about it on here. Two quality lead performances, lots of proper laughs, eclectic style and top soundtrack. Felt a bit flabby in places and the denouement didn’t ring true with the Zooey Deschanel character through the rest of the film. Most of the rest of it felt very true though. 8/10 Licorice Pizza Character piece/ love story about two headstrong youngsters. Lots of will they won’t they. Two really intriguing characters who both seem to grow as they are unpacked. Real sense of place and time. The way that the characters actions relate to their motivations felt right, with a realistic amount of randomness and bad judgement thrown in, which was unusual for a film. Could have done without the whole Bradley Cooper chapter which felt like it was from another film. Slightly episodic. 7/10
  3. I remember walking about a mile through that area after getting off at the wrong subway stop due to a fire at a station. Fortunately I was going to see U2 (apparently 1993) so didn’t have colours on. Was like Mogadishu except not as warm. Glad it’s unrecognisable because it was a huge wasteland.
  4. Surely victory here will just mean a lot of clubs disbanding the women's team?
  5. Reminds me of the time I let the goats out of old McDonald’s farm at storybook glen. They ate Mary Mary quite contrary’s garden . It was harrowing.
  6. Starting a sentence with “so” is worse than the behaviour of Bartley, Cowan or Saville.
  7. I think Dave has used the most recently published estimates for each to make a point to the council or for the benefit of the club’s negotiating position. I don’t think that the two figures are comparable in good faith. Kingsford was at £50m in 2019 and informally at £50-60m in late 2021. So probably more like £60-70m now.
  8. I think we’ve finally found who’s responsible for the succession of trolling accounts on the politics forum.
  9. Been a while since Labour have been in the same paragraph as Socialism. Left wing Tories is a belter.
  10. In much the same way that Twitter was entitled to ban Trump, Musk is perfectly entitled to decide who uses his platform. It’s a private company and not a monopoly. People don’t have to use Twitter. People who continue to use it are tacitly supporting and encouraging him. All the cool kids are on the Snapchat anyway.
  11. Thanks man, i'll use the fancy wording if i need to impress the ladies.
  12. Intermittently. It responds almost instantly to treatment, even the cheap shite from home bargains. During the recent prolonged hot spell a related condition made an unwelcome return. Don’t know the medical word but when I worked in kitchens it was known as “chef’s arse”.
  13. That’s a different bit. Upper Methil’s on the hill where Bayview used to be. Lower’s down the hill where bayview is now.
  14. No snow here but I seem to have developed dandruff in my eyebrows which gives a similar effect.
  15. I think that’s overly simplistic. Personally I support all of those that have downed tools so far and think that they all have good reasons for going out. There are good arguments against some of the action as well. Not all the strikes have the same context. The Scottish teachers’ strike was different from the English one because of the budget constraints on Holyrood. There were reasonable arguments put forward about the distributional impacts of that claim on lower paid staff. Of course, it’s P&B so there was some knee jerk reactionary Ill thought out shit too, but there was at least a point to make. We had a teacher on here saying he’d voted against action (in England) because he’d prefer funds to go to lower paid assistants. That doesn’t fit your categories at all. There’s also a moral hazard problem. In my Union days (in a small Union) we balloted on and went on strike against the committee’s advice. Their view was that there was no appetite in the membership for prolonged action (true) and any effort would be tokenism. We had such low density in the workplace that no one really noticed we were out for a day and the employer pushed through the changes anyway. Obviously it’s not exactly the same for the bigger unions with higher membership densities but showing your hand can be a bad idea and let the employer know just how weak your resolve is. Then there’s the problem of the occasional grandstanding egomaniac who likes calling strikes to get on the telly and be all Scargilly without any care for their members long term best interests and the sustainability of their position. I don’t think there’s as many of these as there used to be, but there’s a couple.
  16. Sounds positive but worryingly vague. Does this mean the council will fork out to keep us in the city?
  17. Fair point. The money's the fig leaf of justification
  18. Man on street sees “£800bn new trade from brexit”, thinks: £800bn is a big number; trade is a good thing; new is good thing; therefore brexit lots of money good thing. man on street sees “official statistics watchdog…blah blah blah” boooriiing, not reading that. Still thinks “brexit good, make lot of money” This is how Brexit always worked.
  19. Not sure which of our one available centre backs will start this. Will need either McKenzie or Milne at Lcb if we want to keep a back three. More likely revert to a four, and with McCrorie as part of a pair and Richardson in there it’s hard to see how this isn’t a humping. Our best hope is that Celtic don’t get out of first gear again.
  20. Aren’t we going to need loads of hydrogen and somewhere to put all the helium?
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