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Everything posted by coprolite

  1. As not a Utd fan, Courts was a massive disappointment. He never delivered on his early banter potential and stopped speaking in management bs, then added salt to the wound by being relatively competent at football. Dick.
  2. I assume he's not actually including the poor fuckers that are getting bundled on to the plane to the concentration camps as "members of elite society". I understand that they're unlikely to support this policy.
  3. Every decision against the government gets picked up by that Guido Fawkes cesspit and painted as a moral victory, with character assassination of the prosecutors and that hot take gets recycled by the contrarian community as evidence of a left wing establishment plot. I have to doff my hat to the complete job that the Tories and their brexitty chums have done. How they managed to convince people that a cabal of privately educated, landed, oxbridge Tories are anti establishment is quite something. Establishment is anti- establishment. Losing is winning. Ignorance is Strength etc...
  4. When i were a lad you could get 20 marlborough for 400 baisa (~60p) or 30 bidi for 100 baisa. Still not too sure what was in those bidi. I think it was tobacco.
  5. But first, pay to go to university
  6. Doubt it. Record finding tenuous OF connection to story that doesn't involve OF.
  7. We have a parlour palm that's doing very well less than a metre from our router. One each at half time on shady evidence for something.
  8. Medical grade diamorphine administered hygeinically would have negligible health impacts compared to tobacco. Most of the health issues come from the bulking agents and unsanitary conditions, which are arguably a result of prohibition.
  9. Reading between the lines of the judgement, i'd got the impression that the judge thought that the previous judge had made a c**t of defining the "single meaning" of what she'd said. Having seen that, i can see why- she clearly doesn't allege that brexit campaign money came from Russia. What an awful speaker though, amazed anyone sat through that.
  10. She said that he told lies about a covert relationship with the russians and implied that these were in relation to funding the brexit campaign. The judgement includes the judge saying that he lied about his relationship with the Russians. . "But there were aspects of Mr Banks’s evidence that came across as evasive and lacking in candour. For example, his attempt to claim that the “Russian gold sector consolidation play” seven-page presentation was prepared by Andrew Umbers, rather than a document provided to him by Siman Povarenkin, was not credible. Nor was his denial that the leaking of the text of emails to the press in early June 2018 had forced him to give a more detailed account of his relationship with the Russian Embassy credible. " What this case has established is that he had a covert relationship with Russians and lied about it but that there's no evidence that the lies were linked to campaign funding. Pyrrhic AF
  11. Or we could just be waiting for the Ramsey money to be confirmed before committing?
  12. I assume this latest shitshow is confirmation that we're not getting our much fantasised over trade deal with the septics? Advertising to the world that we negotiate with fingers crossed behind our backs. Absolutely shameless.
  13. I liked The Godfather but it's never as good as Goodfellas. My unpopular opinion is that the first film is better than part 2, which is a bit too grandiose.
  14. Not overly tbh. Half expecting a couple of deals to be in the pipeline with scarf photos after nations league games. Obviously would be better to have a full squad in place from day 1 but if waiting means better signings then we should wait. I reserve the right to revise this opinion when we're behind at half time against Peterhead
  15. Why would a defendant receive damages? Gibberish
  16. This is certainly the line that some bunch of VL white supremacists came up with when he criticised them. I thought you good faith debater types frowned on ad hom arguments? Oops sorry, forgot you're practically a reactionary bot.
  17. If there's a limit on numbers in each team, yes, total waste of a slot.
  18. First year at primary. I think Wales has the same set up as England and my kids joined reception in the year they turned 5.
  19. Six-strings are for little people who can't reach the end of a bass and who have weak, child-like fingers that can't manage the thicker strings. You'd probably break a nail and cry.
  20. He never said he'd fix the defence in a couple of weeks There are no recent recorded instances of livestock of any kind being left unsupervised. He probably does want most of the new signings in for the start of the season which is still seven weeks away. Do you not like spain? It is fresh information that Gunn is a "Jakey Tramp" Otherwise this is all spot on. Own up, who's the funster behind this parody account?
  21. Point behind it, shout “look, a cat”, grab child, run off. If the dog gives chase then it’s @throbber’s anal digit suggestion. It won’t scare the dog but you’ll die smiling.
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