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Everything posted by coprolite

  1. Is that what that was all about? Lacked clarity, conciseness and sanity imo.
  2. Free pen, get away with pen, ban cancelled for justifiable, if borderline, red, yet The rangers are still hard done by. Fucking Rhangers.
  3. Have you not already made a thread to bait indy supporters with tedious shite? Is that one broken?
  4. This is how to be a petty minded nationalist https://www.walesonline.co.uk/news/wales-news/plaid-cymru-councillor-suspended-after-24831251 SNP got some work to do the lilly-livered pussies.
  5. When i was wee i kept beasties i found in the garden as "pets". I lived on the edge of the Jungle in Borneo so had a giant centipede, some sort of slow worm or blind snake, loads of beetles, cicadas, gourami and a fighting fish. All in plastic tubs. I couldn't catch the lizards. Came back to the UK and I had a pet snail. It was pretty shit so i let it go. All better than the cat though. That little c**t waits until everyone else has gone to bed, movie/match lined up on the tellyand a couple of tins, i put my feet up, then: miaaaaooow miaaaaooow! MeeeeeeOooooooOOW! Demanding little b*****d does it on purpose. And it hates me.
  6. Truss is comedy gold as PM, a sort of hybrid of Margot Leadbetter and Frank Spencer with the cunning and intellect of Father Dougal. Highlights include telling the Japanese PM to "chillax about Taiwan", mixing up paperwork to take the UK out of the UN and join the Surbiton Women's Institute and walking into a lampost. With Britain's moron population distracted by the hilarity the Tories continue to loot the country and rig the capitalist system in their favour. Poor people are made to generate electricity on giant treadmills in exchange for food credits. To encourage investment in growth, the highest rate of tax is replaced with a 20% tax rebate funded by putting VAT on bread, pasta, rice and potato products. The NHS is broken up, with the real estate going to opaque offshore trusts associated with dodgy mates of the governments' (Russian, American, Chinese, Saudi, who cares, they have big yachts) and the running of it outsourced to highly leveraged private equity firms. Education is fully privatised, with most state schools replaced with Wetherspoons, Sports Direct and Amazon academies and universities banned from teaching Arts courses to anyone with less that £1m in a trust fund. Our moat of sewage will be reinforced by razor wire and machine gun towers. All boats not visibly crewed by white people will be dive bombed by specially adapted Spitfire replicas playing Rule Britannia through suspended speakers. Then into 2023, where things start to get bad....
  7. Woman in front of my family at an ice cream kiosk in a park got to the front of the queue, took out her phone and dialled. The side of the conversation i heard went: "what you wantin? ....ice cream..... .... They've got lollies or cones..... ... Callippo, mivvys, magnum, eh?.... .... Eh?.... ..... Classic, caramel or mint..... Eh? .... Vanillla, chocolate rum and raisin, strawberry, cookies and cream, raspberry ripple eh?... .... [to mannie, not into phone] DI YE DAE TUBS? [back to phone] Aye they dae tubs.... .... Pistachio and mint choc chip. Aye? Ok. What about mum?.... ...Hi mum. They've got chocolate...... Etc. " At least 10 minutes for this one boot to order half a dozen ice creams.
  8. What's wrong with a pie chart? They're showing proportions of a whole. Seems appropriate for the pie. If i seem overly confrontational it's because i fucking love pie charts. But i do like a more user-friendly (while still aesthetically pleasing) colour scheme. I don't do graphs for a living though. Just a bit of fun.
  9. Correct. Seriously though, i'm sure McInnes tried to keep him when he left us and then re-sign him for Southend and both times it was a lack of assurances on game time that meant hr wouldn't come. Jim's just signed a first choice pairing, so i can't see it happening even if we ask. He would be way, way better back up than Bates though.
  10. It's just not a good time for it, that's all. Maybe in five years when everyone has starved, frozen or melted, then you can have your wee strike
  11. As someone who did quite well out of minimal coursework and lots of last minute cramming, this sounds shite.
  12. That must be 12 hours attendance a week, max. Well Jell
  13. I think so. I'd have remembered having Jesus in my class.
  14. Might be that nominitave (sp?) determinism thingy
  15. The press will still represent Labour as responsible for the strikes which will harm their centrist support while that feeble cretin starmer will alienate the actual labour movement by siding with the centrists. The Tories will probably send the army in with instructions to shoot on sight and the morons will love it.
  16. I’d say number 5 is borderline acceptable as a very lame dad joke. The rest are below any sort of standard. I’d be embarrassed to say those to the kids never mind to an audience paying to hear comedic talent. I’d rather see a bad tempered magician being all racist and getting his stump out.
  17. I did know that was his daughter but never knew her name. That's the two things learned today.
  18. A post in the Pttgoyn thread prompted me to wonder whether Jasper Carrott's real name was Jasper Carrott. It isn't. It's Robert Davies.
  19. This is step one of the plan. Step 2 is to outsource to private contractors, like the c***s that do disability assessments to stop benefits.
  20. Exactly. People who would think their business will shrink tend to not run their own businesses. If you tested the growth expectations against the outcomes, the outcome will be lower almost all of the time.
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