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Everything posted by coprolite

  1. @RandomGuy. You still have one wish remaining. Can you use it to get us a fee for Kennedy?
  2. Other parts of the UK took action to make the process easier last year and were not publicly criticised by the EHRC https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-56972195.amp I wonder why they've acted differently this time?
  3. Had to look that up and i think i'd have to look a lot more up to understand. Is it like when Obelix takes extra potion?
  4. Straight and heterosexual eh? Kinky
  5. So you’re ok with a right wing government with authoritarian tendencies politicising equalities law for populist benefit because you won’t suffer?
  6. The facts The proposed reforms will not change any rights that trans people who have legally changed gender have or will have. The reforms relax some criteria about how that legal change happens so that it takes less time and doesn’t require approval from a full panel. Third party professional approval will still be needed and there will still be an effective 6 month (down from 2 year) holding period. The EHrc is a UK government body and this is a devolved matter. The Scottish Government says that the EHrc consists of political appointees and has been consulted twice already. The legislation will go through consultation and debate before it is passed, if it is passed. The EHrc says that the govt needs to give more consideration to people’s concerns and safeguarding. my opinion is that the EHrc is at it and this is a high profile dead cat/operation red meat manoeuvre on behalf of cronies with Westminster interests. This will really froth up the gammon judging by the state it got Nick Robinson in on the radio this morning. So we’ve had immigrant bashing (sink them!), hitting the unemployed (get on your bike) and now trolling the woke. Trade unions and single mothers still needed for a full house.
  7. If only there was a famous quote of hers to deploy here. … nope, can’t think of anything
  8. Intact as far as i'm concerned. I might not have said that 10 years ago.
  9. Surely evidence that the class structure is slowly crumbling if this common whore can own a mansion and have an income more befitting of the urban professional class or minor gentry?
  10. You must be seeing different stuff to me then. Everything i've seen is about whether Russia will be sending official forces into Donbas to support its unofficial forces and ethnic Russian separatists that it already supports. No suggestion that Kiev is remotely at risk. I'm not saying that what i've seen is representative of the mainstream. I just assume that the TV news will be rubbish so have no idea what Dan and Naga think, for example.
  11. Jury trial and a civil law standard of proof though. Giving the impression of being shifty and not having consistent evidence is probably almost as bad as being proved to be lying. I always sympathised with Jiuffre in this case, but my mind was made up when I saw his BS about not sweating. Technically it doesn’t prove anything but it convinced me. I'd imagine the jury will think in a similar way.
  12. With modern marketing techniques we’re going to end up with a loaf still being £1 but it will be a millimetre long.
  13. To be fair, unless otherwise stated disgraced politicians should always be assumed to be tories
  14. Although i did kind of slag him off i don't think Starmer's first priority is actually to attack the Tories and win an election. I think his success should be judged on whether he can stop the Labour Party from self destructing.
  15. Predictions The guy who sent the email and whoever bought the cake to be found to have broken rules and defenestrated. Recommendation for Johnson to put in place revised governance procedures or something equally bollocks. Police's upcoming agreed decision that there's insufficient evidence or public benefit for a prosecution to be presented as independent corroboration that Boris is great. Nobody believes a word of it but Tories brass it out. Starmer to be quoted as saying "i believe that it is very important that we give an effective and clear blah blah blah some old shite about hardworking families etc"
  16. Quite right. Money should be funnelled to friends of the government through official channels by awarding lucrative contracts, bail outs and subsidies. Russian money does pose a bit of a threat to the influence of American money.
  17. This isn't really inconsistent with most of the more sensible commentary in the West, including the official state views. They're saying that Russia isn't going to try to Annex Ukraine. I haven't seen anyone seriously suggest they are. They do say A large-scale armed escalation in eastern Ukraine with the official entrance of the Russian armed forces into territories currently under occupation is very real. Attempts to break the Ukrainian lines and a general intensification of hostilities are possible.
  18. What the absolute f**k are you dribbling about you pompous windbag?
  19. You are allowed an opinion as long as you agree that St Mirren were quality and should have won by four. Anything else is sour grapes and toys out of the pram.
  20. Yes, the narrative (as swallowed whole by the board's resident tory dupes) is that Boris isn't a real Tory so we need a real Tory to do Tory things like cutting spending. The opposition aided and abetted by the pravda press is playing into their hands by making it personal and not making an issue of Tory corruption, tory incompetence and tory lies. It is all about Boris.
  21. Didn't see any of the game last night but saw the 0-0 at half time with 70% possession and no shots on goal and knew that St Mirren would win with the only shot on target. I'm not a genius or prescient or anything, it's just getting very familiar. Those pies look decent.
  22. They’ll be thinking he can’t relegate them twice
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