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Everything posted by coprolite

  1. I remember that. That was nuts too. Proof of doping was that Jermaine Defoe was 38 and could run for 90 minutes. I almost feel bad for laughing at the boy now, but not quite.
  2. You misunderstand the purpose of the conservative party. When the state is used to support capital it needs to be big. Personal liberty is only important when it concerns the freedom to serve capital's interests. And tax isn't high. It is higher than it was but historically and compared to the OECD it is on the low side of normal. Good to hear that Tories aren't happy though. That's always music to the ears.
  3. You got him from Ireland didn't you? He's probably got further than we have since 2008. I meant up to speed with Glassball though. He'll need to learn to play loads of passes without any purpose or direction.
  4. I'd guess McGrath coming in Jan is contingent on getting a fee for Hedges to go early? If Hedges is leaving would prefer us to change now rather than in the summer. Get McGrath up to speed for Europe.
  5. Our big bag of Aldi's museli appears to have been centrifuged. I've had fruit-free wheat flakes for the last week and have now moved on to a layer of oat powder. I reckon i'll get a bowl of sultanas next monday. If I'd opened it i would have shaken it first and not cut the top third off the bag to prevent later shaking, but i didn't. I could always decant it or stir it in the bag but i'm kind of intrigued how it will pan out now.
  6. They won't have seen it as any sort of a risk. They'll have heard the rules being announced in the context of them being rules for the little people that wouldn't impact the likes of them. Like tax laws, corporate governance or controls on spending public money.
  7. "can you help with this thing on my phone" "sure, let's have a look" "hang on! you're always trying to take over!"
  8. I always try to find dog free places to go on holiday, campsites, beaches etc. Problem is the number of people who don't think that means their dog is barred. Feel like restaurants should be dog free by default and flag up if they allow dogs, rather than putting the onus on potential customers. Lots do advertise that they are dog friendly so that normal people can avoid them.
  9. I don't know what you're all laughing at. It is a terrible idea for Ibrox to invade Russia and i don't think it should.
  10. I really don't. Would take the angry wee fat lad with the funny hair though. Just for a laugh.
  11. Your geometry is shit. Unless we're getting someone from the rangers that's a line, not a triangle.
  12. I don't think we'd pay a fee unless Blackburn pay us a fee to get Hedges early. Not itk, just guessing.
  13. Apologies for not having followed all your previous posts. Don't want to derail the hibees thread any more. Over £2m for Boyle at 29 seems like pretty good business. I can understand hibees wanting more but i'd be surprised if anyone would bid £3m for someone whose main attribute is pace, at his age.
  14. Will you be boycotting coverage of next summers world cup and shunning all the players and sponsors, Ric?
  15. I live and work in the UK. Does that mean that i support our exploitative and unequal political system? Saudi is beginning a process of opening up, girls being co-educated and corrupt royals being punished, The salafists are getting pissed off about the decline of their influence. Surely we should be helping them open up? Football can connect the masses with the outside world.
  16. Margaret Attwood - handmaids tale (classic), Oryx and Crake trilogy (less so, but interesting) Anthony Burgess- Clockwork Orange, The Wanting Seed
  17. On the televised episode of Infinite Monkey Cage, Robin Ince ripped the utter pish out him for buying expensive face cream despite being a scientist who knows it's all lies. Good tv.
  18. Does she always write like that? I couldn't make it to the end. I think she was saying the government is corrupt but it was difficult to tell.
  19. The old Scottish Universities awarding Masters as honours degrees. Master sounds way cooler than bachelor and it sounds like a postgraduate degree to the uninitiated. Was worth £500 on my starting salary at the civil service that last bit.
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