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Everything posted by coprolite

  1. Law society : The Principles apply to individuals and firms. Solicitors must act: in a way that upholds the constitutional principle of the rule of law, and the proper administration of justice in a way that upholds public trust and confidence in the solicitors' profession and in legal services provided by authorised persons with independence with honesty with integrity in a way that encourages equality, diversity and inclusion in the best interests of each client
  2. Typical of the Guardian, going looking for these rare bad news stories.
  3. Walker/ crocker. Ffs Rangers bossing it. dominant. Shots on target, 0. 90% possession in last 10 mins. Whoopeedoo. All in middle 1/3 while livi watch and smoke cigars.
  4. Rangers in cheating all over the place shocker. Livingston uncharacteristically lacking brutality so far.
  5. Ha. Hard to tell which bit of the forum it's in on my view. St Johnstone fans might remember this question and get back to me in five years time.
  6. Any fans of East Stirling, Berwick or Brechin have anything positive to say about dropping out of the league? Fewer humpings? Closer away days? Anything?
  7. The top 2 Welsh teams don't contribute to their rankings so are already out. Top 4 really.
  8. Apparently the big yellow camera beside the bus lane isn't just a decoration. Who knew?
  9. It would obviously have a negative impact on people with pension funds and ISAs. That's the point. It's not a fringe opinion and I don't claim it's my idea. The marxist lefty Tories were seriously considering harmonising the CGT rate with income taxes until very recently. I assume donor pressure kiboshed that plan. I don't think i said it would be easy. There's obviously a lot of vested interests, not least because of the demographics where the generation that currently holds most of the income generating assets holds sway at the ballot box. "difficult" and "unachievable" are not the same thing.
  10. The best statistics are made up statistics. The richest people whose assets could be part of the tax base will have barely any income showing in the stats. Either because they're not resident or because they get capital gains instead. And i wasn't only advocating taxing the richest 1% more. I was advocating taxing all unearned income and capital gains at higher rates for equality with earned income. Don't let your poor comprehension skills and low intelligence put you off spamming the thread though.
  11. I guess this means Coulson straight in the 11 v Celtic?
  12. That's good for management but doesn't really help the owners. They've £2m on the new entrepreneurs relief at 10% then it's 20%.
  13. We need to tax unearned income at the same rate as employment income and drop the National Insurance charade. We need to increase the rate of capital gains tax to the same as income tax levels. The main "loophole", as someone called it, used by the rich is to not take dividends and sell the company to pay capital gains tax at 20%. This doesn't show up in any widely published income or earnings stats that i know of. Scotland isn't any poorer than the UK as a whole and has plenty of rich people, valuable companies and natural resources that can pay for public services.
  14. Companies shouldn't be able to make superprofits off the back of exploiting their workers in my (apparently unpopular) opinion. Many are and mainly in sectors with low union density. Neoliberalism says this is ok because they're wealth creating innovators. Marxian theory says that there is a power assymetry which means that capital obtains the surplus produced by labour. If you've sunk earned £millions into developing an innovative profit or service then you deserve some reward for that risk and time. Take dividends. If you've leveraged a buyout of an existing business using inherited money and have a state backed income stream where you can increase profits by making staff casual or self employed, then you deserve f**k all. There are many points in between but i reckon the UK economy is weighted towards the latter.
  15. I have a feeling this will be a confidence-sapping humping. But Celtic will bounce back.
  16. I expect we'll be less adventurous against Celtic, but still very unconvinced by our defensive capabilities. Maybe they'll be rusty.
  17. Been watching some random cack Fury 2014 Tank crew in war is hell buddy movie. This film takes itself very seriously. It shouldn't have. I think they were going for a Saving Private Ryan/ Band of Brothers realism vibe. The cinematography is in the realist style and is a real plus point. You can almost smell the corpses at points. Overused the head explosion effect though. Unfortunately the characters and everything that happens are completely dumb. 4/10 Die Hard 2, Die Harder (1990) Baddies hijack an airport with John Mcclane in it. Bad move. I hated this when i first saw it. Thought it was stupid. It really is about the dumbest film i can think of. The whole premise makes no sense. People react in unbelievable ways to events. Technological stuff happens that seems improbable. A guy gets squashed to death by a roller on the suitcase conveyer while bigger suitcases go through it. Still. Was good fun. Big explosions. Zingers. Etc 6/10 In the loop (2009) Thinly veiled reimagining of the events around the Dodgy dossier. This was better than i remembered. I was in fits of laughter at points. Swearing is funny. Best ever excuse for infidelity. "don't call me English" 9/10
  18. Not if UK producers are relatively less efficient and could be using the same capital and people to produce something else more efficiently and sell that to Belgium. Everyone wins. Fairly basic stuff here.
  19. The example you've just given is of a reduction in cross border trade.
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